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PK NS 155

Known as:PK NS 155
Cite this page as:Athanaric Huard. "PK NS 155". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkns155 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Athanaric Huard


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script



a1/// ka tta ṅma [ne] ·[p]· ·[k]·
a2/// ·t· krau pe ma ne y[ä] rpo nta
a3/// [e] tte yśā mna te mtsa nte : –
a4/// ·[k]· po staṃ : toṃ ke ktse ñä¯ ¯nä ·ā
b1/// [w]n[o] lmi śa rsā re ke tw· – [ts]·
b2/// lmeṃ ya rke taṅsa wi [n]ā
b3/// pta nma tsai k[ā] [re] [l]·
b4/// 7 u ppā l[yo] – –


a1/// kättaṅmane ·p· ·k·
a2/// ·t· kraupemane yärponta
a3/// ette yśāmna temtsante : –
a4/// k postäṃ : toṃ kektseñän
b1/// wnolmi śärsāre ketw(eṃ)ts·
b2/// (śpā)lmeṃ yarke taṅsa winā(ṣṣare)
b3/// ptanma tsaikāre
b4/// 7 uppāl-yo(k) – –


a1… trangressing …
a2… gathering good deeds …
a3… they are born among human beings …
a4… later … these bodies …
b1… the beings knew … jewelry …
b2… with best and pleasant reverence they venerated …
b3… they build stūpas …
b4… 7. like lotus …