THT 56
Known as: | THT 56; B 56 |
Cite this page as: | Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 56". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Feb. 2025). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Hannes A. Fellner |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Expedition code: | T III Š 101 Frgm |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Udānālaṅkāra |
Passage: | uncertain |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Doctrine |
Verse/Prose: | verse |
Object | |
Manuscript: | Udānālaṅkāra A |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 6 |
Images from
by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Orientabteilung.
a1 | /// [l]nta nau¯ ¯s̝ cme – /// |
a2 | /// s̝s̝aṃ sai wai no so /// |
a3 | /// ·e tu wo mpo staṃ /// |
a4 | /// [n]e rṣtra 30 7 kuse /// |
a5 | /// l[nt]a cme la /// |
b3 | /// k· ktse¯ ¯ñ [:] [ṣ]a ñ[w]· /// |
b4 | /// pyai ru : sū ce cme /// |
b5 | /// [ṣl]o na e rke nma /// |
b6 | /// [k]·e ñya snā /// |
37d | a1/// lnta nauṣ cme(la) /// a2/// ṣṣäṃ saiwai no so /// a3/// ·etuw= ompostäṃ /// a4/// n= erṣträ 30-7 |
Xx | kuse /// a5/// lnta cmela /// b3/// k(e)ktseñ : |
Xx | ṣañ w· /// b4/// p yairu : |
* | sū ce cme /// |
b5 | /// ṣlona erkenma /// |
b6 | /// k·eñ yasnā /// |
a1 | ... (root of merrit) previous births ... |
a2 | ... left ... |
a3 | ... after ... |
a4 | ... evokes [37] who ... |
a5 | ... (root of merrit) the births ... |
b3 | ... body ... |
b4 | ... having practiced. This the birth ... |
b5 | ... cemeteries ... |
b6 | ... they hurl down ... |
Philological commentary
Only one strophe number here (37). Recto and verso side as well as metre cannot be determined with any certainty. |
The original manuscript is missing, but was a small fragment with torn-off edges. |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1949: I, 75; Sieg and Siegling 1983: 89 notes 224
Sieg and Siegling 1983: b6 (224)
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1949. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 1. Die Udānālaṅkāra-Fragmente. Text, Übersetzung und Glossar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”