Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 9B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 9B
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 9B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 11 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:archaic

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic


Manuscript:PK AS 9
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8 × 7.8 cm
Number of lines:9
Interline spacing:1.2 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// – ṣ(·) k(·) t(·) ///
a2/// (·)o ye nte pi tta ///
a3/// pw(·) sa ne la kle ntse • || ta ra mä tse ///
a4/// ka vi ja • śkwä śko • pi ppā la • twā ///
a5/// klu ṣṣa ṣwi [y]e • dha ñña mā¯ ¯s̝ [mä] ś[c]a ke ///
a6/// cca ṣṣa wi tsa ko • a ś(·)a [g]a ///
a7/// l(·)[e] me le nne ṣi ka ll(·) ///
a8/// – rvvä tsaa lype la ///
a9/// l(·)e pa ka l[l]e ///
b1/// [r]· – ///
b2/// – sā tke || twa ṅka ro • ci tra ///
b3/// [wi] tsa ko • ka ra vi ra ṣ(·)e ///
b4/// kci ye tsau ke nte • [t]sa rā tre • [wä](·) [m](·) [y](·) (·)s[a] ///
b5/// s(·)ā(·) (·)o sa ṅwi¯ ¯ts • ka ra vi ra ṣṣa ///
b6/// ta ṣṣe s̝a lype • e ṣe pe pa [kṣ]u – ///
b7/// [ts]a tsā pau wwa klyo tai ñä wi trau ///
b8/// – [d](·)i [va] rṇi • ma [ñ](·) ///
b9/// na tsa • [w]e ///


a1n1 /// – ṣ· ///
a2n2 /// (p)o yente pittä(ṣṣana) ///
a3n3 /// pw(ā)sane läklentse • ॥ tarämätse ///
a4n4 /// (vatsa)kavijaśkwäśkopippālätwā(ṅkaro) ///
a5n5 /// (•) kluṣṣa ṣwiyedhaññamāṣ mäścake(ne) ///
a6n6 /// (sa)ccaṣṣa witsäkoaś(v)aga(ndhä) (•) ///
a7n7 /// (yoka)l(l)e melenne ṣikṣäll(e) ///
a8n8 /// (mu)rvvätsä ṣälype la° ///
a9n9 /// (ka)l(k)e päkṣälle ///
b1n10 /// (kaṭuka)r(ohiṇīr) ///
b2n11 /// – sā{ṃ}tketwaṅkarocitra(k) ///
b3n12 /// witsäkokaraviräṣ(ṣ)e ///
b4n13 /// (ñä)kciye tsaukentetsarātrewä(r)m(i)y(e) (t)sa(rātre) ///
b5n14 /// °s (p)ā(nt)o säṅwitskaraviräṣṣa ///
b6/// (kuñci)täṣṣe ṣälypeeṣe pepäkṣu – ///
b7/// tsatsāpauwwa klyotaiñä wi trau(ñc) ///
b8/// – d(v)ivarṇimañ(ciṣt) ///
b9n15 /// °natsäwe° ///


a2... in all [diseases] concerning wind [and] gall ...
a3... [the remedy] for a pain in the ... . Fagonia arabica ...
a4... seed of (Holarrhena) antidysenterica, Berberis aristata, Piper longum, gin(ger) ...
a5... rice porridge, dhanya beans, Phaseolus radiatus, ...
a6... the root of sacca, Withania somnifera, ...
a7... [it is] to be drunk [and] to be ... in the nostrils ...
a8... the oil of (Sanseviera zeylanica), ...
a9... the viscous sediment [is] to be cooked ...
b1... (Helle)bor(us niger) ...
b2... as a remedy. Ginger, Plumbago zeylanica, ...
b3... a root (of) ... . ... of oleander ...
b4... extract of divine sucker (?), extract of ants, ...
b5... as help (?) for the säṅkwi [disease], (the root) of oleander ...
b6... the oil of (sesam)e, cooked together ...
b7... mashed [leaves] of Tribulus terrestris, two trau ...
b8... for the two kinds of wounds, Hedyotis (umbellata) ...
b9... of ...


Linguistic commentary

*This text is an older version than the Berlin one; this is in accordance with the use of the dual wi trauñc in this text vs. plural wi traunta in the younger parallel.

Parallel texts

*THT 497

Philological commentary

*This fragment is a direct parallel to THT 497 a4ff., which was already stated by Couvreur 1955a: 40 but without further discussion.
n1There is no parallel in THT 497, so any restoration remains unclear.
n2Parallel to THT 497 a5.
n3Parallel to THT 497 a6, but here the word sāṃtke is missing, which happens also otherwise in this text (b5). pw(ā)sane may be the of a word pu of unknown meaning.
n4Parallel to THT 497 a7.
n5Parallel to THT 497 a8.
n6Parallel to THT 497 a9.
n7Parallel to THT 497 a10. ṣikṣäll(e) is the gerund of a Prs VIII stem of an otherwise unattested root ṣik-.
n8The text in the Berlin parallel is lost.
n9Parallel to THT 497 b2. This has the reading kālkä. It is in any case a loan word from Skt. kalka- 'viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground'.
n10Parallel to THT 497 b4.
n11Parallel to THT 497 b5.
n12Parallel to THT 497 b7.
n13One can read tsaukente or tsaukenne; in any case it helps to correct the uncertain reading of THT 497 b8 by Sieg/Siegling. This form can be locative plural or genitive singular. The next word is tsarātre, which has a second occurrence preceded by the epithet wärmiye 'pertaining to ant'. Therefore one may assume that ñäkciye tsaukente refers to another type of tsarātre. The whole phrase is maybe the calque of a Sanskrit word. As far as tsarātre is concerned, ants are known as a component of medicine, and tsarātre itself can be connected with tsärā- 'separate', hence 'extract', as per Adams 2013a: 799. A connection of tsaukente with tsuk- 'to suck' is, of course, also likely, but tsauke* ‘drink’ as per Adams 2013a: 813, i.e., 'divine drink' does not make much sense in this context. Rather, we have a nomen agentis 'sucker', referring to an insect such as louse, making a parallel with ant. Accordingly, a of tsaukeu* 'lit. sucker' is more likely.
n14The parallel text THT 497 b9 has a slightly different wording s(·)ānto saṅkī(ts sā)ṃ(tk)e ||. The form säṅwits is a for säṅkwiṃts; the cluster ‹ṅw› ought to be the older spelling of younger saṅki- in THT 497 and W 40 a3. The sänkiṃ occurs in W 40 a3 in a list of diseases: pikṣanma säṅkiṃ yoraiṃ which are cured by anointing, so that it probably refers to a skin disease.
n15natsä should be the end of a form in -naṃts.


*A fragment from the middle of a leaf. Recto and verso side can be determined due to the Berlin parallel. The Paris fragment PK AS 9A cannot belong to the same leaf, but it belongs to the same manuscript.



Couvreur 1955a: 40


Adams 2013a

Adams, Douglas Q. 2013a. A dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and greatly enlarged. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Couvreur 1955a

Couvreur, Walter. 1955a. “Review of: TochSprR(B) II: Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633.” Bibliotheca Orientalis 12 (1): 40–41.