Work in progress

Ot 19.1

Known as:Ot 19.1; inventory no. 174
Cite this page as:CEToM. "Ot 19.1". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Date of online publication:2015-08


Main find spot:Kucha
Collection:Tokyo National Museum

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Unknown


Material: ink on wood tablet
Size (h × w):12 × 19.5 cm
Number of lines:6


a1mi tra wa rddha ne • wi rya śā nti • a rya ra kṣi te • ka lya na mo kṣe • a rya ko ṣe • sa tya ra kṣi te • mi
a2tra so me • śā nti se ne • mo ko pu tta wa rme • ynai ymyā ṣṣi ke ta sa cā neṃ ka mā nte yä ltse
a3pi śka nte • tā yä sa ṅk[r]ā mi ññai ke tā ntse ko mpi rko [meṃ] a r[m]o ki ññe ca ke si¯ ¯m o
a4mo tru ññai ṣṣe ya te ññe cke ṣṣe ā rte si¯ ¯m ko mkla sko meṃ o ro tsa ne wi ya si¯ ¯m
a5o ṣṣa – le meṃ a rmo ki ññe cke ṣṣe ā rte si¯ ¯m o ro tsai ne wi yai ta ṅtsi •
a6blank kā yne ṣo tri ṣe ca ki a ṣkā rla kā ske ma ne


a2-trasomeśāntisenemoko puttawarmeynaiymyāṣṣi ketasa cāneṃ kamānte yältse
a3piś käntetāy{†ä} saṅkrāmiññai ketāntse kom pirkomeṃ armokiññe cake sim o-
a4-motruññaiṣṣe yateññe ckeṣṣe ārte sim kom kläskomeṃ orotsa newiya sim
a5oṣṣa lemeṃ armokiññe ckeṣṣe ārte sim orotsai newiyai täṅtsi
a6kāyne ṣotri ṣecaki aṣkār läkāskemane


a1Mitrawarddhane, Wiryaśānti, Aryarakṣite, Kalyanamokṣe, Aryakoṣe, Satyarakṣite,
a2Mitrasome, Śāntisene, (and) Puttawarme the Moko. (The people) of Ynaimyā carried (here) the coins (produced in? / as the price of?) the field: one thousand
a3five hundred. (The four limits) of this field belong to the monastery: on the east the river Armoki (is) the boundary;
a4on the south the branch of the river Yāte (is) the boundary; on the west the great canal (is) the boundary;
a5on the north the branch of the river Armoki (is) the boundary, just until the great canal.
a6The mark of a lion on the clay (?) (is) seen on the verso.


Philological commentary

The translation follows Pinault 1998a and Ching 2010.
n1Note the spelling tayä.


Thickness 0,7 cm. Only recto.
There is an image of this tablet on Wikimedia Commons.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008C
Tamai 2011C14



Kagawa 1915; Otani Catalogue 1971: 157; Inokuchi 1980: 291


Pinault 1998a: 364-365; Adams 1998a: 372-378; Tamai 2004; Ching 2010: 323-324


Adams 1998a

Adams, Douglas Q. 1998a. “On the history and significance of some Tocharian A agricultural terms.” In The Bronze Age and early Iron Age peoples of Eastern Central Asia. Vol. I, Archeology migration and nomadism, linguistics, edited by Victor H. Mair, 372–78. JIES Monogr. 26. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man.

Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Inokuchi 1980

Inokuchi, Taijun. 1980. 西域出土佛典の研究『西域考古圖譜』の漢文佛典 – A study on the Buddhist texts unearthed at Central Asia based upon Chinese Buddhist texts in the “Archaeological albums of the Otani collection” (Saiiki koko zufu, 2). Kyoto: Ryukoku University.

Kagawa 1915

Kagawa, Mokushiki. 1915. 西域考古圖譜 – Illustrated Catalogue of Central Asian Antiquities. 2 vols. Tokyo: Kokkasha.

Otani Catalogue 1971

Otani Catalogue. 1971. Tokyo-kokuritsu-hakubutsukan Zuhan Mokuroku. Otani Tankentai Shouraihin Hen (Illustrated Catalogues of the Tokyo National Museum. Central Asian Objects brought back by the Otani Mission). Tokyo.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Pinault 1998a

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1998a. “Tocharian languages and Pre-Buddhist culture.” In The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia. Vol. I, Archeology Migration and Nomadism, Linguistics, edited by Victor H. Mair, 26:358–71. JIES Monogr. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man.

Tamai 2004

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2004. “On Tocharian document No. 174 in the Tokyo National Museum.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 19: 95–107.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.