Work in progress
Known as: | Kz-203-ZS-L-01 |
Cite this page as: | Adrian Musitz. "Kz-203-ZS-L-01". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 10 Sep. 2024). |
Edition |
Editor: | Adrian Musitz |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Kizil |
Collection: | in situ |
Language and Script |
Language: | TB; Skt. |
Object |
Material: |
on wall |
Form: | Graffito |
a1 | || a rai sru ka || ka ntsa ka rṣa nne || a rai sru ka lyñe ci sa nta kca mā prā skau po nta¯ ¯s sru ke lle kā ñi śṣe ske ta ñprā skau sāṃ rai ñi pa lsko ci sa prā skau po tpre ke nne twe ṅke ka la ta¯ ¯rñä a pi śwä rñai nre ynta ne : 1 |
a2 | a [ya]ṃ li kkhi ke na dha rma – ·[r]· [s]ya bhi kṣo |
a2 | ayaṃ likkhikena dharma(cand)r(a)sya bhikṣo |
a1 | Oh death! I do not fear anyone other than you. Everyone has to die. Why do I alone fear you? My mind is hostile (?): I fear you at all times. You will carry me to the hells like Avīci. |
a2 | This (poem has been copied?) from the writing (?) of the monk Dharmacandra. |
a1 | || 噢,死亡!|| 在 Kaṃsakarṣaṇa(的曲调)|| 噢,死亡 ! 我一点也不畏惧你。所有的(人)都要死,为什么只有我一个人畏惧你? 噢,敌人!(这) 就是我心中的想法。我什么时候都畏惧你 。(因为)你(将来)会带我去阿鼻之类的地狱。 (Zhao and Rong 2020: 114-117) |
a2 | [这]文字是比丘[Dharmacandra] 写的。 (Zhao and Rong 2020: 114-117) |
Zhao and Rong 2020: 114-117
Zhao and Rong 2020: a1 (114-117), a2 (114-117)
Zhao and Rong 2020
Zhao, Li, and Xinjiang Rong, eds. 2020. Cave inscriptions in Ancient Kucha. Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company.