CEToM | PK NS 80.2

Work in progress

PK NS 80.2

Known as:PK NS 80.2; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 80.2
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 80.2". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkns802&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2015-05-25


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:882
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Manuscript:Supriyanāṭaka PK AS 17
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):12.1 × 14.3 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.2 cm


Images from gallica.bnf.fr by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// ñ(·) ñma mpa k(·) l(·)¯ ¯ñc (–) (·)k(·) || – w(·) ///
a2/// ·o mpa nai e rai twe yā ta lñe cwi o r[o] tsts(·) [:] (·)wr(·) ///
a3/// ○ ndra bhā suṃ lāṃ tsa pi lko śe śśa ///
a4/// ○ ñca kreṃ tyo laiṃ yta ri ṣṣa na ṣ(·)o(·) r(·) ///
a5/// ya ma lye • || tu meṃ ca ndra bhā su ///
a6/// (·)eṃ (–) rpseṃ kre nta ṣo tru na : i ///
b1/// [c](·) (–) [m]ñ(·) sa ·e pre ntse ce¯ ¯u ī ke¯ ¯[ś](·)[ä] ///
b2/// [rk](·) sa [p]r[e] kseṃ kuse te ste • wä rcci m[e] we ///
b3/// ○ skeṃ ne¯ ¯śä • || pa ñca mne || [k](·) ///
b4/// ○ pa lsko nta : cī ka¯ ¯s̝ ṣe ye¯ ¯m pa ///
b5/// (·)ñ(·) : || tu meṃ cai go yā ni ṣṣi lā¯ ¯ñc[ä] we ///
b6/// staṃ y[y]ā ma ne lya ka (·)e [ka] lī¯ ¯ṅk – ///


a1/// (ṣa)ñ (ā)ñmämpa k(a) l(ā)ñc (wes)k(eṃ) ॥ – ///
1x/// (ok)ompa nai eraitwe ; yātalñe cwi ; orotsts(e) :
·wr· ··///
a3/// (ca)ndrabhāsuṃ lāṃtsa pilko śeśśa(mu) ///
a4/// …ñca kreṃt yolaiṃ ytariṣṣana ṣ()o(t)r(una) ///
a5/// yamalye • ॥ tumeṃ candrabhāsu ///
1x/// ·eṃ ; (ṣa)rpseṃ krenta ; ṣotruna :
i… ///
b1/// c(ämpa)mñ(e)sa (ṣ)e prentse ceu īkeś· ///
b2/// (ya)rk(e)sa prekseṃ kuse te stewärccime we(ṣṣäṃ) ///
b3/// (we)skeṃ-neś • ॥ pañcamne ///
1x/// pälskonta :
1d kaṣ ṣeyem ; pä(lskonta) ; /// b5/// ·ñ· :
tumeṃ cai goyāniṣṣi lāñc we(skeṃ) ///
b6/// (po)stäṃ yyāmane lyaka (c)e kalīṅk – ///


a1... the kings only speak to themselves: (In) [the tune] ...
a2... by means of the fruit (of his merits?) indeed [his] capacity is great. ...
a3... having fixed his sight on king Candrabhāsu ...
a4... (teach?)ing the marks of the good [and] bad paths ...
a5... it will be done. Thereupon (king) Candrabhāsu ...
a6... they (show) the good signs. ...
b1... through [his] capacity in a single instant towards this place ...
b2... with homage they ask: What is that? W. (says?) ...
b3... they say to him: In [the tune] p.: ...
b4... the thoughts. We were ... your thoughts ...
b5... [1d] Thereupon the Goyāni kings sa(y): ...
b6... traveling after ... he saw this Kaliṅga [country] ...


Philological commentary

Note the interpunctation with dot and double before || in lines a3, b3, b5.
n1The remains of the akṣara speak in favor of a reading ‹ko›.
n2A reading wärccirma is also possible. The hapax may be a personal name or a title.
n3The tune is already recorded in this manuscript, it has 4x14 (7/7) syllables.
n4The reading kaṣ is certain, also the separation cī kaṣ, with being the genitive pronoun. The meaning of the hapax kaṣ remains unclear.
n5goyāniṣṣi ought to refer to a place or people, ultimately derived from Skt. goyāna- 'cart'.
n6The reading yyāmane is very likely, it may be a metrical form of iyāmane, the m-part. of iyā- 'to go (by waggon)'.


A fragment from the middle of a leaf with the right part of the string hole preserved.

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