Work in progress

SI B 121(1)

Known as:SI B 121(1); U 20
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "SI B 121(1)". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 05 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:archaic

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānavarga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.8 × 7 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


lf100 9
a1dha rm[o] hi śa kya ā jñā ///
a2yai «t»ko rmeṃ kuse no ai rṣai tsa [ññ] ///
a3yā tsu bhā ṣi ta¯ ¯mka [rs]o ///
a4rsa lle ka rtse we ·[e] ///
a5a na va [s]·i ///
a6ññe cce [p]i ///
b1ni hi ///
b2no s̝a ntsa ///
b3e ka lymi [o] m[p] ///
b4ṇḍa ja ḥ stā mra¯ ¯mt ka [sko] ///
b5tse • mā te kā ma gu ṇo ///
b6yta yko rñe cc· • kra nda ///


a1dharmo hi śakya ājñā ///
a2yaitkormeṃ kuse no airṣaitsäññ(e) /// (prajānī)-
a3-n3yāt subhāṣitam kärso(ytär) /// (kä)-
a4-n4rsalle kärtse we(w)e(ñu) ///
a5anavas(th)i(tacittasya) ///
a6ññeccepi /// ///
b1ni hi ///
b2noṣäntsa ///
b3ekälymi omp(ostäṃ) ///
b4ṇḍajaḥ stām ramt käsko /// (snai) (ykorñe)-
b5-n12tse te kāmaguṇo /// (nuko)-
b6-n13yt{†ä} ykorñecc(u)kranda ///


a2But the one who, having controlled his impetuosity, [26a]
a3Sanskrit This one should understand (what has been well-told). [26d]
a4(One cannot under)stand what has been well-told, [27b]
a6of the one having (vacillating belief), [28c]
b2by the ones re(lying on greed). [29d]
b3under the power of the (mind and following ...), [30b]
b4Sanskrit like (the bird abandons) a tree with scattered (leaves/fruits). [30d]
b5(Be without negligen)ce! Sanskrit
b6(so that you) should not (devour iron bowls in hell), O negligent one! Sanskrit


Linguistic commentary

Because of ekälymi in b3 it seems that we have a manuscript in archaic TB, although since it is quite small one cannot be entirely certain (other unexpected spellings with ä can be explained by assuming compounds). It is confirmed by the spelling of initial ‹o› in line b3 which does not yet have the long bow of the classical sign.
n4The first word can be safely restored as kärsalle, gerund of kärsā- ‘to understand’, which translates Skt. vijñeya- of the word suvijñeyaṃ (27b). TB kärtse-weweñu may be a compound translating the Skt. compound subhāṣitaṃ (or simply reflect the archaic TB variant kärtse).
n8This form ought to be the perlative plural of a PPt that would translate Skt. niḥśritaiḥ of the compound gredhaniḥśrita- ‘depending on greed’. Therefore, one may restore TB sasainoṣäntsa based on the PPt sasainu of the verb sai-n- ‘to rely on’.
n9TB ekälymi can be taken as a postposition governing a genitive singular such as pälskontse as translation of the Sanskrit abstract cittavaśa- ‘domination of the mind’. This part means ‘under the poser domination/will of the mind’. The next word is most probably TB ompostäṃ translating the preverb Skt. anu, as elsewhere. The adjective Skt. anuvartaka- ‘acting according to’ could be translated by TB ompostäṃ sporttomane.
n10The Tocharian text contains a translation of Skt. drumam iva śīrṇaphalam (30d). One may propose that śīrṇaphala- was translated by TB käskau=kocce (rather than käsk=okocce), oblique singular masc. of a possessive compound having as second member oko ‘fruit’ and as first member käskau, the PPt of the verb käsk- ‘to scatter apart’. If the text is an archaic one, käskau would be expected as the independent PPt in the first place.
n13Although the authoritative Sanskrit text has the nominative singular pramattaḥ (31c), a vocative of ykorñetstse ‘negligent’ makes good sense. The preceding akṣara should belong to the active of an optative form translating Skt. gileḥ, certainly (nuko)yt (Krause 1952: 254). The form ought to be read nukoyt, because the virāma was at the end of the preceding line.

Parallel texts

Sanskrit (Bernhard 1965: 416-418)

Philological commentary

n1For the pāda 25c the authoritative text has dharmo hi śakyam ājñātuṃ. From the grammatical point of view, our text is more correct since śakyaḥ is the predicate of the sentence where dharmaḥ is the subject.
n2In the second ligatura of the first word the ‹t› has been added to ‹ko› afterwards.
n3The first word of the line ought to be completed as Skt. prajānīyāt (26d). This verb is either translated by a TB middle form kärsoytär or by the active kärsoy if this fragment is indeed an archaic one.
n5This word makes the pāda 28a.
n6Probably we have here the end of the word translating Skt. pāriplavaprasādasya lit. ‘having vacillating belief’. Since TB takarṣkäññe is already registered as the match of Skt. prasāda-, we may restore takarṣkäññeccepi.
n7The first akṣara of the line is the end of Skt. manaḥprasravaṇāni.
n11The first two syllables belong to the end of pāda 30d: yathāṇḍajaḥ. At the end käsko /// or käskau ///.
n12The Sanskrit text belongs to the pāda 31b.



Lévi 1933: 52; Bernhard 1965: 416-418


Bernhard 1965

Bernhard, Franz. 1965. Udānavarga. Band I, Einleitung, Beschreibung der Handschriften, Textausgabe, Bibliographie. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.