Work in progress


Known as:YQ III.5; YQ 1.24
Cite this page as:"YQ III.5". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Feb. 2025).


Main find spot:Qigexing
Collection:Xinjiang Museum (Ürümchi)

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka
Passage:Act 3.5
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8



a1/// [k]a wle ṣā¯ ¯nt || wā skā¯ ¯ñcä traka ṣce ṣśā kke ṣi ñi lā¯ ¯ñśä
a2/// ¯s̝ ptā ñka tka ṣyā¯ ¯p ko rpa cyi¯ ¯ñcä || pa ṭṭi ni traka¯ ¯s̝ ka¯
a3/// ·[ka]¯ ¯s̝ ñu kpe nu ya śo dha rā lāṃ tse ā kṣi ñña¯ ¯m klyo ma¯ ¯nt ā
a4/// [¯ñcä] [t]raka¯ ¯s̝ ñu kpe nu ptā ñka tka ṣyā pko rpa cka lka¯ ¯m lca rpo¯ ¯nt || pra ve śa
a5/// [w]· rpu¯ ¯s wsā yo kaṃ ka na ktsa raṃ pa rmāṃ ma hā pra jā pa ti gau ta mi śā kke ṣi lāṃ
a6/// [ku] pre a śśi sā mpra¯ ¯s̝t ma ska tra • ä ntā ne ñu kca¯ ¯s̝ wsā lṣi ñe mi pu tti
a7/// nā śi sa spu tti śpa rṣi nā pca kra va rtti slā¯ ¯nt nya gro dha rā mṣi lā ñci wa
a8/// nyo go pi kā lā¯ ¯ts nya gro dha rā ma cpa lko ra ṣtraka¯ ¯s̝ || ra ti su paṃ ||
b1/// tmāṃ ci ñcraṃ kule wā śśi kā tkṣā¯ ¯t plā ntṣā¯ ¯nt puki spa lska¯ ¯nt tu¯ ¯ṅk e ṅka lyo
b2/// ·[s]· ko nyo a¯ ¯ts ślā ñcā lyi tṣaṃ ytsi yā ta¯ ¯s̝ e ṅka¯ ¯l kle świ ka ṣṣo ki : 1
b3/// ṅkr· maṃ tsa lpo ra ṣtraka¯ ¯s̝ tṣaṃ sa mśā ke śśi kā ma rya lyo pu tti śpa raṃ ṣi
b4/// s̝a sa¯ ¯s tkaṃ ññä kte swa mpe pu tti śpa raṃ ṣi nā¯ ¯p bra mñä kte swä ltsa ke krā
b5/// [pt]ā ñk[t]e yo na cpo¯ ¯nt wi nā se¯ ¯ñcä || a cle pa lko ra¯ ¯s̝ gau pi kā lāṃ
b6/// ki • nya gro¯ ¯t ṣtā mṣi ṣo nti¯ ¯s śpā laṃ śā kke ṣi nä¯ ¯s lā ñcä syo
b7/// [ṣpā] nu pa lke¯ ¯tsta¯ ¯k se ku pre pa tnu nā ta kma rka mpa lṣi
b8/// [ñ]mu ne yā ā sā na ṣkā ka tku¯ ¯s̝ lāṃ tsāṃ ke ne¯ ¯ñcä || ā


a1n1 /// (pu)k{†ä} wleṣāntwāskāñc träṅkäṣ ceṣ śākkeṣiñi lāñś
a2n2 /// (ce)ṣ ptāñkät käṣyāp korpac yiñcpaṭṭini träṅkäṣ ka¬
a3(r)n3 /// (träṅ)käṣ ñuk penu yaśodharā lāṃtse ākṣiññam klyomänt ā¬
a4(nändānaśśäl)n4n5n6 /// (wāskā)ñc träṅkäṣ ñuk penu ptāñkät käṣyāp korpac kalkam lcar pontpraveśa¬
a5(kk)n7 (ār) /// w(o)rpus wsā yokäṃ kanak tsaraṃ pärmāṃ mahāprajāpati gautami śākkeṣi lāṃ¬
a6(ts)n8 /// kupre aśśi sām praṣt mäskaträäntā ne ñuk caṣ wsālṣi ñemi putti¬
a7(śparäṃṣi) /// nāśi säs puttiśparṣināp cakravarttis lānt nyagrodharāmṣi lāñci wa¬
a8(rpiśke)n9 /// (aśä)nyo gopikā lāts nyagrodharāmac pälkoräṣ träṅkäṣratisupaṃ
1a18σ /// (:)
1b(ṣäk) tmāṃ ciñcraṃ ; kulewāśśi ; kātkṣāt plāntṣānt ; pukis pälskant ; tuṅk eṅkälyo
1cb218σ /// (:)
1d(w)s(o)konyo ats ; śl= āñcālyi ; tṣaṃ ytsi yātaṣ ; eṅkäl kleś ; wikäṣṣ oki : 1
b3n11 /// (sa)ṅkr(ā)maṃ tsälporäṣ träṅkäṣ tṣaṃ säm śākeśśi kāmar yalyo puttiśparäṃṣi
b4n12 /// (träṅkä)ṣ{†ä} säs tkaṃññäktes wampe puttiśparäṃṣināp bramñäktes wälts{†ä} kekrā¬
b5(syo)n13 /// ptāñkte yonac pont wināseñcacle pälkoräṣ gaupikā lāṃ¬
b6(ts)n14 (träṅkäṣ) /// (o)kinyagrot ṣtāmṣi ṣontis śpālaṃ śākkeṣinäs lāñcäsyo
b7/// (wä)ṣpā nu pälkets nātäk se kupre pat nu nātäk märkampalṣi
b8/// (ynā)ñmuneyā āsānäṣ kākätkuṣ lāṃtsāṃ keneñcā


a1... they all made. || The lay woman says:
a1+These Śākya kings ... they go to meet the Buddha-god the teacher.
a2|| Paṭṭinī says:
a2+Now (?), ...
a3(Ceṭikā) says:
a3+I too will tell queen Yaśodharā that with the noble Ānanda ...
a4The (lay woman) says: I too will go to meet the Buddha-god the teacher. – All leave.
a4+|| The interlude (has come to an end.)
a5+|| ... surrounded ..., carrying the gold-colored cotton cloth in her hands the Śākya queen Mahāprajāpatī Gautamī ...
a6+When is the time going to be, when I ... with the rank of Buddha ... this jewel of a garment ...
a7+... lady, this royal (garden) of Nyagrodhārāma ... for the Cakravartin king with the rank of Buddha ...
a8... queen Gopikā, having looked with (eyes ...) at the Nyagrodhārāma, says:
a8+|| In the Ratisupa [tune] ||
b1... he made glad (six)ty thousand lovely women; the thoughts of all rejoiced in love (and) passion.
b2... with joy indeed and hands placed together he will be able to come here, [and] he will drive away as it were the impurity of passion.
b3... having gone inside the (Nyagrodhārāma) monastery, (queen Gautamī) says:
b3+Here, this (Cakravartin king) with rank of a Buddha ... by doing right away (?) for the Śākyas ...
b4(she) says:
b4+This ornament of the earth god, with thousand spokes ... of the god Brahman, with the rank of a Buddha, ...
b5... all women pay homage to the track of the Buddha-god.
b5+|| Having seen ..., queen Gopikā (says:)
b6+... like ... (surrounded) by Śākya kings at the head of the road of the Banyan tree ...
b7... certainly shining is my lord and son,
b7+or should I say the lord of the Law.
b8... with respect, having risen from the throne they call out to the queen. ||


a3I [f.] too will tell queen Yaśodharā (that) with the noble Ānanda … (165) (Peyrot 2013b: 622)
a4I [f.] too will go towards the Buddha, the teacher. (cf 165) (Peyrot 2013b: 623)
a6When is the time going to be, when I … with the rank of Buddha … this jewel of a garment … (165) (Peyrot 2013b: 237)
b2With joy indeed and hands placed together he is able to come here, [and] he drives away as it were the impurity of passion. (cf 165) (Peyrot 2013b: 653)


Linguistic commentary

*The commentary is adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 166.
n4The form lcar in the manuscript is a mistake for lcär.
n5lcar pont: the rare feminine variant of lcär poñś, which is attested e.g. A 253 a5, A 297 a8, A 299 a7, A 302 b6, m-tht1409e a3, YQ I.1 a7.
n13Same collocation as in YQ III.1: a4, acle with the verb pälk-; according to the context, TA acle cannot be a proper name.

Parallel texts

*MaitrHami 3, 5-6


*This fragment contains part of the third act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; an Uy. parallel is MaitrHami III, 5a21-6a16. See also Pinault 1999: 196-7.
*The translation and the following commentary are adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 166.

Philological commentary

n1The beginning of the leaf corresponds to MaitrHami 3, 5 a20ff., and its end to MaitrHami 3, 6 a16ff.
n2Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 a25-26.
n3Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 a30f. and b1.
n6The same event is lengthily described in MaitrHami 3, 5 b4-5.
n7Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 b6ff.
n8Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 b10ff.
n9ratisupaṃ: a stanza of 4 x 18 (7/7/4) syllables.
n10Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 b21-23.
n11Cf. MaitrHami 3, 5 b28f.
n12Cf. MaitrHami 3, 6 a1ff. and a5.
n14Cf. MaitrHami 3, 6 a10.



Ji et al. 1998


Peyrot 2013b: a3 (622), a4 (623), a6 (237), b2 (653)


Ji et al. 1998

Ji, Xianlin, Werner Winter, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 1998. Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka of the Xinjiang Museum, China. Transliterated, translated and annotated by Ji Xianlin in collaboration with Werner Winter, Georges-Jean Pinault. TLSM 113. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 1999

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1999. “Restitution du Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka en tokharien A: Bilan provisoire et recherches complémentaires sur l’acte XXVI.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 189–240.