Work in progress
SI B 117
Known as: | SI B 117; U 18; Fragment Mironov; Mir. |
Cite this page as: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "SI B 117". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Jan. 2025). |
Edition |
Editor: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator) |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Kucha |
Collection: | Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg) |
Language and Script |
Language: | Skt.; TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents |
Title of the work: | Udānavarga |
Passage: | 29.45a-52a |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Doctrine |
Verse/Prose: | prose |
Object |
Manuscript: | Mironov |
Material: |
on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Size (h × w): | 9.1 × 16.6 cm |
Number of lines: | 6 |
Interline spacing: | 1.4 cm |
a1 | /// [na] • na kse ntra ā¯ ¯m ṣme ñcai • na nda nti ba hu bhā ṇi na¯ ¯m• na [ks]· [ntra] /// |
a2 | /// [s]t[i] lo ke ṣva ni ndi ta ḥ mā ne saṃ śai ṣṣe ne a nā ka tte • 40 5 /// |
a3 | /// p[r]a śaṃ si ta ḥ so mo ka lymi wa¯ ¯t pa pā lau • nā bhū dbha vi ṣya ti /// |
a4 | /// [no] ña k· ka lpā stra 40 6 ya ntu vi jñā pra śaṃ sa nti • kuce no /// |
a5 | /// [s]ā sā [sa] mā khyā tā • pā la lyñe su we we ñu • na tva jñai rya /// |
a6 | /// [sso] nta ya [k]ne mpa ri tto¯ ¯s̝• prā jñaṃ śī le ṣu sa mvṛ [t]· – ·ai /// |
b1 | /// [¯m]t[•] ka sta [nni] ndi tu ma rha ti • kuse cau nā ktsi a rca ntra [40] 8 ś[ai] /// |
b2 | /// [s](·) mā wa ska ntra • e vaṃ ni ndā pra śaṃ sā bhi ḥ ma ntrā kka nā ka l[yñ]e /// |
b3 | /// sya mū laṃ kṣi tau nā sti • ke te wi tsa ko ke nne mā ne saṃ • pa rṇ /// |
b4 | /// [¯]m[•] cau ai śa moṃ śa nmau meṃ tsa lpo ṣo • ko nu ni ndi tu ma rha ti • ·[us] /// |
b5 | /// ntā naṃ pa ri kha ñca yo ni vṛ tta ḥ se rke tsre rme s̝pa kuse ka klau /// |
b6 | /// [s]· de va ko pi lo ka ḥ mā ai śtra śle ñä kci ye ra no śai ṣṣe 50-1 ya [s] /// |
a1 | One blames the one who sits in silence, [45a] Sanskrit one blames (the one who speaks much), [45b] One blames the one who speaks much... |
a2 | Sanskrit there is no one irreproachable in the world. [45d] |
a2+ | Sanskrit Or one who is exclusively praised never was, will be (or) is found now. |
a4 | [46d] |
a5 | Sanskrit But the one whom (the wise ones praise), [47a] Sanskrit that praise has been said (definitely). [47c] Sanskrit But not the one who... by the ignorant... |
a6+ | The one provided with wisdom, characterized by (good) behavior, [48a] Sanskrit the wise one, restrained in good behavior, (...) [48b] like (a coin of gold), [48c] Sanskrit who is entitled to blame that one? |
b1 | [48d] Sanskrit |
b2 | (Just like mountains) not tremble (because of the wind), [49b] Sanskrit in the very same way by blame (or praise), [49c] (the wise ones do not tremble). |
b3 | Sanskrit At the basis of which there is no root, [50a] Sanskrit |
b4 | such a wise one liberated from all chains, [50c] Sanskrit who (is entitled to blame that one?) |
b5 | Sanskrit who has turned away from continuity and the abyss, [51b] |
b6 | Sanskrit the world even with its gods does not recognize (him). [51d] Sanskrit |
a1+ | Man tadelt [wtl. sie tadeln] den, der schweigend sitzt, (man) tadelt (den, der viel spricht, man tadelt den, der wenig spricht:) Es gibt niemanden in der Welt, der nicht getadelt wird. (Schmidt 1974: 174) |
a3+ | (Einen Menschen, der nur getadelt) oder nur gelobt [wird], (gab es nicht, wird es nicht geben und) gibt es auch jetzt (nicht). (Schmidt 1974: 215) |
a6+ | Einen Einsichtigen, einen mit (dem ]guten] Wandel) Verbundenen, einen Verständigen, ..., wer kann den tadeln? (Schmidt 1974: 100) |
Parallel texts
Philological commentary
* | The edition is based on autopsy of the original manuscript. |
n1 | The mutilated akṣara at the beginning of the line belongs to Skt. āsīnaṃ (45a). In the middle of the line the reading nandanti is certain instead of nindanti. This mistake may be due to the influence of the TB match naksenträ. |
n3 | The first word has to be restored as Skt. nāsti (45d). |
n5 | The complete translation of the pāda 46d na cāpy etarhi vidyate can be safely restored as mā ra no ñake kälpāsträ. |
n6 | The first visible akṣara belongs to Skt. praśaṃsā (47c).The last visible syllable belongs to yaḥ (47d). |
n8 | There is no trace of virāma after ‹nta›. This final group -ssont belongs to the oblique singular masculine of an adjective in -ssu translating Skt. medhāvinaṃ (45a). At the end of the line a part of the uppermost paper layer has been torn away before ai. This syllable certainly begins the word aiśaumye translating Skt. prājñaṃ (48b). |
n9 | The first visible sequence is the end of TB ramt translating Skt. iva (48c). The last visible syllable on the line begins Skt. śailo (49e). |
n11 | One may restore the complete translation of the pāda 49b Skt. vāyunā na prakampyate as wentesa mā waskanträ. |
n14 | At the beginning of the line one reads the end of Skt. muktam. Note that the final nasal is noted in the same way in a1 and probably in a6. |
n16 | The line begins with the final part of Skt. santānaṃ (51b). At the end of the line one should restore TB kaklautkau translating Skt. nivṛttaḥ. |
Linguistic commentary
n2 | As match of the locative plural Skt. lokeṣu (45d) one finds the locative singular TB śaiṣṣene ‘in the world’. One may surmise the omission of an anusvāra in the form śaiṣṣeṃne, but the singular also makes perfect sense. |
n4 | The adverb Skt. ekāntaṃ ‘absolutely, exclusively’ (46b) has been translated according to the etymological meaning ‘having a unique goal’, i.e., TB somo-kälymi ‘having a unique direction’. |
n7 | The Sanskrit compound vṛtta-yuktam (48a) lit. ‘provided with good conduct’, ‘virtuous’ has been translated etymologically by TB yakne ‘way, manner’ and the PPt of the verb ritt(ā)- ‘to be attached, linked to’. As for the match of Skt. medhāvin- ‘provided with wisdom’ a likely candidate would be TB pälskossu (TA pälskasu) ‘provided with thinking’. |
n10 | As translation of the compound Skt. nindā-praśaṃsā- ‘blame and praise’ we may expect a TB coordinative sequence nākälyñe pālalyñe, since pālalñe is already recorded as translating Skt. praśaṃsā- in SI B 14 a6. |
n12 | Again a case of literal translation: Skt. kṣiti- in this passage means ‘basis, foundation’ but it has been understood as meaning ‘earth’. |
n13 | Note that the same device for noting final Skt. -m as seen elsewhere in this manuscript is even found in the parallel TA fragment A 419 a3: /// nān muktam\ • cam\ ///. Interestingly, the anaphoric demonstrative pronoun TB cau is matched by TA cam. |
n15 | The Sanskrit text edited by Bernhard has saṃtānaṃ parikhaṃ ca (51b) “continuity and ditch”, which has been literary translated into Tocharian. To be sure, this does not make much sense. Therefore, one may assume that the original wording underwent corruption from a Middle Indic original that contained the nouns saṃdāna- ‘chain’ and parigha- ‘barrier’, see Hahn 2007: 406 who translates the stanza as: “der von den Hindernissen und den Fesseln frei geworden ist [who has become free from the hindrances and the bonds]” (p. 115). Note that the TA translator did not try to transpose saṃtāna- and simply used the loan word santāṃ (A 419 a4), probably because the TA match sark had adopted the meaning ‘line of descendants, descent’. |
n17 | For the translation of the pāda 51d the fragment A 419 a5 reads: /// naṣ śla ñä(kc)iṃ ///. Accordingly, it can be restored by comparison with the TB text as: (mā knā)naṣ śla-ñä(kc)iṃ (penu ārkiśoṣi). |
Mironov 1909: 557-560; Lévi 1911: 434ff; Lévi 1933: 51; Bernhard 1965: 385-388
Schmidt 1974: a1 a2 (174), a3 a4 (215), a6 b1 (100)
Bernhard 1965
Bernhard, Franz. 1965. Udānavarga. Band I, Einleitung, Beschreibung der Handschriften, Textausgabe, Bibliographie. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
Hahn 2007
Hahn, Michael. 2007. Vom rechten Leben, Buddhistische Lehren aus Indien und Tibet, Aus dem Sanskrit und aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt und herausgegeben. Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig: Verlag der Weltreligionen (im Insel Verlag).
Lévi 1911
Lévi, Sylvain. 1911. “Étude des documents tokhariens de la mission Pelliot.” Journal Asiatique 10ème série, 17: 431–64.
Lévi 1933
Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
Mironov 1909
Mironov, Nikolay D. 1909. “Iz rukopisnych materialov ekspedicii M.M. Berezovskago v Kuchu.” Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg VI série (8): 547–62.
Schmidt 1974
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.