CEToM | IOL Toch 926

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IOL Toch 926

Known as:IOL Toch 926
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "IOL Toch 926". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-ioltoch926&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:British Library (London)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānavarga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):5.5 × 7.3 cm
Number of lines:4


Images from idp.bl.uk by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project and the British Library.


a1/// ·t· – – –
a2/// pta ḥ kuse s̝pa śco
a3/// • ma rdi tā
a4/// kṣ· rni ru
b1/// [k]· lyñ[e] nta
b2/// te sa bhi kṣu ḥ
b3/// – s̝pa o lya po
b4/// [r]i daṃ ja hā t[ya]


a1/// ·t· – – –
a2/// (prā)ptaḥ kuse ṣpä śco-
a3-n3(nai) /// • marditā
a4/// (bhi)kṣ(u)r niru-
b1-n5n6(cyate) /// (na)k(a)lyñenta
b2/// (vetha)te sa bhikṣuḥ
b3/// – ṣpä olyapo
b4/// (bhikṣu)r idaṃ jahāty a-


a2[SKT]: (and who) has attained (the diminution of hatred) [TB]: and who has (attained the diminution) of hatred
a3[SKT]: [and] crushed (the thorns of village [life])
a4[SKT]: (he) is (verily) called a monk
b1[TB]: scoldings, (killings and binding)
b2[SKT]: who (does not) stagger (because of happiness and sorrow), he is a monk
b3[TB]: (he who has not gone too far), nor (clung) too much
b4[SKT]: (that) monk gives up this world


Parallel texts

m-tht1327; Bernhard 1965: 446-447; Hahn 2007: 140-141

Philological commentary

n1A little piece is probably wrongly attached to the left; it is not considered in the transliteration.
n2Uv.32.49c yaś ca dveṣakṣayaṃ prāptaḥ
n3Uv.32.50b marditā grāmakaṇṭakāḥ
n4Uv.32.50d sa vai bhikṣur nirucyate
n5Uv.32.54b hy ākrośāś ca vadhāś ca bandhanaṃ ca
n6of the k only minimal rests can be seen. If nākälñe /nákəlńe/ ‘reproach’ has a pl. nakalñenta /nakə́lńenta/, we could nevertheless equate ākrośāś ca and identify it as Uv. 32.54b.
n7Uv.32.54d sukhaduḥkhena na vethate sa bhikṣuḥ
n8Uv.32.55a yo nātyasaraṃ na cātyalīyaṃ
n9Uv.32.55c sa tu bhikṣur idaṃ jahāty apāraṃ


Online access

IDP: IOL Toch 926


Tamai 2007: №926; Peyrot 2008a: 117-118


Bernhard 1965

Bernhard, Franz. 1965. Udānavarga. Band I, Einleitung, Beschreibung der Handschriften, Textausgabe, Bibliographie. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Hahn 2007

Hahn, Michael. 2007. Vom rechten Leben, Buddhistische Lehren aus Indien und Tibet, Aus dem Sanskrit und aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt und herausgegeben. Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig: Verlag der Weltreligionen (im Insel Verlag).


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Peyrot 2008a

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008a. “More Sanskrit – Tocharian B bilingual Udānavarga fragments.” Indogermanische Forschungen 113: 83–125.

Tamai 2007

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007. “An edition of the Tocharian fragments IOL Toch 853 – IOL Toch 1247 in the India Office Library, London.” The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online. 2007. http://idp.bl.uk/database/oo_cat.a4d?shortref=Tamai_2007.

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