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W 8

Known as:W 8
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "W 8". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Dandan Öylik

Language and Script




a2– – – – – ta¯ ¯r [le] – [ṣ]ū – ·e [rpa] ñä – – – – – –
a3– ·l· na • sa rwā na [sa] lla s̝a lle • [p]ā we ā – – – –
a4yo raiṃ na kaṃ sā o ṅka rña tstsa ṣpa ki ye [ka] [r]·· mā ka || ca
a5·d·ṃ • pa dma ka • wśī ra • pi ssau • śā ri pa • ma ñcä ṣṭä • [sa] k· – kṣ[ī]
a6[rka] [k]· [ra] [ri] • śa kka¯ ¯r [va] ru ṇa ri – • a [ka] [ru] • ta [ka] ru • ru te [lle]
b1[ṣ]e [s]ā¯ ¯m kutu m[ñc]i – [k]o – ā [ñ]me ṣpa k[ai]ṃ ya ma [ṣ]l[o] na – [rwā] [na] – –
b2– lle [ā] rkwi – – s̝s̝aṃ || śa ba ra lo d· • pra pu ṇḍa [r]i¯ [¯k] – [ma] la
b3pā [t]ra – k· le ya ka • ni lu tpā¯ ¯l pi – – sā¯ ¯m wa rsa
b4– – – – lle • mi tstsa ṣpa kaiṃ ya ma ṣlo na • – – – –
b5– – – – – a ri rā – [ṣṣa] [na] ///


a2– – – – – tär leṣū·e rpa ñä – – – – – –
a3(l)l(o)nasärwāna n1llaṣällepāwe ā – – – –
a4yoraiṃ nakṣäṃ oṅkarñatstsa ṣpakiye kar(tse) mākaca-
a5-(n)d(ā)ṃpadmakäwśīräpissauśāripämañcäṣṭäsak(āpce) kṣī-
a6-n2rka ra rin3śakkar varuṇari – • akarutakarurutelle
b1ṣe sām kutumñci(k) ko(s) āñme ṣpakaiṃ yamaṣlona (sä)rwāna – –
b2lle ārkwi (yama)ṣṣäṃśabaralod(rä)prapuṇḍarik (ta)mala-
b3-pāträ (•) k(e)leyakänilutpāl pi(ssau) (ṣe) sām warsa
b4– – (päkṣa)llemitstsa ṣpakaiṃ yamaṣlona • – – – –
b5– – – – – arirā(kä)ṣṣana ///


a3... Sphaeranthus hirtus à ..., ...
a4détruit les mauvais ...; cet emplâtre de bouillie est très salutaire || Sa-
a5-ntal, nélumbo, vétiver, aneth, Hemisdemus indicus, garance, Gym(nema balsamicum),
a6Gymnema lactiferum, sucre, Hygrophila spinosa, agalloche, Tabernaemontana coronaria , à ...
b1une (fois) autant, Leucas linifolia, autant qu’on veut, à transformer en emplâtres
b2... rend blanc. || Symplocos racemosa, racine de lotus blanc, patchouli
b3Berberis asiatica, lotus bleu, aneth, avec une (fois) autant d’eau
b4... à cuire, sont à transformer en emplâtres avec du miel ...
b5... de myrobolan noir.


Philological commentary

Comments from Filliozat 1948:
End of a5: read kākori
n1Broomhead has (a)llaṣalle. But it is clear that his akṣara looks exactly like the SA in särwāna, so the reading here is the correct one.
n2Broomhead's [a]ruṇari[ju] cannot be correct. Firstly, the part below the alleged "ju" cannot be an "u", if we were to read the top part as "j", because "j" does not have the same u-diacritic as "r" and "k", but the "normal" one (cf. IOL Toch 200 b2). Secondly, if the first akṣara were an "a", we would expect at least a little bit of the lower part to be visible, but there isn't. I think it is more likely that we should read va; this would give us varuṇa, which is the name of a tree which is said to have magical powers. The second member of the compound remains obscure.
n3Broomhead and Filliozat have kṣīrakākori here. But the "ra" looks like a rka. The top left stroke of the ka is clearly visible.



Filliozat 1948: 67-68, 81; Broomhead 1962: 10


Broomhead 1962

Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.

Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.