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PK DA M 507.27

Known as:PK DA M 507.27; PK Cp 27
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "PK DA M 507.27". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkdam507_27 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: on paper
Number of lines:23


a1pi¯ ¯ś kṣuṃ ntsa n[ai] ///
a2nma 10 6
a3ceṃ śi ktā lye [k]a ta si ///
a4pu tte yā ne milā rtse ṣai ///
a5śa kwi ne ci tra swi ///
a610-3 «†mña» ne ci tra ///
a7śa¯ ¯k śwe¯ ¯r rne ā ri te ///
a8śa ko¯ ¯k ne la rai yśe ya¯ ¯p ///
a9ś«†ṣk»a ṣka¯ ¯s ne ce sa ṅka ntse ///
a10me ñe wa te wi me ña ntse ne – ///
a11me ñe wa te śa¯ ¯k me ña ntse n[e] ///
a12ca lyī ñi wā ltsa ///
a13śa kṣe ne ka pyā re¯ ¯s śwa [s]i ///
a14śa¯ ¯k śwe rne wä rwe ssa [k]· ///
a15śa kñu ne sa ṅkrā mne śwa ṣṣ· ///
a16me ñe śta rte pi¯ ¯ś me [ñ]· – – ///
a17wä pi¯ ¯ś 5
a18śa¯ ¯k me ña ntse ne sa ///
a19i kaṃ ñu ne mo koṃ su· [l]·[i]
b1se ya¯ ¯p ///
b2wa te ṣu¯ ¯k me ña ntse ne ko rai śke ma ///
b3o kta śe ko mne wa ltsā wa [s]· ///
b4/// ya p


a1piś kṣuṃntsa nai(mañe) /// (caka)-
a2-nma 10-6
a3ceṃ śiktālye katasi ///
a4putteyāne milārtse ṣai ///
a5śak wine citraswi(ñi) ///
a610-3 ne citra… ///
a7śak śwerrne ārite… ///
a8śak okne laraiyśe yap ///
a9śaṣkas-ne ce saṅkantse ///
a10meñe wate wi meñantsene – ///
a11meñe wate śak meñantsene ///
a12calyīñi wāltsa ///
a13śak ṣene kapyāres śwasi(ṣṣe) (yap) ///
a14śak śwerne wärwessak(e) n1 ///
a15śak ñune saṅkrāmne śwa«si»ṣṣ(e) ///
a16meñe śtarte piś meñ(antsene) ///
a17…wä piś 5 ///
a18śak meñantsene sa ///
a19ikäṃ ñune mokoṃ su(k)l(y)i(ke) ///
b1se yap ///
b2wate ṣuk meñantsene koraiśke ma ///
b3oktaśe komne waltsāwa ///
b4/// yap


a1In regnal year five, first month ///
a216 (piculs)
a3To sow this seed... ///
a4Putteyāne was wounded. ///
a5On day twelve, Citraswiñi... ///
a6On day 13, Citra-... ///
a7On day fourteen, *ārite...
a8On day eighteen, Laraiyśe... barley ... ///
a9On day sixteen, ... of/to this saṅgha ... ///
a10Second month, on day of the month two... ///
a11Second month, on day of the month ten... ///
a12Calyīñi ground... ///
a13On day eleven, the barley for the consumption of the kapyāri... ///
a14On day fourteen, Wärwessake... ///
a15On day nineteen, ... for the consumption in the monastery ... ///
a16Fourth month, on day of the month five. ///
a17... five (pecks) 5.
a18On day of the month ten, ... ///
a19On day of the month twenty nine, Suklyike the Moko... ///
b1This (is the) barley.
b2Second (month), on day of the month seven, Koraiśke... ///
b3On the celebration of the eighth day, I ground ... ///
b4/// barley.


b2二月七日,Koraiśke....../// (Ching 2017: 235)
b3Oktaśke* 日当天,我碾磨了,....../// (Ching 2017: 235)


Philological commentary

n1Is this the same form as wärweśakke in PK DA M 507.35 a33?



Ching 2010: 191-193; Ching 2017: 235; Pinault 0000: 37-40


Ching 2017: b2 (235), b3 (235)


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Pinault 0000

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 0000. “Textes économiques koutchéens.”