Work in progress

W 3

Known as:W 3
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "W 3". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Language and Script




a3– – – ṣpa kaiṃ ya ma s̝s̝a llo na • [mo] tstsa ā ś[ne] – ma – –
a4– [rsa] [reṃ] na kaṃ mlu tā lle sā ka s̝s̝aṃ smāṃ yā m· o lya po tsts·
a5[ka] rtse || wä rmi ye tsa rā tre • sa kā pce • sa rja [ya¯] [¯rm] – [y]e ya¯ ¯k
a6– – – [m]··[i¯] [¯k] [mo] [tstsa] [ts]lā ñi ya ma s̝a lo na • [pra] [yro] [nta] –
b1[skeṃ] [ta¯] [¯r] || [sa] [kā] [pce] • ·[m]u¯ ¯r we te ñi • styo ne ya¯ ¯k toṃ tra [nmā] [ya¯] [¯r] śai
b2[le] – ¯k sprī¯ ¯k [a] ka ru • wra śkai ṣṣa pyā pyo • tsa pā ñce tsa ṅwa [le] •
b3– [ke¯] [¯u] pa yä ce ya¯ ¯k ta mā la pa tra • [wä] mpa ts[a] ke • ṣe
b4– [yä¯] – || wa¯ ¯r pa kṣa lle pra lle • [s]yā [l]ñe – – – –
b5– – – [pri] [ya] ṅk[u] • a ri rā ka – – – –


a3– – – ṣpakaiṃ yamaṣṣällonamotstsa āśne (ya)ma(ṣṣälle)
a4(pa)rsareṃ nakṣäṃ mlutālle sākäṣṣäṃ smāṃ yām(u) olyapotsts(e)
a5kartsewärmiye tsarātresakāpcesarjayarmye yak
a6(kutu)m(ñc)ik motstsats lāñi yamaṣälonaprayronta (mä)-
b1-n3skeṃtär ॥ sakāpce(s)mur weteñistyoneyak toṃ tranmāyar śai-
b2-le(ya)k sprīk akaruwraśkaiṣṣa pyāpyotsapāñce tsäṅwale
b3keu payä ceya-k tamālapaträwämpatsakeṣe-
b4-(me) yä(rm)war päkṣalle prallesyālñe (were) (nakṣäṃ)
b5– – – priyaṅkuarirākä(ṣṣana)


a3... sont à transformer en emplâtres, (cela) à faire [appliquer]? sur la tête avec de l‘alcool
a4détruit le pärṣere ... qu’il fasse ..., extrêmement
a4It is tested,
a4+(it is) very wholesome.
a5salutaire || Eau rouge par ..., ..., (une) mesure de Shorea robusta, ...
a6... Leucas linifolia, ... d’alcool [?] sont à faire, sont ...
b1|| ..., ..., fenugrec, ... ces... ben-
b2-join, Trigonella corniculata, agalloche, fleur de ...
b3... ce patchouli, ..., une
b4mesure d’eau est à cuire, à apporter, (un) sudorifique ...
b5... Aglaia roxburghiana, ... de myrobolans noirs ...
b6... Boerhaavia diffusa ...


Philological commentary

Comments from Filliozat 1948:
Gloss between b5 and b6 below arirāka-: (tara)ma – ṣṣe – na
below b6sala
End of b2 reading doubtful: or °vaṅkta?
n2There appears to be an akṣara below lo that looks like 80. cf. W 12 a2.
n4The two akṣaras transcribed by Filliozat as MA ṣṣa are difficult to read. The alleged 'ṣṣa' is especially strange: Usually the second ṣa attaches to the bottom right of the first. Here, it is on the bottom left. Non liquet.



Filliozat 1948: 65-66, 80; Broomhead 1962: 5-6


Broomhead 1962

Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.

Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.