Work in progress

PK AS 16.6.2

Known as:PK AS 16.6.2; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 16.6.2; PK AS 16.6B
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 16.6.2". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 04 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):12.4 × 17.5 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2 cm


a1– – (·)[k](·) – n(·) ṣ(·) sa k[e] [r]u nta pl(·) r(·) ya[ṃ] ā lo rme bra ///
a2tau re kau na la reṃ śwe ntsi a ṣā no : ne st·e sā¯ ¯ñä [y]· ///
a3bra ha spa ti ña kte ○ [w](·) (–) (·)ñ(·) ///
a4ne sa lyu śai ṣṣe ntse ○ (–) (·)e ///
a5ste : we śe ññai sa la kle ṣṣai ai ///
a6(–) [ltu] ne s(·) (·)e u tu mba rcwi s(·)a ///
b1(·)[ñ](·) [c]c(·) nma l(·) kle [n](·) mā a ll(·) ///
b2rne lyu śta rwe¯ ¯s su : la kste l(·) ///
b3p[t]ā ka¯ ¯s 2 || te ka w[e] ○ (–) ñ(·) ///
b4te yä nma s̝s̝aṃ • ñä kcī ○ (·)ai (·)[e] ///
b5yā mo rme[ṃ] dhva jā ggä¯ ¯r wai pe ta rya nau [mi] (·)[e](·) [t](·)¯ ¯ts e ///
b6r[l]ā¯ ¯ñ(·)ä [k]o ka le pa ñ(·)ī [y]eṃ (–) [tu] meṃ su pri yeṃ ca kra v(·)


Xxa1– – ·k· ṣ(e)sa kerunta pl(o)r(i)yaṃ ālorme{ṃ} bra(haspati) (ñakte) /// a2n1 …tau ; rekauna ; lareṃś wentsi ; aṣāno :
Xxnest (c)e sāñ /// a3n2 brahaspati ñakte ·ñ· /// a4nesalyu śaiṣṣentse·e /// a5ste :
Xxweśeññaisa ; läkleṣṣai ai… /// a6ltu nes(t) (=w)e utumbar cwi s·a /// b1·ñ·cc(a)nma l(a)klen(e) all· /// b2…rne lyuśtär wes su :
lakste ·///
b3ptākas 2 ॥ tekaweñ· ///
b4te yänmaṣṣäṃñäkcī(y)ai ·e ///
b5yāmormeṃ dhvajāggär waipe tarya naumi(y)e(n)t(aṃ)ts e… ///
b6…r lāñ(c) kokale päñ(ñ)īyeṃtumeṃ supriyeṃ cakrav(ārtti)


a1... after having removed together the drums [and] the flutes, (the god) Bra(haspati) ...
a2... worthy to tell words to the king. You are (the maker) of this plan ...
a3... the god Brahaspati ...
a4... oh you being (the savior?) of the world ...
a5... with suffering speech ...
a6... (you) have gone out, the Udumbara [tree] of this ...
b1... in the suffering not ...
b2... he illuminated us in ...



This fragment and PK AS 16.6.1 do indeed seem to belong to the same manuscript. Recto and verso are unclear; left side of a leaf with parts of the left margin and the string hole.

Philological commentary

n1y is probably the beginning of a form from yām- 'to do'.
n2○ [w](· – ·)ñ(·) /// or ○ [l](· – ·)ñ(·) ///.