Work in progress

THT 434

Known as:THT 434; B 434
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "THT 434". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 07 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Kizil Ming-öy
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: ink on paper



a1/// sw· ·t· – ///
a2– «pa¯» «¯s» [p]· r[e] śśi ye mpa śka śe¯ ¯m ya ksai śa wā ///
a3a mo kce¯ ¯s yi kṣye pi śṣa ṅkaṃ ÷
a4pa ñcwa ri ke ci tta ra kṣi te lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa ///
a5ṣu kme ña ntse ne ka pyā re¯ ¯s kle se ma sa ta rya to¯ ¯m wā kte wi to¯ ¯m
a6a mo kce¯ ¯s yi kṣye pi śṣa ṅkaṃ ÷
a7pa ñcwa ri ke ci tta ra kṣi te lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa ¤
a8o kme ña ntse ne ka pyā re¯ ¯s kle se tau pi śṣa ṅkaṃ wā kte tau ke – (–)
a9śa ntā lyai klai na te ṅke¯ ¯ś pa¯ ¯s mai yta re a mo kce¯ ¯s yi kṣye pi śṣa ṅka
a10pa ñcwa ri ke ci tta ra kṣi te lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa ¤
a11ñu me ña ntse ne ka pyā re¯ ¯s kle se wi tau¯ ¯m wā kte tau wi ṣa ṅkaṃ a mo kce¯ ¯s
a12yi kṣye tau
a13– ñcwa ri ke ci tta ra kṣi te lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa –


a1/// s w(āk)t(e) – ///
a2päs p·reśśiyempa śka śem yaksai śawā – ///
a3amokces yikṣye piś ṣaṅkäṃ ÷ ///
a4pañcwarike cittarakṣite lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śarsa ///
a5ṣuk meñantsene kapyāres klese masa tarya tom wākte wi tom
a6amokces yikṣye piś ṣaṅkäṃ ÷
a7pañcwarike cittarakṣite lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śarsa
a8ok meñantse ne kapyāres klese tau piś ṣaṅkäṃ wākte tau ke – ///
a9śantālyai klaina teṅkeś päs maiytare amokces yikṣye piś ṣaṅkäṃ
a10pañcwarike cittarakṣite lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śarsa
a11ñu meñantsene kapyāres klese wi taum wākte tau wi ṣaṅkäṃ amokces
a12yikṣye tau
a13(pa)ñcwarike cittarakṣite lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme (śarsa) ///


a1/// ...wākte to ... ///
a2He also came back with ... They ate yakso...
a3Flour for the artisans: five pints... ///
a4The Pañcwarike Cittarakṣite saw it ¤. The Saṅkästere Āryawarme knew about it ///
a5On day of the month seven, klese for the kapyāri was spent: three pecks. wākte: two pecks.
a6Flour for the artisans: five pints.
a7The Pañcwarike Cittarakṣite saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it ¤.
a8On day of the month eight, klese for the kapyāri: a peck, five pints. wākte: a peck.
a9... the women went away to Teṅken1 . Flour for the aritsans: five pints.
a10The Pañcwarike Cittarakṣite saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it ¤.
a11On day of the month nine, klese for the kapyāri: two pecks. wākte: a peck, two pints.
a12Flour for the artisans: a peck.
a13The Pañcwarike Cittarakṣite saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it.


Philological commentary

n1śantālyai is an obscure word. Ching and Ogihara connect it to śaiyye (pl. śānta) 'sheep'. However, 'shepherd women' doesn't seem to be correct, as one would expect *śantālyana klaina. It especially doesn't fit in THT 472 a1. Ching and Ogihara connect Teṅke to Chinese 鄧.


Online access

IDP: THT 434; TITUS: THT 434


Sieg and Siegling 1953: 289-290; Ching 2010: 278-279; Ching and Ogihara 2010: 83-85; Thomas 1957: 138


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching and Ogihara 2010

Ching, Chao-jung, and Hirotoshi Ogihara. 2010. “Internal relationships and dating of the Tocharian B monastic accounts in the Berlin collection.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 25: 75–141.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Sieg and Siegling 1953

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”