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PK NS 160

Known as:PK NS 160
Cite this page as:Athanaric Huard. "PK NS 160". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Athanaric Huard


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script



a1/// – st· la kl[e] nta m[eṃ] pa ṣṣ· ·[c]·
a2/// sū¯ ¯k ñ·¯ ¯ś pa ṣṣī tra a
a3/// kne ne kuse twe ltu ne sto
a4/// ma nā sta ka rsnā ma ne
a5/// – • ptā rka pa lsko meṃ wa r·
b1/// [st]m·ṃ la lñe ka lpa sta –
b2/// nte 20 5 pwā ñmtsa eṃ ṣa
b3/// kne ṣṣe ykā¯ ¯k wi māṃ pre
b4/// ci ysa pa¯ ¯r la kle sso¯ ¯ñ[c]
b5/// spa k·āṃ ya ma s[t](·)e¯ ¯[ś]


a1/// – st· läklentameṃ paṣṣ(eñ)c(a)
a2/// sūk ñ(ä)ś paṣṣīträ a
a3/// (pelai)knene kuse twe ltu nesto
a4/// man =āsta kärsnāmane
a5/// – • ptārka palskomeṃ war(palñe)
b1/// (o)stm(e)ṃ lalñe kalpasta
b2/// nte 20 5 pw āñmtsa eṃṣa(te)
b3/// (pelai)kneṣṣe ykā-k wimāṃ pre(ñca)
b4/// ci ysapar läklessoñc
b5/// spak(t)āṃ yamast-(n)eś


a1… from the suffering … they are observing …
a2… may s/he observe me …
a3… you, who who has left [your family] in the Law [of the Buddha]…
a4… cutting the bones …
a5… dismiss the sensation [of …] from the mind…
b1… you obtained the departure from the house [= the monk status]…
b2… 25. You took from all [your] heart …
b3… still carrying the palace of Law …
b4… the ones who are suffering … near …
b5… you revere him/her …


Philological commentary

This manuscript has two cases of a instead of ä: palskomeṃ for pälskomeṃ and kalpasta for kälpasta.