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PK LC 16.3

Known as:PK LC 16.3
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "PK LC 16.3". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 12 Dec. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Literary


Material: on paper


a1/// ṇyā na te wi nā si tā¯ ¯nt yā mṣa – – – k· ca la mntsa ku[s]a ntse pyau tka mai mu – tri kaṃ mp[a] ///
a2/// me mo [k]au na pa wa rñai ri [y]sa pa rsa sa ṅkrā mnta ne wsā wa śwa le nta pe lai k[n]e ///
a3/// lai k[n]e klyau si au ṣa¯ ¯p lā re ṣai¯ ¯ñ ṣe me ca me lne ta¯ ¯ṅk ///
a4/// ·ā¯ ¯ñ [pl]ā [k]e pa lsko ne | po sta no¯ ¯[n]t pre ke tai seṃ wa tka skau śa¯ ¯k ///
a5/// ryā ka pi¯ ¯ś pi kwa la ye saṃ mpa ṣṣe ta kā wa mu – tre ke m·a¯ ¯s – ///
a6/// [mnts]e – si au ṣa¯ ¯p lā re¯ ¯ñ ṣe yce¯ ¯rñ ta ·k· ra ṣṣe ///
a7/// ·mo¯ ¯r kṣā nti ṣṣā mntse ·i ·ū – ka rsau ñai ta kā ne –


a1/// ṇyānate{we}n1 wināsin2 tānt yāmṣa(te) – – calämntsan3 kusantse pyautkamai mutri kaṃ mpa
a2/// me mo kau na warñai ri ysaparsan4 saṅkrāmntane wsāwa śwalenta pelaikne ///
a3/// (pe)laikne klyausi auṣap lāre ṣai-ñ ṣeme camelne taṅk ///
a4/// ·āñ plāken5 palskonepostanont preke taiseṃ watkaskau śak ///
a5/// (tä)ryāka piś pikwala yesäṃmpa ṣṣe takāwa mutre ke m·as ///
a6/// mntsesi auṣap lāreñ ṣeycerñ ta ·k· raṣṣe ///
a7/// ·mor kṣāntin6 ṣṣāmntse ·i ·ūkarsauñai takā-ne ///


a1/// Jñānadewe made tānt to worship...n7 ... through the caläm, I made ready... ///
a2/// ... beginning with ... close to the city, I donated food in the saṅghas. The law... ///
a3/// To listen to the law was more dear to me. In one birth, loven8 ///
a4/// ... agreement in the mind. | During the final time, I will command: ten... ///
a5/// ... I was together with you for thirty five years...
a6/// ... you were more dear to me...
a7/// ... forgiveness ... he had knowledgen9 ... ///


Philological commentary

*Both the ductus and the content of this document are very similar to the previous document. They certainly belong together.
n1Strangely, the only attestation of Jñānadeva within the Buddhist canon is an obscure text called 'Vajrayāna darśana mīmāṁsā', a śāstra of the vividha category. The context doesn't seem to fit though. In the Sanskrit text, Jñānadeva is simply a personification of knowledge itself (it also mentions samayadeva and mantradeva). Thus it can't be related to our text. The same name occurs in the corpus of Tocharian secular texts, cf. THT 2689 a13, HWB 74(3) a7. Could it be that this is the name of the scribe and could the first line actually be a kind of short 'colophon'?
n2te wi nā si is gradually descending, nā si is actually below tānt.
n3caläm also occurs in IOL Toch 1 b5 ṣñār yāmorntse calämtsa 'by the caläm of everyone's own deed'. It appears that caläm means something like 'consequence'.
n4The 'y' in the '[y]sa' is the most peculiar looking 'ya' in the whole corpus.
n5Maybe a scribal error for plāki?
n6The 'kṣā' has a tiny stubble on the top right of it, which I assume to be an ā-diacritic.
n7From the context, it would appear tānt means something like 'effort'.
n8Usually taṅkw. The use of the virāma makes clear that taṅk is one word.
n9I assume that karsauñai is the same kind of derivation as katkauña, i.e. a verbal noun from kärs-, so 'knowledge'. The only strange thing is the use of the oblique here. I assume that this is some kind of error, or maybe the diacritic is just ink splotches.