Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 7O; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 7O
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 7O". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 10 Dec. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavibhaṅga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Manuscript:Karmavibhaṅga β
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.2 × 10 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.2 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// – : ce ntsa nä tko wo ma [s](·) kwa la tte ytā r[i] [c]· ///
a2/// kā no ksa yi ta rwa se ha la hā lna ka n[m]a ///
a3/// tu sa ke tā ñme ne stsye wa lkai tte ta [r]·[o] ///
a4/// ā rta lñe ā klye kre ntaṃ tsya kne ne wa tka ///
a5/// sa ṣa ñśau ltsa o lypo ai kne pā ṣtsi pa ///
a6/// tsa o sne (–) ntse ysa ltse e ṅka lśco na ya ///
b1/// wi tskai pre ṅke yso mo yo lai ñe ntaṃ ts[y]a ///
b2/// kw[ä] ntsa ññe ntse sa naṃ wā ṣmoṃ wai ke rse rttse ///
b3/// ksa lkau ca ste pa pā ṣṣo rñe tu sa nai śai ///
b4/// ·k· wi kṣa lyi sa ai śau mye ntso a ppa mā ///
b5/// ṣṣo rñe tu sa śau ltsa pā ṣtsyai kne 30 5 yso ///
b6/// kwi pe mpreṃ tsñe ntse : o [stka] l[y]a mñe ntse po yā ta ///


a1/// – : centsa nätkowo mas= (e)kwalatte ytāri ///
a2n1 /// no ks= ayitär wase halahāl nakanma ///
a3n2 /// tusa ket= āñme nestsy ewalkaitte tar·o ///
a4/// ārtalñe āklye krentaṃts yaknene watka ///
a5/// (tu)sa ṣañ śaultsa olypo aikne pāṣtsi pa(pāṣṣorñe) ///
a6n3n4 /// tsä osne (e)ntse ysaltse eṅkäl śconay a ///
b1/// witskai preṅke ysomo yolaiñentaṃts ya ///
b2/// kwäntsaññentse sanaṃ wāṣmoṃ waike rserttse ///
b3/// k sälkauca ste papāṣṣorñe tus= anaiśai ///
b4n5 /// ·k· wikṣalyisa aiśaumyentso appamā(t) ///
b5/// (papā)ṣṣorñe tusa śaultsa pāṣtsy aikne 30-5 yso(mo) ///
b6n6 /// kwip= empreṃtsñentse : ost kälyamñentse po yāta(lñe) ///


a1... Urged by these ones, he went his way unabated ...
a2... But why someone should take the [deadly] halāhala poison in order to cure diseases? ...
a3... Therefore the one whose desire [is] to be unconcerned ...
a4... preference ..., the study in the way of the good ones differed ...
a5... Therefore during the own life the superior duty [is] to observe the ob(servance) ...
a6... in the house of ... (pl.) greed, discord, passion, hatred, (pride?)
b1... the root ..., the island altogether of all sorts of evil ...
b2... the enemy [and] the friend of firmness ..., the lie [is] hateful ...
b3... (the Buddha) is the one who pulls out ...; therefore the observance (should be studied?) carefully ...
b4... through the avoidance by the sages (to treat others) with disdain ...
b5... therefore it is the duty to observe the observance during the life. 35. Altogether ...
b6... of the shame [and] of the truthfulness; every capacity of staying in the house ...


Linguistic commentary

*There are two forms with o-mobile, no doubt in colon/pāda-final position.
n1The form halahāl is a loan from Skt. halāhala- ‘(a kind of) deadly poison’.
n2Since no root wälk- is attested so far in TB, what we have here is rather a variant of empalkaitte ‘unconcerned, not worried’ written with ‹wa› for ‹pa›, which has some parallels.
n3The hapax ysaltse ought to be understood as an abstract parallel to the other terms of the same line which, judging from śconay, are all in the oblique. It would be a substantivized adjective based on the stem underlying the noun ysalye ‘discord, enmity’.
n6kälyamñe is an abstract based on an unattested agent noun in -mo from the root käly- "to stay, remain".


*Recto and verso cannot be ascertained.

Philological commentary

n4At the end amāṃ ‘pride’ may be restored.
n5The only sensible separation is to take wikṣalyisa as a single word form. In that case we have an uncommon form of the abstract, which is based on the gerund wikṣalle or on the abstract wikṣalñe. For the formation see the discussion on parskalyisa in PK AS 16.2 b 3.