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THT 41

Known as:THT 41; B 41
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 41". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 05 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Expedition code:T III Š 87.1
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānālaṅkāra
Passage:Book 15 (Smṛtivarga), stophes 9-22.
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:4343 (1x), 56 (3x)


Manuscript:Udānālaṅkāra B
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


lf2 100 20
a18 ke ktse ñpa lsko śsa sai nu a nā s̝s̝a lñe sa tā· ·ñ· – – – – – – – [l]m· [na] ·tw – [t]w· mp· – – – – – – ·k· [n]· kā lṣw· – – – – –
a2no yne śyā mo¯ ¯s̝ mā sa tā ṣṣaṃ 9 śta rcce dhyāṃ kuse yne śyā mta¯ ¯r pa lsko mske ta¯ ¯r lya śka ttsai¯ ¯k • e ne ṅka¯ ¯ś pa spā rtau cwi mai¯ ¯m pa lskwa ttsai¯ ¯ksa nme tsa¯ ¯s̝ cwi k· ·ts· – –
a3ma ske ta¯ ¯r • toṃ s̝a rmna sa sa tā ṣlñe mā ce¯ ¯ts ne saṃ 10 mä kce¯ ¯u yke ṣṣa ke ktse ñe tā¯ ¯u ke na ṣṣe sa tā ṣlñe : nai ṣya ndi kno sā¯ ¯u ye nte ka rsa na lya : ne saṃ ye ntau pa ca yi¯ ¯k
a4śle¯ ¯k vi pā ka¯ ¯k • mā no sā¯ ¯u sa tā ṣlñe ne yaṃ ṣa s̝a lne 10-1 ai śa mñe te ntse ṣa ññe kuśa la mū ltse te pka rsa¯ ¯s • ī me no mai yya ka lpau ce¯ ¯u krau pe ne : tu
a5ntse ṣa rmtsā nā pā na smṛ ti we stra : o nwa ññe ntse se twe re tī kṣṇe ndrye¯ ¯ts 10 2 yśe lme cce e rsnā sso nto śai ṣṣe mpa se ri tto wo : yśe lme tse śai ṣṣe cwi ste
a6ai śai yyā mṣle : pi¯ ¯s bhū mi nta sai myā mu yā taṃ e rtsi : u pe kṣi ndri nta mpa se ri po ntpre keṃ 10 3 ṣka¯ ¯s yä kne sa se we sta¯ ¯r a nā s̝s̝a lñe sa tā ṣlñe : ṣaṃ s̝a lño mpo
a7staṃ ya lñe tsñai pa lka lñe : sta maa lñe klau tka ṣlñe a sta ra ññe : śa s̝ka¯ ¯s klau tkeṃ se we sta¯ ¯r o mpa lsko ññe 10 4 s̝aṃ ṣa lñe su tne we stra pi¯ ¯ś klau tkeṃ ntsa s̝a
a8ṣa lñe : me ṅki o lypo trī wä ṣlñe a sta rñe s̝pa : s̝aṃ ṣa lñe ṣe wī trai śtwe¯ ¯r pi¯ ¯ś śa¯ ¯k ta ṅtsi nano ka lya ṅkaṃ sa tā ṣlñe śka rśka¯ ¯r ṣaṃ s̝ta¯ ¯r 10 5 me ṅki no s̝aṃ ṣa lñe t[n]e ṣu¯ ¯k·
b1o¯ ¯kt śa¯ ¯k wa¯ ¯t sa tā s̝s̝a : ṣka spi¯ ¯ś ñu wa tno ṣaṃ s̝ta¯ ¯r mā po so lme : o lypo no s̝aṃ ṣa lñe tne ko ssa tā s̝s̝aṃ : me ṅki tu meṃ sa tā ṣlñe ke śyā ma sta¯ ¯r 10 6 trī
b2wä s̝lñe kuce sa tā s̝s̝aṃ tu a nā ṣlñe e ṅka sta¯ ¯r • a nā s̝s̝aṃ wa¯ ¯t sa tā ṣlñe ke śya ma sta¯ ¯r • a sta rñe pi¯ ¯ś a nā s̝s̝aṃ pi śtu ṣaṃ ṣtra sa tā s̝s̝aṃ wa¯ ¯t pi¯ ¯ś lykwa rwa tu kṣi¯ ¯ś ṣaṃ
b3ta¯ ¯r 10 7 ye nto mpo staṃ no ya lñe e ntā nā s̝s̝aṃ me le ntsa : ye nte ne ṅka yo paṃ ne yaṃ two mpo staṃ : ī mai śa mñe so mpo staṃ yaṃ su ye nte : ko rne ke le nā ra ñcä śpai ne
b4ta ṅtsi 10 8 eṃ ṣke pai ñe mo ko ci¯ ¯ś ā śaṃ ī me tu meṃ toṃ : lna ske ma ne mo ko cmeṃ ye nteṃ lkā s̝s̝aṃ : ywā rtsa tā na kwä ñcī tṣai kwä ñci¯ ¯t ya rmwa¯ ¯t : prā ri
b5ra so po kai wa¯ ¯t lau ke yku wa 10 9 ko¯ ¯s cwi mai yyai śa mñe s̝s̝a ko sī ndri nta to¯ ¯t lkā s̝s̝aṃ : tu meṃ no sta ma s̝s̝a lñe ma kte ye nte¯ ¯ts • me leṃ tsa yai pwa ye
b6nteṃ ko rne sta ms̝aṃ : a ra ñcne ke le¯ ¯ś pai ñe mo ko cne wa¯ ¯t 20 kau¯ ¯cä yku wa ye nte nsta ms̝aṃ ta rne neṃ ṣke po ye nteṃ : ke ktse nne stmau wa lkā s̝s̝aṃ pru tkau wa ra¯ ¯mt • wa me rra¯ ¯mt śe rk[n]e sta
b7sai ke ktse¯ ¯ñä lkā s̝s̝aṃ : ce te ykne sa sta ma ṣlñe ye nte¯ ¯ts pka rsa¯ ¯s 20-1 e tswai pa lka lñe ye nteṃ me leṃ ntse neṃ yai pwa toṃ : ko rne ke kmwa lkā s̝s̝aṃ me ke le¯ ¯ś ke – – – – –
b8¯ś eṃ ṣke pai ñe mo ko¯ ¯cä ta ṅtsi : tu meṃ c[w]i ma¯ ¯nt ma s·e – ///


8d11σ a18
9akektseñ palskoś ; sasainu ; anāṣṣälñe ; satā(ṣl)ñ(e) (:)
9d– – – – – – – lm· ·twtw·mp(a) – – – – – – ·k· kālṣw· – – – – – a2 no ; yneś yāmoṣ ; satāṣṣaṃ 9
10aśtarcce dhyāṃ kuse ; yneś yāmtär ; palsko msketär ; lyaśk= attsaik
10beneṅkaś pas;pārtau cwi ; maim palskw attsaik
10csänmetsa cwi ; k(ek)ts(eñe) ; (po) a3 mäsketär
10dtoṃ ṣärmnasa ; satāṣlñe ; cets nesäṃ 10
11amäkceu ykeṣṣa ; kektseñe ; u kenaṣṣe ; satāṣlñe :
10bnaiṣyandik no ; u yente ; kärsanalya :
10cnesäṃ yent= ; aupacayik ; a4 śle-k vipākak
11d no u sa;tāṣlñene ; yaṃ ṣaṣälne 10-1
12aaiśamñe ten;tse ṣaññe ; kuśalamūltse ; te pkarsas
12bīme no maiy;ya kälpau ; ceu kraupene :
12ctua5ntse ṣarmts= ā;nāpāna;smṛti westrä :
12donwaññentse ; se twere ; tīkṣṇendryets 10-2
13ayśelmecce er;snāssonto ; śaiṣṣempa se ; rittowo :
13byśelmetse śaiṣ;ṣe cwi ste ; a6 aiśai yyāmṣle :
13cpis bhūminta ; saim yāmu ; yātaṃ ertsi :
13dupekṣindrin;tampa se ; =ri pont prekeṃ 10-3
14aṣkas yäknesa ; se westär ; anāṣṣälñe ; satāṣlñe :
14bṣaṃṣälñ= ompo;a7n1stäṃ yalñ= ets;{ñ→w}ai palkalñe :
14cstamäṣälñe ; klautkäṣlñe ; astaräññe :
14dśaṣkäs klautkeṃ ; se westär ; ompalskoññe 10-4
15aṣäṃṣalñe su ; tne westrä ; piś klautkeṃntsa ; ṣäṃ a8n2n3 ṣalñe :
15bmeṅki olypo ; trīwäṣlñe ; astarñe ṣpä :
15cṣäṃṣalñe ṣe ; trai śtwer ; piś śak täṅtsi {:}
15dnäno-k aly{a→e}ṅkäṃ ; satāṣlñe ; śkar śkar ṣaṃṣtär 10-5
16ameṅki no ṣäṃ;ṣalñe tne ; ṣuk(t) b1n4 okt śak wat ; satāṣṣä{ṃ} :
16bṣkas piś ñu wat ; no ṣaṃṣtär ; po solme :
16colypo no ṣäṃ;ṣalñe tne ; kos satāṣṣäṃ :
16dmeṅki tumeṃ ; satāṣlñe ; keś y{ā→a}mastär 10-6
17atrīb2n5n6wäṣlñe kuce ; satāṣṣäṃ ; tu anāṣlñe ; eṅkastär
17banāṣṣäṃ wat ; satāṣlñe ; keś yamastär
17castarñe piś ; anāṣṣäṃ ; piś tu ṣaṃṣträ {:}
17dsatāṣṣäṃ wat ; piś lykwarwa ; tu-k {ṣ→p}iś ṣaṃb3ṣtär 10-7
18ayent= ompostäṃ ; no yalñe ; ent= ānāṣṣäṃ ; melentsa :
18byent= eneṅka ; yopäṃ-ne ; yaṃ tw ompostäṃ :
18cīm-aiśamñes= ; ompostäṃ ; yaṃ su yente :
18dkorne kelen= ; ārañcäś ; paine b4 täṅtsi 10-8
19aeṃṣke paiñe ; mokociś ; āśäṃ īme ; tumeṃ toṃ :
19blnaskemane ; mokocmeṃ ; yenteṃ lkāṣṣäṃ :
19cywārtsa tāna ; kwäñcītṣai ; kwäñcit yarm wat :
19dprāri b5 raso ; pokai wat ; lauke ykuwa 10-9
20akos cwi maiyy= ai;śamñeṣṣä ; kos īndrinta ; tot lkāṣṣäṃ :
20btumeṃ no sta;mäṣṣälñe ; mäkte yentets
20cmeleṃtsa yaip;wa yeb6nteṃ ; korne stamṣäṃ :
20darañcne ke;leś paiñe ; mokocne wat 20
21akauc ykuwa yen;ten stamṣäṃ ; tarnen= eṃṣke ; po yenteṃ :
21bkektsenne stmau;wa lkāṣṣäṃ ; prutkauwa ramt
21cwamer ramt śerk;ne stab7sai ; kektseñ lkāṣṣäṃ :
21dce te-yknesa ; stamäṣlñe ; yentets pkarsas 20-1
22aetswai palkal;ñe yenteṃ ; meleṃnts= eneṃ ; yaipwa toṃ :
22bkorne kekmwa ; lkāṣṣäṃme ; keleś ke – (:)
22c– – – b8 ś eṃṣ;ke paiñe ; mokoc täṅtsi :
22dtumeṃ cwi mant ; mäs(k)e(tär) ; ///


a1The one having relied on body and mind the inhaling and exhaling ...
a1+For they have realized (the fourth Dhyāna).
a2No-one breathes out, [9d] who has not realized the fourth Dhyāna. The mind becomes all feeble. Turned towards the inside his thought and feeling
a2+his whole body is in a trance.
a3For such reasons there is no exhaling for these. To which place the body belongs, to the earth [also] belongs [its] exhaling. For the wind must be understood as naiṣyandika [“belonging to the discharge (of the body)”].
a3+There is [also] the aupacayika [“coming from nourishment”], also the vipākaya [“originating in the compensation for the deeds”].
a4But this does not count in exhaling. Knowledge of this, this recognize as the nature of the root of merit, for the consciousness has received the power in the section (lit. group),
a4+because of this it is called ānāpānasṃrti.
a5This is the gate of immortality for those having sharp senses. This [is] connected to the sensual shaped [“rūpa”] and [the world] as wished [“kāma”] world.
a5+The sensual world must be be taken care of.
a6If it [the ānāpānasṃrti] the one that takes refuge in the five Bhūmis [“earths”] with the indifferent senses can be evoked, then this one [the world as wished] should evoked it [the ānāpānasṃrti] at all times. In a six-fold way is this inhaling and exhaling being called:
a6+counting after [“gaṇanā”] going towards [“anugama”], looking up [“upalakṣanā”], placing [“sthāna”], turning [“vivartanā”] [and] purity [“pariśuddhi”].
a7As having sixteen ways this meditation is called. The counting here is called fivefold:
a7+counting, less, more, mixing and purity.
a8Counting [, this is] one, two, three, four, five to ten. Again [and again] he counts others as inhaling, ten by ten. Counting less, however, [is] here:
a8+Seven, eight or ten [times] he exhales,
b1but he calls [only] six, five or nine, [but] not the full amount. More counting furthermore [is] here: How often he exhales, he counts [it] less than that as exhaling
b1+Mixing [is this]:
b2What he exhales, he understands as inhaling, or [what] he inhales, he counts [as] exhaling. Purity [is this]: five [times] he inhales [and] counts this as five,
b2+or five times he breathes out [and] also counts this as five.
b3Following the wind, furthermore, [is this]: when he inhales through the nose [and] the wind enters him, he follows it. With consciousness and knowledge he follows the wind: into the throat, into the navel, towards the heart down into the feet.
b4[All the way] to the big toe he leads the consciousness, from there he sees the winds emerging from the big toe, half a sesame-seed or a [whole] sesame-seed in measure, [the length of] one finger, one span or one arm having come [out].
b5As far as his mind’s power [will allow], as far as his sensual organs, so far he sees. How then is, furthermore, the placing of the winds?
b5+[Answer:] Having entered by the nose the winds he places in the throat, in the heart, towards the navel or in the big toe.
b6The winds having come upwards he places in the crown of the head, until he sees all winds standing in the body, as if locked in.
b6+Like a jewel on a string the body he sees.
b7In this way understand the placing of the winds. Looking up [is this]: The winds having entered by the nose, those he sees having come to the throat, [having] come to the navel, (having come) to the (heart) unto the big toe.
b8Then from such a one is ...


a7Als sechzehn Erscheinungsformen habend wird diese Versenkung gelehrt. (Schmidt 1974: 225)
a7+Das Zählen, das wird hier in fünf Erscheinungsformen gelehrt: [Richtig] zählen, weniger, mehr, Mischen und Reinhalten. (Schmidt 1974: 225)
a7+Das Zählen wird hier in fünf Erscheinungsformen gelehrt: [Richtig] Zählen, weniger, mehr, Mischen und Reinhalten. ... Reinhalten ist: Fünf[mal] atmet er ein [und] zählt das [als] fünf, oder fünfmal atmet er aus [und] zählt das ebenfalls [als] fünf. (Schmidt 1974: 352)
b1+Mehr zählen ferner [ist] hier: Wie oft er ausatmet, zählt er weniger als das als Ausatmen. Vermischen [ist]: Was er ausatmet, das fasst er [als] Einatmen auf, oder [was] er einatmet, zählt er [als] Ausatmen. (Schmidt 1974: 340, 397)
b3Going after the wind is: when he inhales through the nose and the wind enters inside him, [then] it goes after it. (cf : ii, 61) (Peyrot 2013b: 684)


Philological commentary

In b1 instead of 'five' one would expect 'seven', and 'less than that' should probably read 'more than that'.
This leaf, which, according to leaf number and content, belongs to the Smṛtivarga (XV), in strophes 9-22 contained in it deals with the ānāpānasmṛti, the meditation relating to breathing in and out. On this matter cf. Abhidh-k 6, p. 153ff. The metre is 14/11/11/11 syllables in the rhythm 7/7 and 7/4.
n1According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 75 fn. 4 the reading =etsñai should be corrected to =etswai in the transcription.
n3According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 75 fn. 5 the reading alyaṇkäṃ should be corrected to alyeṇkäṃ in the transcription.
n4According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 76 fn. 1 the reading satāṣṣä should be corrected to satāṣṣä(ṃ) in the transcription, also yāmastär to yamastär.
n6According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 76 fn. 3 the verse interpunction is missing after ṣaṃṣträ and ṣiś should be corrected to piś.


The original manuscript is missing, but, like THT 31 and THT 3 (alongside which it was found) was damaged only at the top edge and otherweise almost complete. Contained leaf number 220.

Linguistic commentary

n2astarñe for astaräññe.
n5astarñe for astaräññe.


Online access



Sieg and Siegling 1949: I, 60-61; Sieg and Siegling 1983: 75-76 notes 207-211


Adams 2013: a3 (11-12); Carling 2000: a1 (77, 177), a6 (282), a6 a7 (326), a8 (328), b3 b4 (193), b4 (350), b5 b6 (45), b6 (345), b7 (326, 328), b7 b8 (350); Hackstein 1995: a1 (247), a6 (247), b2 (224, 247f), b3 (248, 311), b5 (311); Krause 1952: b3 (206); Meunier 2013: b1 (146), b1 b2 (146); Peyrot 2013b: b3 (684); Schmidt 1974: a7 (225), a7 a8 (225), a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 (352), b1 b2 (340, 397); Sieg and Siegling 1949: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (II, 59-61); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a1 (208), a2 (208), a3 (209), a4 (209), a6 (210), b3 (210), b4 (210), b6 b7 (211); Thomas 1954: a6 (724), a8 (749), b3 b4 (749), b7 b8 (749); Thomas 1957: a2 (260), a4 a5 (260), a5 (265); Thomas 1967a: a3 (76), b6 (76); Thomas 1967c: a7 a8 (178); Thomas 1968: b6 (203); Thomas 1970a: b1 (453); Thomas 1972: a6 (461), b1 (450); Thomas 1979b: a7 (61), a8 (35), b1 (35); Thomas 1979d: a3 a4 (162); Thomas 1983: a4 (36), b4 (42); Thomas 1986: a8 (123); Thomas 1988: a7 (256); Thomas 1997: a6 (78), a8 b1 (115)


Adams 2013

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Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Hackstein 1995

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Krause 1952

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Meunier 2013

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Peyrot 2013b

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Schmidt 1974

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Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Thomas 1954

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