THT 85
Known as: | THT 85; B 85; Bleistiftnummer 2329 |
Cite this page as: | Melanie Malzahn. "THT 85". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 16 Feb. 2025). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Melanie Malzahn |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Expedition code: | T III Š 80.31 |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Add. linguistic characteristics: | late |
Script: | classical |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Araṇemijātaka |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Jātaka/Avadāna |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Meter: | 43435 (2x), 55 (1x), 43435 (1x) |
Object | |
Manuscript: | Araṇemi α |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 6 |
Images from
by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Orientabteilung.
a1 | ṣṣu sa ka mpā lau rcce sā¯ ¯u ysā ra sa • we ksa sr(·) ka ñce kwo yta rne ta ṅsa snai ka rsto 3 || tu meṃ u tta re [m](·)(·) (·)[ṣ]k(·) wcu kai sa mā ta¯ ¯r lā ntso e ṅku |
a2 | we s̝a nne ścä ṣa rya a mma kki po ññā ppai mā ñi śce mpaṃ¯ ¯ts• ra kṣa tse ntsai s̝s̝aṃ || ta ne a ra ṇe mi ñlā nte – (–) nne e ṅka ltsa po ke ktse ñmeṃ la |
a3 | kle¯ ¯ñä sye l[m]e – (– – –) ○ ylā re ka klau tk[au] [ta] rra ske ma ne re ki sa u tta reṃ m(·)(·) (·)[ṣ]·eṃ (– –) la re kka śā mna cai¯ ¯mp• ske nte mā [ya] |
a4 | kṣī mā twe prā s[k]· (– – – –) ○ ṇi we skeṃ (– – – –) ccu wa lo ṣa ñpra ti nmeṃ [kl]au (– – – –) || tu meṃ wa lo ṣe me ṣa rsa u (–) |
a5 | reṃ mñcu ṣkeṃ [e] (– – – – –) (·)[o] rṣ·e [w]· re ṅku a ra ñc[ä] st(·) (–) ske [ma] ne mñcu ṣkeṃ ā y[o] (– – – – – –) – – – || ta ru ṇa di (– – – –) |
a6 | ma kte ai· (·)au – – – – – – – – – – r(·)e a mā skai ri lye • mā ṣke ś(·)ā sau ṣa ñla /// |
lf | 10 9 |
b1 | te ṣa rmtsa (– – – – – – – – – –) (·)[ta] rsa lyka śke tā kso¯ ¯ym śai [ṣ]ṣ(·) ntse mi thy[a] (– – – – – – –) [lo] mñcu ṣkeṃ brā hma ṇeṃ [ts](·) (– – –) |
b2 | wa ma ne l[a] (– – – – – – – –) (·)[r](·) hma ṇi u tta reṃ mñ(·)(·) ṣkeṃ [a] nta pi po kai ne sa y[ä](·) t(·) (– – – – – – –) – ke rcī yeṃ nmeṃ [pa] rna (– –) |
b3 | ta ne u tta re (– – – –) ○ lkā ske ma ne (– –) (·)(·)·naṃ tra ntā cce ka ntwā śke sa (– – – – –) ma ne we s̝s̝aṃ sa swa a ppa [kk](·) (–) |
b4 | pi psā mpa rñ[i][¯] [¯][śä] (– –) [kṣ](·) ○ tse nmeṃ lo k[e] ykā ktv(·) śā ma ne ne¯ ¯stä ña ke ṅke c[ai] ñ(·) śpa (–) (·)[u] waṃ || te ke klyau rmeṃ a ra ṇe mi ñlā |
b5 | nte pi tmai wā te ne k(·) tsa klā ya • ta ne o ro ttsa kwa sa lñe ṣṣa we śe ñña klyau ṣā te || ta ne ña ke brā [h](·)(·) ṇi u tta reṃ mañcu ṣkeṃ ści ro na re kau na |
b6 | sa ska rrā ma ne we skeṃ ne pa ṣpa¯ ¯s̝• ka rpī ye¯ ¯ts soṃ śka we sa¯ ¯ñ ña ke ṣa rne ne ke ka mu ne¯ ¯st mā ṣpā tra (–) lle ne¯ ¯st || tu meṃ brā hma ṇi to tti |
lf | 10-9 |
3c | a1n1n2 ṣṣusa ; kampāl aurcce sāu ; ysārasa • |
3d | weksa sr(a)kañce ; kwoytär-ne taṅsa ; snai kärsto 3 ॥ |
1a | mäkte ai(sk)au ; (uttareṃ) ; (ñäkte-yokäṃ) ; (säsuwe)r(śk)e{ṃ} ; amāskai rilye • |
1b | mā ṣ keś (t)āsau ; ṣañ la(kle) ; /// 12σ |
1c | 11σ b1n8 ; te ṣarmtsa ; – – – – – |
1d | – – – (ṣṣe) ; (śas)tärsa ; lykaśke tāksoym ; śaiṣṣ(e)ntse ; mithya(dṛṣṭi) (po) (1) (॥) |
a1 | 3. |
a1 | The broad cloak (stain)ed (?) with blood she called incessantly with a hoarse voice full of love. |
a1+ | Thereupon prince Uttara while grasping [his] mother, the queen, by the chin speaks to her: |
a2 | “My dear mother! Do tell [my] dear father, he must not give me to those Rākṣasas!” |
a2+ | Thereupon for love to the (prince) the king Araṇemi (broke) into a sweat all over his body due to the pain. |
a3 | ... having turned decrepit with soothing (?) word[s] (to the) prince Uttara (he speaks): |
a3+ | “Darling! Humans those are, not Yakṣas! |
a4 | Do not be afraid!” The Brahmins speak: “(You will not, oh gre)at king, revert from your own resolution?” |
a4+ | Thereupon the king, after grasping with one hand the prince Uttara [and] (with the other hand) the water (of gift), with a heavy [lit. swollen] heart surrenders the prince (and speaks to the Brahmins:) |
a5 | || (In) [the tune] taruṇadi(vākar ||) |
a6 | “How can I give away (Uttara), [my] (god)like little son, who is hard [for me] to give away. I do not pay attention to own sorr(ow) ... |
b1 | 1.) |
b1 | ... For this reason ... with (the kni)fe of ... I want to smash (?) into little pieces the false(hood) of the world (at large.)” |
b1+ | (Then after) the (ki)ng has (sur)rendered the prince to the Brahmins he sits (sh)aking (with) pa(in). |
b2 | (Thereupon) drag(ging) the prince Uttara [away] by both arms .... the (Bra)hmins (went) out of the palace. |
b3 | There, looking around helplessly ... Uttara speaks hoarsely (?) with his little tongue .... lamenting: |
b3+ | “[My] father, lord, do take me away from (these Rākṣasas)! |
b4 | You are alive still; but now these will (de)vour me. |
b4+ | When he had heard this, king Araṇemi fainted [lit. his gall quivered] |
b5 | [and] fell to the ground. Thereupon a great voice of lament was heard. |
b5+ | Thereupon now the Brahmins, threatening the prince Uttara with harsh words, speak to him: |
b6 | “Go, go, son of a commoner! You have fallen into our hands and your father [you] will not (see [ever again])!” Meanwhile (walking step by step) the Brahmins thereupon ... |
a1 | Mit heiserer(?) Stimme rief sie ihn voll Liebe ununterbrochen. (Schmidt 1974: 95) |
a2+ | Dear mummy, tell dad that he mustn't give me to those rākṣasas! (Peyrot 2013b: 305) |
a6 | How can I give [away] Uttara, my dear son of divine appearance who is difficult to let go? I do not pay attention to my own sorrow … (cf 240) (Peyrot 2013b: 431) |
b3+ | O Herr, Väterchen! Nimm mich doch von (diesen Rākṣasas) weg! (Schmidt 1974: 409) |
b4 | You are still alive, now that these eat me up. (cf 101; 315) (Peyrot 2013b: 374) |
b4+ | Dem König Araṇemi bebte seine Galle. (Schmidt 1974: 209, fn. 2) |
b4+ | Als er dies gehört hatte, wurde König Araṇemi ohnmächtig [wtl. bebte dem König Araṇemi seine Galle], [und] fiel zu Boden. (Schmidt 1974: 122) |
b5 | Da wurde eine große Klagestimme gehört. (Schmidt 1974: 81, 217) |
b6 | You have come into our hands and you can/will not see your father [anymore]. (Peyrot 2013b: 341) |
Parallel texts
PK NS 355, THT 86, PK NS 699 (?) |
Philological commentary
Continues THT 84, continued on THT 86. The translation follows Schmidt 2001: 313-5. | |
The mother’s lament. King Araṇemi surrenders his son to the Brahmins, who lead him away in spite of his wailing and resistance. Lines a2-b4 overlap with PK NS 355. At line b4 the parallel text THT 86 commences. This latter text shows some minor deviations from our text here. | |
In contrast to Sieg/Siegling—who identify the meter as 20|22|10|15—, Schmidt 2001: 314 fn. 70 rather proposes 19|19|10|19 (7/7/5 and 5/5). This seems to be correct, since it fits the restoration that can be achieved now by a new reading of the parallel fragment PK NS 355 b 1. | |
n2 | Most recently, Schmidt 2001: 313 with fn. 66 favors the restoration of a PPt of Pt IV lalaupäṣṣusa from the root "to besmirch", but this, of course, remains uncertain, the more so since there is yet no other attestation of a kausativum from this root (although such a kausativum would be perfectly regular). |
n3 | Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1983: 239 proposes to restore pletksa su no ("sinngemäß") at the beginning; the preterite of the verb plätk- "to flow, develop" makes indeed sense, but the damaged akṣara cannot belong to a sign with e-vowel. |
n5 | The Paris parallel PK NS 355 a 3 seems to offer a sligtly different text. See the discussion there. |
n7 | For the restoration see the parallel PK NS 355 a 4. |
n8 | Schmidt 2001: 314 fn. 74 is right in refuting Sieg/Siegling's proposal to restore to (ṣañ ṣar)sa due to the "handschriftliche Befund", but he gives no alternative restoration. The remains of the preceeding akṣara speak in favor of (·)[ta]rsa, and this is now actually supported by the parallel PK NS 355 b1, where [ṣṣ](·) [ś](·) (– –) [lyk](·)[śk](·) can be read; this can be restored to ṣṣe śas)tärsa ; lykaśke. |
n9 | Due to new attestations from the root yärttā- “to drag”, the restoration yä(rt)t(amane) is the most likely, see Malzahn 2010: 800. |
n10 | The parallel PK NS 355 b 4 has the cenän from the demonstrative pronoun seṃ, which makes more sense with respect to its deixis as recognitional pronoun. |
n11 | The direct speach of the Brahmins differs in THT 86 a 4. At the end Sieg/Siegling restore i(ke-postäṃ ynemane). |
Linguistic commentary
n1 | Note the monophthong -o in snai-kärsto for snai-kärstau; the same monophthongized form is attested in THT 88 b 1, which belongs to the same manuscript, and there it is also at the end of a sentence. |
n4 | Maybe in arañcä the virama stroke is simply missing by error; since the passage is not metrical, preservation of -ä is unlikely. |
n6 | For the interpretation and translation of tāsau, see Peyrot 2010: 358. |
Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications
Tamai 2011 | C5 |
Tamai 2011 | C14 |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1953: 22-23
Carling 2000: a1 a2 (198), b2 (208); Couvreur 1954c: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (101-102); Hackstein 1995: a1 a2 (270); Krause 1952: a1 (190), a3 a4 (62), a4 (27), b1 (138), b6 (52); Meunier 2013: a6 (146); Peyrot 2013b: a2 (305), a2 also PK NS 355 a1 (305), a6 (302, 431), a6 (431), b3 b4 (363), b4 (374), b6 (341); Schmidt 1974: a1 (95), b3 (409), b3 b4 (409), b4 b5 (122, 209), b4 b5 (209, fn. 2), b4 b5 (122), b5 (81, 217); Schmidt 2001: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (313-315); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a1 (239), a6 (239); Thomas 1952: a4 (40), b6 (40); Thomas 1957: a1 (62), b4 b5 (91), b6 (250); Thomas 1958: a2 (295), a2 (302), a4 (302); Thomas 1965: b4 b5 (199); Thomas 1967b: a6 (23); Thomas 1969: b5 (257); Thomas 1979b: b4 (41), b4 b5 (8), b5 b6 (43), b5 b6 (7); Thomas 1979d: b4 b5 (161); Thomas 1981: b6 (490); Thomas 1983: a6 (20), b6 (31); Thomas 1993: a1f=PK NS 355a1 (161), a3f=PK NS 355a2 (161), a4 a5 (184)
Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Couvreur, Walter. 1954c. “Koetsjische literaire fragmenten uit de Berlijnse verzameling (naar aanleiding van Sieg & Siegling’s Tocharische Sprachreste).” Handelingen VIII der Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 97–117.
Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.
Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.
Malzahn, Melanie. 2010. The Tocharian verbal system. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2010. “The Tocharian subjunctive.” PhD, Leiden.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
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Schmidt, Klaus T. 2001. “Die westtocharische Version des Araṇemi-Jātakas in deutscher Übersetzung.” In De Dunhuang à Istanbul. Hommage à James Russell Hamilton, edited by Louis Bazin and Peter Zieme, 299–327. Silk Road Studies 5. Turnhout: Brepols.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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Thomas, Werner. 1993. Parallele Texte im Tocharischen und ihre Bewertung. Vol. 5. SbWGF, XXX. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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