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PK NS 65

Known as:PK NS 65
Cite this page as:"PK NS 65". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Expedition code:496.45
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Vinaya


Material: ink on paper


a1/// – nta r· tk· lk[ā] ts[i] yaṃ pā yti ///
a2/// – – – ·[s]· re tke ne w· [n]· [re] tā kaṃ wī y·i – ///
a3/// ·[s]· s̝a le se tu meṃ o lypo ws· – ///
a4/// – [7] kuse [ṣa] mā ne ṣa mā neṃ t[r]e m·¯ ¯ñ ///
a5/// [k]·e ṣa mā ne ṣa [m]ā neṃ [t]·e ·e – ///
a6/// [pā] yti 40 9 [k]· – – – ///
a7/// – [y]·i – – – – – ///
b1/// – – – ///
b2/// [o] stu – ///
b3/// – [m]· n[eṃ] – skau – ///
b4/// n[e] pā yt[i] 50-1 kuse – mā ne a pā – – – – – ///
b5/// [p]u wa rya ma st· a lā ṣmo ka mā – – ///
b6/// k[u]se ṣa mā ne a pā ka rtse i – – ///
b7/// – ṅkā [ts]i [tse] pe rne [sa] [wa] [t] • ///


a1/// – nta r(e)tk(e) lkātsi yaṃ pāyti ///
a2/// (ṣamāneṃt)s(e) retkene w(ä)n(ta)re tākaṃ y(ṣ)i(ntsa) ///
a3/// (w)s(a)ṣäle se tumeṃ olypo ws(aṣṣäṃ) ///
a4/// (40-)7 kuse ṣamāne ṣamāneṃ trem(e)ñ ///
a5/// k(us)e ṣamāne ṣamāneṃ t(r)e(m)e(ñ) ///
a6/// pāyti 40-9 k(use) (ṣamāne) ///
a7/// (pā)y(t)i (50) (kuse) (ṣamāne) ///
b1/// – – – ///
b2/// ostu(wa) ///
b3/// (ṣa)m(ā)neṃskau – ///
b4/// ne pāyti 50-1 kuse (ṣa)māne apā(kärtse) (ikene) ///
b5/// puwar yamast(rä) alāṣmo ka (tākaṃ) ///
b6/// kuse ṣamāne apākärtse i(kene) ///
b7/// (tä)ṅkātsitse pernesa wat • ///


a1/// ... he goes to see the army, Pāt.-sin. ///
a2/// even if a monk has an affair in the army, in two nights ///
a3/// he should dwell. If he [dwells] more than that ///
a4/// (4)[7] If a monk ... a monk out of anger ///
a5/// If a monk ... a monk out of anger ///
a6/// Pāt.-sin. 49 If (a monk) ///
a7/// Pāt.-sin. (50) (If a monk) ///
b1/// ... ///
b2/// the house ///
b3/// ... [a monk] ///
b4/// ... Pāt.-sin. 51 If a monk [in the open air] ///
b5/// he makes a fire, (and if he is) not sick ... ///
b6/// if a monk in the open air ///
b7/// for the sake of warming himself or ///



Ogihara 2009: 229-231


Ogihara 2009

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2009. “Researches about Vinaya-texts in Tocharian A and B [Recherches sur le Vinaya en tokharien A et B].” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.