Work in progress


Known as:PK LC 1
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "PK LC 1". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Letter


Material: on paper
Number of lines:5


a120 4 kṣu tsa «yā» śe lā nti ya kw· ///
a2ṣe ñca sā¯ ¯ṅk prā śni ke[ṃ] a śa ri jñā na so m[e] n[au] ṣu [we] tsa ś[ā] nta ke¯ ¯ś te sa re tu tse ke¯ ¯ś
a3a lyi yriṃ 5
a4o ro tsa na a wi 7
a5– – ·iṃ [10] ·[e] śe ai y[y]ā [n]a śā nta ta kā re 10«†[4]»8


a120-4 kṣutsa n1śe lānti yakw(e) /// (wsa)-
a2-ṣeñca sāṅk prāśnikeṃ aśari jñānasome nauṣuwetsa śānta keś tesare tutse keś
a3alyi yriṃ 5
a4orotsana awi 7
a5– – (yr)iṃ 10 ·eśe ain3yyāna śānta takāre 10-8


a1In regnal year 24 of king Yāśe, in the year of the horse...
a2The saṅgha living in ... with the Prāśnike Jñānasome the ācārya at the head counted the sheep.n4 (This is their) account thereof:
a3Male lambs: 5
a4Big ewes: 7
a5... lambs: 10... ovine cattle was: 18.


a1Yāśe 王 24 年,马(年)/// (Ching 2017: 138-139)
a2在......的僧伽,以 Prāśnike[ṃ] 阿阇利 Jñānasome 为首,点算了羊只。其数额(为): (Ching 2017: 138-139)
a3阉(?)公绵羊羔:5。 (Ching 2017: 138-139)
a4大母绵羊:7。 (Ching 2017: 138-139)
a5......绵羊羔:[10]。......绵羊有18只 (Ching 2017: 138-139)


Philological commentary

The transliteration has been taken from Ching 2017: 138-139.
The transcription has been taken from Ching 2017: 138-139.
n1For this reading, cf. Ching 2017: 139, who speculates that the 'yā' looks strange because there was originally a piece of paper glued onto the document which later dropped. This phenomenon indeed sometimes occurs.
n2For the restoration cf. PK DA M 507.32 a1 samantatirne wsaṣeñca ysomo sāṅk.
n3The 'ai' here is interesting: It is written as an 'a' with an 'ai' diacritic. This way of writing initial vowels/diphthongs is also known from the inscriptions (Kz-211-ZS-R-05, Kz-211-ZS-R-06 and Kz-211-ZS-L-01).
n4The interpretation of the syntax by Ching 2010: 335 is wrong. sāṅk can never be interpreted as a genitive. Her later translation (Ching 2017: 139) is correct, however. The -ṃ of prāśnike is the oblique singular of 'vernunftbegabte Wesen' (TEB I: 108, §141). The constructio ad sensum of sāṅk... tesare also has a parallel in PK DA M 507.32 a1. It almost seems like the plural is actually the expected form in sentences involving X-ne wsaṣṣeñca sāṅk.



Ching 2010: 334-335; Ching 2017: 138-139; Pinault 0000: 93-94; Pinault 1997c


Ching 2017: a1 (138-139), a2 (138-139), a3 (138-139), a4 (138-139), a5 (138-139)


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Pinault 0000

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 0000. “Textes économiques koutchéens.”

Pinault 1997c

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1997c. “Terminologie du petit bétail en tokharien.” Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 2: 175–218.


Krause, Wolfgang, and Werner Thomas. 1960. Tocharisches Elementarbuch. Band I. Grammatik. Heidelberg: Winter.