HWB 74(4)
Known as: | HWB 74(4) |
Cite this page as: | Adrian Musitz. "HWB 74(4)". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-hwb744 (accessed 24 Jan. 2025). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Adrian Musitz |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Duldur-akur |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | late |
Script: | cursive |
Text contents | |
Text genre: | Non-literary |
Text subgenre: | Account |
Verse/Prose: | prose |
Object | |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Scroll |
a1 | u tpa¯ ¯t cā ñi eṃ sa lyī ke tā ṣṣi «†[p]i» «†[ś]» «†[y]ä» «†ltse» ṣu kyi ltse |
a2 | wa ce trai me ña tse ne pe rnai śe ca¯ ¯k ñu to¯ ¯m mlyo ko tau ple [k]sa – – [ka¯] ¯r yä ltse pi śkaṃ nte i kaṃ tsa |
a3 | kā si tse pe rnai śe «†[w]i»«†[]»«†[ka]ṃ» «†[]» «cā» «kpi» «śto¯» «¯m» mlyo ko tau ple ksa ṣu kta ka¯ ¯r – – tsa yä ltse «†śwā» «†ra» «†ka» «†nte» «piśā»«ka» |
a4 | po re ta rya ca kaṃ ma śwā ra to¯ ¯m tsa ṅka na ple ksa wi yā rkaṃ nte pśā ka¯ ¯r cā neṃ tsa o¯ ¯k yä ltse |
a5 | pe rnai śe ca¯ ¯k ṣu kto¯ ¯m tsä ṅka na ple ksa wi yā rkaṃ nte pśā – – – – – śwā rse wi kaṃ nte pśā |
a6 | pta ma ṣṣe we rwi ye sa kweṃ to ko meṃ pau tke ṣe cā neṃ ka lwā wa – – |
a7 | o lyī śkā ṣṣe śi ṅke ñe we rwi ye sa cā ñi «†śwā» «†rse» ta rsse ṣu kka nte |
a8 | o lyī śkaṃ tsa ṣu pā kī ñe we rwi ye tse pau tke ṣṣi cā ñi pi ś·· te |
a9 | me śi ñe¯ ¯s si [t]e tse we rwi ye sa pau «†śy»«tk»e ṣi cā ñi wi [l]ts· |
a10 | śwā ra ca kaṃ ma lye kśai sa ka kā ma¯ ¯s̝ cā ñi śwā rse |
a11 | – rya ca [ka]ṃ ma l[y]e k·ai p[l]e ṅ[ku] [wa] – ·i – – ·[ä] l·e |
a1 | utpat cāñi eṃsalyīn1 ketāṣṣi ṣuk yiltse |
a2 | wace trai meñatsene pernaiśe cak ñu tom mlyokotau pleksa (okta)kar yältse piś käṃnte ikäṃtsa |
a3 | kāsitse pernaiśe cāk piś tom mlyokotau pleksa ṣuktakar (cāneṃ)tsa yältse piśāka |
a4 | pore tarya cakaṃma śwāra tom tsaṅkana pleksa wiyār käṃnte pśākar cāneṃtsa ok yältse |
a5 | pernaiśe cak ṣuk tom tsäṅkana pleksa wiyār käṃnte pśā(kār) – – – – śwārse wi käṃnte pśā |
a6 | ptamaṣṣe werwiyesa kweṃtokomeṃ pautkeṣe cāneṃ kälwāwa (wiltse) |
a7 | olyīśkāṣṣe śiṅkeñe werwiyesa cāñi tarsse ṣuk känte |
a8 | olyīśkaṃtsa ṣupākīñen2 werwiyetse pautkeṣṣi cāñi piś (käṃ)te |
a9 | meśiñes sitetse werwiyesa pautkeṣin3 cāñi wilts(e) |
a10 | śwāra cakaṃma lyekśaisa kakāmaṣ cāñi śwārse |
a11 | (ta)rya cakaṃma lyek(ś)ai pleṅkuwa (cāñ)i – – (y)äl(ts)e |
a1 | Income: eṃsalyī-coins of the field: seven thousand. |
a2 | (In the) second (month), on day of the month three, Pernaiśe sold a picul, nine pecks mlyokotau: each for eighty (coins), (amounting to) thousand five hundred twenty. |
a3 | Pernaiśe of kāsi sold a picul, five pecks mlyokotau: for seventy coins each, (amounting to) thousand and fifty. |
a4 | Pore sold three piculs, four pecks highland barley: for two hundred and fifty coins each, (amounting to) eight thousand. |
a5 | Pernaiśe sold a picul, seven pecks highland barley: for two hundred and fifty (coins) each, (amounting to) four thousand two hundred fifty. |
a6 | I received coins as rent from Kweṃtoko for the garden of the stūpa: two thousand. |
a7 | Coins for the Śiṅke-garden in Olyīśka: three thousand seven hundred. |
a8 | Coins as rent of the ṣupākīñe-garden in Olyīśka: five hundred. |
a9 | Coins as rent for the garden of Site of the meśiñi (?) |
a10 | Coins taken for four piculs lyekśiye-millet: four thousand. |
a11 | I sold three piculs lyekśiye-millet: coins: ... thousand. |
Philological commentary
n1 | Ching 2012: 312 argues that this word is derived from the prefix yn- 'in' and sāle 'earth, place', thus she glosses it as 'within the country, within the borders'. She reads it as esalyī. However, there is an anusvāra visible above the 'e'. |
n2 | Ogihara apud Ching 2012: 313 connects this word to ṣpakīye 'pill', itself a loan word from Khotanese ṣvakye. However, the assumption of a sound change ṣp -> ṣup seems to be rather ad hoc. |
n3 | It looks like the scribe first wrote pauśye, but then corrected himself. |
Ching 2010: 309-310; Ching 2017: 102-103; Ching 2012: 312-313; Huang 1958
Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.
Ching, Chao-jung. 2012. “略论黄文弼所发现之四件龟兹世俗文书.” In Proceedings of the 1st International Colloquium on ancient manuscripts and literatures of the minorities in China, edited by Jianming Huang, Hongyin Nie, and Lan Ma, 303–24. Beijin: Mínzú Chūbǎnshè.
Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Huang, Wenbi. 1958. Talimu Pendi kaogu ji [Archaeological report on the Tarim Basin]. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.