Work in progress

SI B 121(2)

Known as:SI B 121(2); U7
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "SI B 121(2)". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 16 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānavarga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):6 × 11 cm
Number of lines:4+


a1/// dhā vī • snai yko rñ[e] [tse] n· [ai] śau mye ///
a2/// [du] rme dha so ja nā ḥ a knā tsa¯ ¯ñä ya ktai ś· ·ñ ///
a3/// l· 10-1 pra mā daṃ nā nu yu je ta • yko rñe o mpo ///
a4/// rma¯ ¯ṅk : prā pnu te hya ca laṃ su kha[¯] [¯m] ///
b1/// tsn· mñe nta tstso nau ta lñe ne • pra m ///
b2/// r· ma tta ḥ yke nta śtwa ra śau mo yku wo • ā pa [d] ///
b3/// yyā¯ ¯m nrai ntse ka llā lñe mā a ñma po s·ṃ le ///
b4/// ka llā lñe ya mai¯ ¯s̝p yo [l]i ///


a1n1n2 /// dhāvīsnai ykorñetse n(o) aiśaumye ///
a2n3 /// durmedhaso janāḥ aknātsañ yakt= aiś(am)ñ(etse) ///
a3n4n5 /// (nauta)l(ñe) 10-1 pramādaṃ nānuyujetaykorñe ompo(stäṃ) ///
a4n6 /// (śle) (pä)rmaṅk : prāpnute hy acalaṃ sukham ///
b1n7n8 /// tsn(a)mñentatstso nautalñenepram(attam) ///
b2n9 /// (p)r(a)mattaḥ ykenta śtwara śaumo ykuwoāpad(yate) ///
b3n10n11 /// (śa)yyām nraintse källālñe añma-pos(tä)ṃ le(ki) ///
b4/// källālñe yamai ṣp yoli(yai) ///


a1Sanskrit The one provided with vigilance, however, the wise one, [10c]
a2Sanskrit the foolish (ones), having little knowledge, [11b]
a3the disappearance (of bad influences). [11d] Sanskrit Negligence (one should not follow), [12a]
a4with (continuous) hope [12c] Sanskrit
b1The disappearance of the influences (not yet being accomplished), [13b]
b2Sanskrit The man (who is) negligent (he meets) four (unfortunate) states. [14a] Sanskrit
b3Sanskrit The obtention of (the consequence) of non-merit (lit. hell), a bed not (being) according to the own wish, [14c]
b4The obtention (of hell) and a bad destiny, [15a]


Parallel texts

*Sanskrit (Bernhard 1965: 129-131)

Philological commentary

*One sees unreadable remains of one other line preceding the beginning of the recto side and following the last line of the verso side, respectively.
n2At the beginning of the line one sees the end of the Sanskrit word medhāvī ‘wise’ (10c). It is translated by aiśaumye as otherwise attested.
n5The number 11 is certain (pace Lévi 1933: 44).
n8The last word of the line ought to be restored as pramattaṃ according to a word order found in some manuscripts but at variance with the standard text.
n11The first word of the line ought to be restored as Skt. śayyām, cf. śayyāṃ in the authoritative text.

Linguistic commentary

n1The compound TB snai-ykorñetse ought to be the fitting translation of Skt. apramattaḥ ‘not negligent’. But the Sanskrit text has apparently a different construction: 10cd apramādaṃ tu medhāvī dhanaṃ śreṣṭhīva rakṣati “the wise one, however, watches over his diligence like the merchant over his treasure”. There is no way to reconcile the Tocharian text with that. One may consider that the translator did not understand the simile and that he understood apramāda- as a bahuvrīhi compound meaning ‘without negligence’. It is also very likely that he anticipated the adjective apramattaḥ found at the beginning of line 11c immediately after two pādas that are totally identical with the first hemistich of the stanza 10.
n3TB yakt=aiśamñetse is already recorded as translation of Skt. durmedhas- in IOL Toch 152 a8 and a9 containing Uv 2.16. The second instance has the expected reading yäkt=aiśamñetse, while our form shows a wrong accent for a compound. Note further the vowel sandhi at the compound boundary. The underlying form is *yäkté-aiśamñe > yäkt-aiśamñe which could be reanalyzed as yakte + aiśamñe.
n4The first word should certainly be restored as nautalñe ‘disappearance, destruction’ translating Skt. kṣayam (11d), cf. Skt. kṣaye (13b) translated by TB nautalñene in line b1. The last visible word ought to be restored as ompo(stäṃ) translating the preverb Skt. anu of the verb anuyujyeta. It means that the negation was placed afterwards immediately before the finite verb so that in this case the scribe did not strictly follow the Sanskrit word order.
n6The only conceivable restoration for the last word of pāda 12c is TB pärmaṅk ‘hope’. It belongs to the translation of Skt. dhyāyī lit. ‘absorbed in meditation’. The best way to reconcile the Tocharian text with that is to restore a compound śle-pärmaṅk in the sense ‘having mental concentration with him’.
n7The first word is a genitive plural either with loss of the anusvāra or with simplification of the cluster. TB tsnamñe is already known as calque of Skt. āsrava- ‘influence of the outer world’.
n9As translation of Skt. pramattaḥ (14a) the expected form would be TB yku basis of the abstract ykorñe which translates Skt. pramāda- ‘negligence’. The PPt ykuwo shows an o-mobile as reflex of an old *-ä; although o-mobile is in classical texts usually found inverse, precisely with PPt endings it is not so infrequently attested, cf. the PPt stmauwo in IOL Toch 307 a5; in both cases the o-mobile stands in sentence-final position (even before interpunction), which is actually the most common position for o-mobile in classical (prose/metrical) texts.
n10Since Skt. a-ni-kāma-śayyāṃ (14c) is translated literary by TB mā añma-postäṃ leki, the preceding sequence should translate apuṇyalābhaṃ ‘obtention of non-merit’. While lābha- is rendered as expected by the abstract TB källālñe, the translator has chosen to express the consequence of absence of merit (= hell) instead of a literal translation. He was probably also influenced by the occurrence of naraka- ‘hell’ in the next Sanskrit pāda (14d).



Bernhard 1965: 129-131


Bernhard 1965

Bernhard, Franz. 1965. Udānavarga. Band I, Einleitung, Beschreibung der Handschriften, Textausgabe, Bibliographie. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.