Known as: | Kz-110-ZS-Z-03.05 |
Cite this page as: | Adrian Musitz. "Kz-110-ZS-Z-03.05". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Feb. 2025). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Adrian Musitz |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Kizil |
Collection: | in situ |
Object | |
Material: | on wall |
a1 |
Zhao and Rong 2020: 92; Schmidt 1999d: 77; Schmidt 2010: 858; Bild 49; Pinault 2000a: 52
Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2000a. “Narration dramatisée et narration en peinture dans la région de Kucha.” In La Sérinde, terre d’échanges. Art, religion, commerce du Ier au Xe siècle. Actes du colloque international (Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 13-15 février 1996), edited by Jean-Pierre Drège, 149–68. XIVes rencontres de l’Ecole du Louvre. Paris: La Documentation française.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1999d. “Interdisciplinary research on Central Asia: The decipherment of the West Tocharian captions of a cycle of mural paintings of the life of the Buddha in Cave 110 in Qizil” 40 (1): 72–81.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 2010. “Die Entzifferung der westtocharischen Überschriften zu einem Bilderzyklus des Buddhalebens in der ‘Treppenhöhle’ (Höhle 110) in Kizil.” In From Turfan to Ajanta, Reichert. Vol. 2. Wiesbaden.
Zhao, Li, and Xinjiang Rong, eds. 2020. Cave inscriptions in Ancient Kucha. Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company.