Cite this page as: | "ṣāmnās". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_A_ṣāmnās (accessed 16 Feb. 2025). |
Meaning: | “monk” |
Word class: | noun |
Language: | TA |
Equivalent in TB: | ṣamāne |
Equivalent in other languages: | Gand. ṣamana- |
Lexeme variants: | ṣāmnās |
Number: | plural |
Case: | accusative |
Gender: | masculine |
sg | pl | du | |
nom | ṣāmaṃ | ṣāmnāñ | |
voc | |||
acc | ṣāmaṃ | ṣāmnās | |
gen | ṣāmne | ṣāmnāśśi | |
loc | ṣāmnaṃ | ||
comit | |||
inst | |||
abl | ṣāmnāsäṣ | ||
perl | ṣāmnāk | ṣāmnāsā | |
all | ṣāmnāsac | ||
caus |
Lexeme family
- ṣāmaṃ “monk”
sg pl nom ṣāmaṃ ṣāmnāñ acc ṣāmaṃ ṣāmnās gen ṣāmne ṣāmnāśśi loc ṣāmnaṃ abl ṣāmnāsäṣ perl ṣāmnāk ṣāmnāsā all ṣāmnāsac - ṣāmañi “of a monk”
sg.m nom ṣāmañi acc ṣāmañiṃ, ṣāmañi gen ṣāmañiyap - ṣāmnune “monkhood”
sg nom ṣāmnune acc ṣāmnune gen ṣāmnuneyis abl ṣāmnuneyäṣ all ṣāmnuneyac - ṣāmnuneṣi “monkhood”
sg.m acc ṣāmnuneṣiṃ
- ṣāmnuneṣi “monkhood”
- ṣāmnune “monkhood”
- ṣāmañi “of a monk”
1 | A 298 a3 | ṣurmaṣi : 1 nākmant | ṣāmnās | a /// a4 tkanā |
2 | A 300 a2 | ākṣiññāmäs – āśāwe maṅkyo | ṣāmnās | aśśā(śśi) – – – – – – aśśua3(ne) /// |
3 | A 336 b1 | (piṭa)k t(ā)k kuc ne | ṣāmnās | a(ś)ś(ā)s wāskās wāskāñcāśśi /// |
4 | YQ III.11 b1 | näṣ ; pissaṅkäṣ ; | ṣāmnās | kenmār ; piṃb2(twātac) (:) |
5 | YQ III.12 a2 | (metra)käṃnyo ajiteṃ wires kāwältenäs | ṣāmnās | tälśināss oki a3 |