Symbols used within the transcription and transliteration
• | Dot (punctuation) |
: | Double dot (punctuation) |
। | Daṇḍa (punctuation) |
॥ | Double daṇḍa (punctuation) |
÷ | Other punctuation |
/// | Damaged edge of a manuscript fragment |
– | Lacuna the size of one akṣara |
· | Lacuna within a partially preserved akṣara |
¤ | Symbol or not transcribable sign (e.g., a monogram) |
lf | Leaf number |
Symbols used within the transcription only
(X) | Restored text that was lost in a lacuna |
{X} | The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by adding X. |
{†X} | The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by deleting X. |
{X→Y} | The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by substituting Y for X. |
° | Part of a word that has been lost in a lacuna but cannot be restored |
; | Major caesura |
, | Minor caesura |
number + σ | Number of syllables lost in a lacuna (e.g. 3σ; only used within metrical passages) |
letter + number | Line number (e.g. a1 ) |
number + letter | Pāda number (e.g. 1a ) |
= | Sandhi |
- | Boundary between compound members, or between a verb and its pronominal suffix |
¬ | Indicates that the word continues on the next line |
_X | Represents a non-syllabic vowel within the search field (_u = u, _i = i, etc.) |
Symbols used within the transliteration only
○ | String hole (Schnurloch) |
«X» | X was added (usually above or below the line) by a scribe. |
«†X» | X was deleted/crossed out by a scribe. |
(–) | A lacuna the size of one akṣara where a) the supporting paper has been entirely lost or b) where the original presence of an akṣara is uncertain |
(·) | A lacuna within a partially preserved akṣara where a) the paper has been entirely lost or b) where the original presence of a ligature member is uncertain |
¯X | Akṣara in virāma position |
¯X• | Akṣara with doubly marked virāma status (connecting line + dot) |
X¯ | Akṣara immediately preceding an akṣara in virāma position |
X | Fremdzeichen |
_X | Represents a Fremdzeichen within the search field (_k_a = ka, _t_a = ta, etc.) |
Symbols used within the translation
(X) | Translation of text that has been restored |
[X] | Comments and text supplied for clarification |
Symbols used within the transcriptions of the Nachlass Siegling
¬ | Renders a hyphen indicating that the word continues on the next line |
X Y | The author altered the text by substituting Y for X. |
X Y | The author indicates that the order of X and Y should be reversed. |
X | X was added (usually above the line) by the author. |
XX | Text crossed out by the author |
XX | Text underlined out by the author |
XX XX | Annotations (text secondarily added by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling; the color is meant to approximate the color of the original annotation) |
XX XX | Text underlined by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling |
XX XX XX XX | Text crossed out by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling |
Marks a passage highlighted by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling | |
XX | Text with unclear reading |
XX | Additional information can be displayed by placing the mouse pointer over the text for about a second. |
Symbols used within the commentary
/X/ | Underlying phonological representation |
[X] | Phonetic (surface) representation |
〈X〉 | Orthographic representation |
X > Y | X diachronically changed into Y |
X < Y | X diachronically developed out of Y |
*X | A prehistoric form, posited through comparative or internal reconstruction |
X* | A unattested conjectured form within an attested language |
X-Ø | Indicates the absence of an inflectional suffix on X |