Work in progress

A 178

Known as:A 178; THT 811
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling. "A 178". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 07 Nov. 2024).


Editor:Gerd Carling


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 92.23
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Literary


Manuscript:A 144-211
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6



a1/// tś· lpa trat[m]a ///
a2/// [¯ñcä] ṣo me na ndeṃ pa l·o ///
a3/// i kṣvā ku ysa rka śś· ///
a4/// [la] nta smāṃ tri tmāṃ śo lyā k· ///
a5/// wä ltu ne ci ñcro ne ṣi wā ka ///
a6/// ṣṣi ā rki śo ṣṣaṃ : maṃ ño ki ///
b1/// pr· ta rne : 1 || tma¯ ¯s̝ sne yä· mśr· ///
b2/// [¯nt] ype¯ ¯ñcä || tpa rwā kmtsaṃ pe nu ṣ·ā ///
b3/// mpe yntu yo ye tu¯ ¯nt wā ///
b4/// sm· ka re māṃ a kma lyo ///
b5/// ca ṣi [p]ā ca rmā ca· n· ///
b6/// t· ṅki¯ ¯ñcä mā w· ///


a1/// t ś(a)lpaträtmä ///
a2/// ñc ṣome nandeṃ päl(k)o ///
a3/// ikṣvākuy sarkaśś(äl) ///
a4/// läntäsmāṃ tri tmāṃ śolyāk· ///
a5/// (kā)wältune ciñcroneṣi wākä ///
a6/// ṣṣi ārkiśoṣṣaṃ : maṃñ oki ///
b1/// pr· tärne : 1 ॥ tmäṣ sne yä(r)m śr· ///
b2/// nt ypeñctpär wākmtsaṃ penu ṣ·ā ///
b3/// (wa)mpeyntuyo yetunt ///
b4/// sm· karemāṃ akmalyo ///
b5/// caṣi pācar māca(r) ///
b6/// t(rä)ṅkiñc ///



*Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
*Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).


Online access

IDP: THT 811; TITUS: THT 811



Sieg and Siegling 1921: 90; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 90


Carling et al. 2009

Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”