Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 13A; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 13A
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 13A". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-02


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):17 × 33 cm
Number of lines:8
Interline spacing:2.4 cm


a1si ddha (·)mā (–) (·)u ya ḍi – ///
a2pi ścme la ṣṣeṃ [c]au ka te pā ce¯ ¯r si (–) (·)r ///
a3[ne] ya¯ ¯[r]m kuśa la ○ mū¯ ¯l [c](·) (·)[y] ///
a4[ṣṣa] na swa ñcai ○ ntsa lyau ksa śai ṣṣe yk(·) p[o] sta ykā¯ ¯k (·)[k](·) ///
a5(– –) (·)[e] [pi] ṅ[k]e (–) ○ la laṃ ṣki ta ttā¯ ¯u ta rne śle yä rke ta ṅsa wi ///
a6/// [n](·) kaṃ snai lyī pa¯ ¯r cau ne yku ñi la rau ñe wi ///
a7/// ññai lāṃ¯ ¯s śpā lmeṃ kuse sū lāṃ ṣtra te ta ṅtsi (·)[e] ///
a8/// pa r(·)(·) (–) (·)e nai ksa ṅke ta ṅka ka lpo¯ ¯s̝ ///
b1ta ne pu tta wa nte śe¯ ¯m – ///


a1siddha(ṃ) ·mā·uyaḍi – ///
a2piś cmelaṣṣeṃ caukate pācer si·r· /// (s)-
a3-n{e→ai} yarm kuśalamūl c··y· ///
a4…ṣṣana swañcaintsa lyauksa śaiṣṣe yk(e)-postä{ṃ} ykā-k ·k· ///
a5– – · epiṅkelalaṃṣki tättāu tarne śle-yärke taṅsa wi ///
a6/// n(a)kṣäṃ snai lyīpär caune yku ñi larauñe wi… ///
a7/// …ññai lāṃs śpālmeṃ kuse lāṃṣträ te täṅtsi ·e ///
a8/// – par···e nai ksa ṅke taṅkä kälpoṣ ///
b1tane puttawante śem – ///


a2... he hid the ... pertaining to the five births, the father ...
a2+... without measure the root of merit ...
a4... he illuminated the world with ... rays one after the other still ...
a5... among the ... having put the two tender ones on top with deference out of love the two ...
a6... destroys ... without remains, ... my love for him (disappeared)...
a7... who will work the excellent work pertaining to ... up to this ...
a8... indeed some then having obtained love ...
b1Puttawante came here.



The verso side of this fragment is blank with the exception of two different sequences to be seen in the upper right margin: the first are large akṣaras, almost completely erased, of which traces of “3” are still visible; the second sequence, either originally following the first, or superposed, reads in cursive script: tane puttawante śem\ – ///
The first ‹i› in siddhaṃ (a1) has an elaborated, ornamental bow.

Philological commentary

n1Judging from the remains, this line seems to contain Sanskrit text.
n2ṣṣana is the end of an adjective being the complement of the perlative plural swañcaintsa 'rays'. It may be derived from an abstract notion.
n3For the phrase -ne yku larauñe, cf. THT 244 a5.
n4ññai is the end of an adjective being the complement of lāṃs 'work'.

Linguistic commentary

n5Note the preservation of the final -ä in taṅkä.