
Symbols used within the transcription and transliteration

Dot (punctuation)
: Double dot (punctuation)
Daṇḍa (punctuation)
Double daṇḍa (punctuation)
÷ Other punctuation
/// Damaged edge of a manuscript fragment
Lacuna the size of one akṣara
· Lacuna within a partially preserved akṣara
¤ Symbol or not transcribable sign (e.g., a monogram)
lf Leaf number

Symbols used within the transcription only

(X) Restored text that was lost in a lacuna
{X} The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by adding X.
{†X} The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by deleting X.
{X→Y} The editor has altered the original content of the manuscript by substituting Y for X.
° Part of a word that has been lost in a lacuna but cannot be restored
; Major caesura
, Minor caesura
number + σ Number of syllables lost in a lacuna (e.g. 3σ; only used within metrical passages)
letter + number Line number (e.g. a1)
number + letter Pāda number (e.g. 1a)
= Sandhi
- Boundary between compound members, or between a verb and its pronominal suffix
¬ Indicates that the word continues on the next line
_X Represents a non-syllabic vowel within the search field (_u = u, _i = i, etc.)

Symbols used within the transliteration only

String hole (Schnurloch)
«X» X was added (usually above or below the line) by a scribe.
«†X» X was deleted/crossed out by a scribe.
(–) A lacuna the size of one akṣara where a) the supporting paper has been entirely lost or b) where the original presence of an akṣara is uncertain
(·) A lacuna within a partially preserved akṣara where a) the paper has been entirely lost or b) where the original presence of a ligature member is uncertain
¯X Akṣara in virāma position
¯X Akṣara with doubly marked virāma status (connecting line + dot)
Akṣara immediately preceding an akṣara in virāma position
X Fremdzeichen
_X Represents a Fremdzeichen within the search field (_k_a = ka, _t_a = ta, etc.)

Symbols used within the translation

(X) Translation of text that has been restored
[X] Comments and text supplied for clarification

Symbols used within the transcriptions of the Nachlass Siegling

¬ Renders a hyphen indicating that the word continues on the next line
«XY» The author altered the text by substituting Y for X.
«XY» The author indicates that the order of X and Y should be reversed.
«X» X was added (usually above the line) by the author.
XX Text crossed out by the author
XX Text underlined out by the author
XX XX Annotations (text secondarily added by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling; the color is meant to approximate the color of the original annotation)
XX XX Text underlined by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling
XX XX XX XX Text crossed out by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling
Marks a passage highlighted by the author or by Wilhelm Siegling
XX Text with unclear reading
XX Additional information can be displayed by placing the mouse pointer over the text for about a second.

Symbols used within the commentary

/X/ Underlying phonological representation
[X] Phonetic (surface) representation
〈X〉 Orthographic representation
X > Y X diachronically changed into Y
X < Y X diachronically developed out of Y
*X A prehistoric form, posited through comparative or internal reconstruction
X* A unattested conjectured form within an attested language
X-Ø Indicates the absence of an inflectional suffix on X