Work in progress
YQ II.10
Known as: | YQ II.10; YQ 1.12 |
Cite this page as: | "YQ II.10". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Feb. 2025). |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Qigexing |
Collection: | Xinjiang Museum (Ürümchi) |
Language and Script |
Language: | TA |
Script: | classical |
Text contents |
Title of the work: | Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka |
Passage: | Act 2.10 |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Drama |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Meter: | 554443 (4x) |
Object |
Manuscript: | Yanqi |
Following fragment: | YQ II.11 |
Material: |
on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 8 |
a1 | /// [p]· saṃ ye¯ ¯t : saṃ va rṣiṃ ca¯ ¯m śo¯ ¯l e ṣa ntma |
a2 | /// (·)[ma] ṅkna sa¯ ¯l : 1 || tma s̝sa mme tra kṣi bra¯ ¯m ñkä¯ ¯t pu tti |
a3 | /// – [pa] lkā ssa¯ ¯m sne yä¯ ¯rm ñä kci kro paṃ ywā rckā ci ndā ma ṇi syo |
a4 | /// ·[t]a ye twe syo ye tu¯ ¯nt wā mpu¯ ¯nt śi śka syo ā sā nā lmo¯ ¯nt ma |
a5 | /// [l]ps·(·) ptā ñä kta śśi ka pśiṃ ñā spa lkā lu ne yaṃ ā klye yā mu ā ṣā ni¯ ¯k me |
a6 | /// ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣi sa¯ ¯s : ṣñi ke knu bā dha ri¯ ¯s brā mne plā ka¯ ¯m o pyā¯ ¯cä klo ra¯ ¯s̝ wso |
a7 | /// ·[k]· [c]kra¯ ¯ñcśä || ba hu da ntā kaṃ || sne sa ñce wä tkā¯ ¯lts ptā ñka tka ṣṣi sa¯ ¯s rā ja va rttyo¯ ¯k u ṣṇi |
a8 | /// [k]ā¯ ¯ñä a śäṃ bra hma sva rwa¯ ¯k wä¯ ¯rts knuṃ¯ ¯ts ka ntu yo mu wā kma¯ ¯ts tspo kṣi nā¯ ¯s : śi śki nā ñśa |
b1 | /// su wo rku e snaṃ wä¯ ¯rts : tso pa¯ ¯ts sma kka pśño tsā tse kwo kye snaṃ s̝pa tpa pla tku¯ ¯nt lykä¯ ¯lyä |
b2 | /// k[u]¯ ¯m go śo ga¯ ¯t ṣo tre pa ri ma ṇḍa¯ ¯l sa mka pśa ñi mā nmo ka nweṃ tkā lu ne : ai ne¯ ¯yä |
b3 | /// pi¯ ¯ñä prā rwaṃ wlye paṃ ā leṃ śa laṃ peṃ : a ṣu¯ ¯k kra¯ ¯ñśä ku kaṃ cā kra la kṣa ṇyo ye tu |
b4 | /// [n]yo : [ta] ryā kwe pi to ṣśā waṃ ṣo tre ytu ypi cpa pla tku¯ ¯nt wä tkā¯ ¯lts wā kmtsaṃ pu ksa |
b5 | /// ·[ä] [ṣ]pā wä tkā¯ ¯lts wä ṣpā ptā ñka tka ṣṣi sa¯ ¯s • o te ta preṃ lkā lu ne |
b6 | /// [r]·[ā] kma¯ ¯ts • tma ṣce mma na rkā¯ ¯ñä bā dha ri sprā mne plā ka¯ ¯m o pyā |
b7 | /// ma na¯ ¯rk pa lskaṃ na¯ ¯ts ya ta rwa saṃ upā dhyā bā dha ri |
b8 | /// pra ka ssi pa knā sa ntra • kuya lmā na ṣwä tkā |
(continues on YQ II.11)
(continues on YQ II.11)
a1+ | ... you have gone (down), offering this life of discipline, ... Law ... |
a2 | 1 || |
a2 | ... to be the hope. |
a2+ | Thereupon, Metrak, as the God Brahmā, ... (the rank of) Buddha ... |
a3+ | ... in the middle of an immense crowd of gods, with Cintāmaṇi-jewels, ... seated on the throne adorned with lions and decorated with jewels, ... the Law ... |
a5+ | ... the venerable Metrak, having been taught by seeing the bodies of Buddhas in ... great eons, |
a6 | ... this one is the Buddha-god the teacher! |
a6+ | At the same time, however, having recalled the promise made to Bādhari the Brahmin, joyfully... |
a7 | See, you good ones! || In the Bahudantāk [tune] || Without any doubt, this one is the Buddha-god the teacher: |
a7+ | ... multicolored (is) his body hair; (there is) the uṣṇīṣa (on the top of his head); ... his eyes (are) blue; (he has) a Brahmā-like voice; wide and supple (is) his tongue; having attained distinctions of tastes; his jaws (are) like those of a lion; ... (he is) broad with respect to his well-formed shoulders; he is tall, with a straight(?) body; he is sculptured as it were between his shoulders; seven prominent [places]; fine (skin); ... with (upright) body-hair; the mark (of the) pudendum; well-rounded (is) his body; without bending (his body), his knees can be reached; (like those of) the aiṇeya-deer ... webs between his fingers; soft (are) his palms and the underside of his feet; his heels (are) slender and beautiful; (his palms and the underside of his feet are) decorated with the wheel mark; |
b4+ | ... those 32 great marks (appear) in their entirety, fully developed, surely excellent and absolutely complete. |
b5 | ... indeed, surely indeed this one is the Buddha-god the teacher. |
b5+ | Oh what an appearance ... |
b6 | ... excellent. |
b6+ | Thereupon, the brahmin youths, remembering the promise made to Bādhari the Brahmin, ... |
b7 | ... |
b7 | The brahmin youth (Tiṣya) poses only in his mind (the question): |
b7+ | Our teacher, Bādhari, ... |
b8 | ... they intend to ask. Why (do) I not (with) firmness(?) ... |
(continues on YQ II.11)
Linguistic commentary
* | The commentary is adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 117-8. |
n3 | The form -pälkās may be the accusative plural of a Bahuvrīhi compound in -pälk, but the segmentation remains uncertain. |
Parallel texts
* | This fragment contains part of the second act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; an Uy. parallel is MaitrHami II, 11a14-12a22. See also Pinault 1999: 195-6. |
* | The text immediately continues on YQ II.11. |
* | The translation and following commentary are adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 117-8. |
Philological commentary
n1 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 11 a17ff., and the last line of this leaf corresponds roughly to MaitrHami 2, 12 a22ff. (for the Uy. references, cf. Ji et al. 1998: 18). |
n2 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 11 a21ff. |
n4 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 11 a30. |
n5 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 11 b2-3. |
n6 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 11 b7ff. bahudantākaṃ: presumably two stanzas of 4 x 25 (5/5/8/7 or 7/8) syllables. The 32 marks of the Buddha (mahāpuruṣa-lakṣaṇa) are in the following not given in the same order as before (see YQ II.4 verso and YQ II.5 recto), and they are often formulated more briefly. The number of the mark in the preceding list is given in square brackets, and is followed by the Sanskrit term according to the Mahāvyutpatti. yok refers to mark no. 1, absent in the former catalogue; it corresponds to an “additional mark” and to a minor mark (anuvyañjana), as bhramarasadṛśakeśaḥ Mvy 342 (74). |
n7 | uṣṇir mrācaṃ refers to mark no. 2 [31]: uṣṇīṣaśiraskatā. |
n8 | aśäṃ refers to mark no. 5 [29]: abhinīlanetragopakṣmā.The beginning of the line contained the marks nos. 3 [32] and 4 [30]. wak refers to mark no. 6 [28]: brahmasvaraḥ. käntu refers to mark no. 7 [27]: prabhūtatanujihvaḥ. tspokṣinās refers to mark no. 8 [26]: rasarasāgratā. The form wākmats is a mistake in the manuscript; read wākmant, as in A 213: a6; cf. YQ II.5: a4? |
n9 | śanweṃ refers to mark no. 9 [25]: siṃhahanuḥ. The marks nos. 10 [24], 11 [21], 12 [22], 13 [23], concerning the teeth, are lost in the following lacuna. |
n10 | wärts refers to mark no. 14 [20]: susaṃvṛttaskandhaḥ; both TA worku and woru (as in YQ II.5: a2) would seem to be genuine forms. kapśño refers to mark no. 15 [19]: bṛhadṛjukāyaḥ. esnaṃ refers to mark no. 16 [17]: citāntarāṃsaḥ. paplätkunt refers to mark no. 17 [16]: saptotsadaḥ. |
n11 | lykälyä\ : reading corrected after Schmidt 1999b: 281. |
n12 | yats (restoration after Schmidt 1999b: 281) refers to mark no. 18 [15]: sūkṣmasuvarṇacchaviḥ. The mark no. 19 [13] is lost in the following lacuna. |
n13 | yokum refers to mark no. 20 [12]: ūrdhvāgraromaḥ. ṣotre refers to mark no. 21 [10]: kośagatavastiguhyaḥ. kapśañi refers to mark no. 22 [11]: nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalaḥ. tkālune refers to mark no. 23 [9]: sthitānavanatapralambabāhutā. ainey is the beginning of mark no. 24 [8]: aiṇeyajaṅghaḥ. The mark no. 25 [7] was also in the next line. |
n14 | aineyä\ : reading corrected after Schmidt 1999b: 281. |
n15 | prārwaṃ refers to mark no. 26 [6]: jālāvanaddhahastapādaḥ. peṃ refers to mark no. 27 [5]: mṛdutaruṇahastapādatalaḥ. kukäṃ refers to mark no. 28 [4]: āyatapādapārṣṇiḥ. |
n16 | yetunt refers to mark no. 29 [2]: cakrāṅkitahastapādatalaḥ. The last mark, no. 30 [1] was listed at the end of the same pāda. |
n17 | taryāk we pi: actually, this catalogue contained only 30 marks, which are given without number. One mark (no. 1) has been added, and three marks of the former list [nos. 3, 14, 18] have been merged with closely related marks, respectively nos. 26 [6], 18 [15], 15 [19]. |
n18 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 12 a5-6. |
n19 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 12 a12ff. |
n20 | Cf. MaitrHami 2, 12 a16-17. |
Ji et al. 1998
Ji, Xianlin, Werner Winter, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 1998. Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka of the Xinjiang Museum, China. Transliterated, translated and annotated by Ji Xianlin in collaboration with Werner Winter, Georges-Jean Pinault. TLSM 113. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Pinault 1999
Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1999. “Restitution du Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka en tokharien A: Bilan provisoire et recherches complémentaires sur l’acte XXVI.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 189–240.
Schmidt 1999b
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1999b. “Review of: Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka of the Xinjiang Museum, China.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 277–85.