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HWB 74(4)

Known as:HWB 74(4)
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "HWB 74(4)". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Duldur-akur

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: ink on paper


a1u tpa¯ ¯t cā ñi eṃ sa lyī ke tā ṣṣi «†[p]i» «†[ś]» «†[y]ä» «†ltse» ṣu kyi ltse
a2wa ce trai me ña tse ne pe rnai śe ca¯ ¯k ñu to¯ ¯m mlyo ko tau ple [k]sa – – [ka¯] ¯r yä ltse pi śkaṃ nte i kaṃ tsa
a3kā si tse pe rnai śe «†[w]i»«†[]»«†[ka]ṃ» «†[]» «cā» «kpi» «śto¯» «¯m» mlyo ko tau ple ksa ṣu kta ka¯ ¯r – – tsa yä ltse «†śwā» «†ra» «†ka» «†nte» «piśā»«ka»
a4po re ta rya ca kaṃ ma śwā ra to¯ ¯m tsa ṅka na ple ksa wi yā rkaṃ nte pśā ka¯ ¯r cā neṃ tsa o¯ ¯k yä ltse
a5pe rnai śe ca¯ ¯k ṣu kto¯ ¯m tsä ṅka na ple ksa wi yā rkaṃ nte pśā – – – – – śwā rse wi kaṃ nte pśā
a6pta ma ṣṣe we rwi ye sa kweṃ to ko meṃ pau tke ṣe cā neṃ ka lwā wa – –
a7o lyī śkā ṣṣe śi ṅke ñe we rwi ye sa cā ñi «†śwā» «†rse» ta rsse ṣu kka nte
a8o lyī śkaṃ tsa ṣu pā kī ñe we rwi ye tse pau tke ṣṣi cā ñi pi ś·· te
a9me śi ñe¯ ¯s si [t]e tse we rwi ye sa pau «†śy»«tk»e ṣi cā ñi wi [l]ts·
a10śwā ra ca kaṃ ma lye kśai sa ka kā ma¯ ¯s̝ cā ñi śwā rse
a11– rya ca [ka]ṃ ma l[y]e k·ai p[l]e ṅ[ku] [wa] – ·i – – ·[ä] l·e


a1utpat cāñi eṃsalyī ketāṣṣi ṣuk yiltse
a2wace trai meñatsene pernaiśe cak ñu tom mlyokotau pleksa (okta)kar yältse piś käṃnte ikäṃtsa
a3kāsitse pernaiśe cāk piś tom mlyokotau pleksa ṣuktakar (cāneṃ)tsa yältse piśāka
a4pore tarya cakaṃma śwāra tom tsaṅkana pleksa wiyār käṃnte pśākar cāneṃtsa ok yältse
a5pernaiśe cak ṣuk tom tsäṅkana pleksa wiyār käṃnte pśā(kār) – – – – śwārse wi käṃnte pśā
a6ptamaṣṣe werwiyesa kweṃtokomeṃ pautkeṣe cāneṃ kälwāwa (wiltse)
a7olyīśkāṣṣe śiṅkeñe werwiyesa cāñi tarsse ṣuk känte
a8olyīśkaṃtsa ṣupākīñe werwiyetse pautkeṣṣi cāñi piś (käṃ)te
a9meśiñes sitetse werwiyesa pautken3ṣi cāñi wilts(e)
a10śwāra cakaṃma lyekśaisa kakāmaṣ cāñi śwārse
a11(ta)rya cakaṃma lyek(ś)ai pleṅkuwa (cāñ)i – – (y)äl(ts)e


a1Income: eṃsalyī-coins of the field: seven thousand.
a2(In the) second (month), on day of the month three, Pernaiśe sold a picul, nine pecks mlyokotau: each for eighty (coins), (amounting to) thousand five hundred twenty.
a3Pernaiśe of kāsi sold a picul, five pecks mlyokotau: for seventy coins each, (amounting to) thousand and fifty.
a4Pore sold three piculs, four pecks highland barley: for two hundred and fifty coins each, (amounting to) eight thousand.
a5Pernaiśe sold a picul, seven pecks highland barley: for two hundred and fifty (coins) each, (amounting to) four thousand two hundred fifty.
a6I received coins as rent from Kweṃtoko for the garden of the stūpa: two thousand.
a7Coins for the Śiṅke-garden in Olyīśka: three thousand seven hundred.
a8Coins as rent of the ṣupākīñe-garden in Olyīśka: five hundred.
a9Coins as rent for the garden of Site of the meśiñi (?)
a10Coins taken for four piculs lyekśiye-millet: four thousand.
a11I sold three piculs lyekśiye-millet: coins: ... thousand.


Philological commentary

n1Ching 2012: 312 argues that this word is derived from the prefix yn- 'in' and sāle 'earth, place', thus she glosses it as 'within the country, within the borders'. She reads it as esalyī. However, there is an anusvāra visible above the 'e'.
n2Ogihara apud Ching 2012: 313 connects this word to ṣpakīye 'pill', itself a loan word from Khotanese ṣvakye. However, the assumption of a sound change ṣp -> ṣup seems to be rather ad hoc.
n3It looks like the scribe first wrote pauśye, but then corrected himself.



Ching 2010: 309-310; Ching 2017: 102-103; Ching 2012: 312-313; Huang 1958


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2012

Ching, Chao-jung. 2012. “略论黄文弼所发现之四件龟兹世俗文书.” In Proceedings of the 1st International Colloquium on ancient manuscripts and literatures of the minorities in China, edited by Jianming Huang, Hongyin Nie, and Lan Ma, 303–24. Beijin: Mínzú Chūbǎnshè.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Huang 1958

Huang, Wenbi. 1958. Talimu Pendi kaogu ji [Archaeological report on the Tarim Basin]. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.