Cite this page as: | "abhijñänta". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_B_abhijñänta (accessed 09 Nov. 2024). |
Meaning: | “(higher, supernatural) knowledge” |
Word class: | noun |
Language: | TB |
Equivalent in TA: | abhijñä |
Equivalent in other languages: | Skt. abhijñā- |
Lexeme variants: | abhijñänta; abhijñenta |
Number: | plural |
Case: | nominative; accusative |
Gender: | feminine_plural |
Inflection class: | |
Nom. sg. (masc.): | -ä |
Obl. sg. (masc.): | -ä |
Nom. pl. (masc.): | -änta |
sg | pl | du | |
nom | abhijñä | abhijñänta | |
voc | |||
acc | abhijñä | abhijñänta | |
gen | |||
loc | |||
comit | |||
inst | |||
abl | |||
perl | |||
all | |||
caus |
Lexeme family
1 | PK AS 6E b1 | ompostäṃ ; dhyananma śle-k | abh(i)jñ(änta) | ; /// (śtwāra) (e)b2mpreṃnma |
2 | PK NS 56 a5 | yāmoṣ śtwāra dhyananmameṃ pīś | abhib1(jñänta) | /// alaitacci krentaunameṃ śak |
3 | PK NS 109 a3 | 4σ ; dhyananma ; | abhijñänta | ; warñaisa : /// |
4 | THT 31 a3 | ; yarkesa wikṣeñcañ : | abhijñänta | ; dhyananma eroṣ ; |
5 | THT 543 b4 | b4 /// muni • | abhijñänta | kärsau rṣāke • cittaṃ |
1 | PK AS 16.2 b1 | (śle-maiy)yā ywārc ersante ; | ab2bhijñenta | piś ṣäp no : |
2 | THT 1677.c a2 | ·n· /// a2 /// | abhijñenta | vimokä /// a3 /// |