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THT 3597

Known as:THT 3597; Mainz 655,1 [Schmidt]; Mainz 655 [current]
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "THT 3597". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot


Main find spot:Kizil Ming-öy
Expedition code:T III MQR
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:archaic
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Buddhastotra
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8



a1/// sā : mā ñä śtsā ṅkau e ṅka lpa tte pū dñä kta ññe nu wa lñe ta ñpra kreṃ mā ka wi [n]· ///
a2/// ·[t]· ta ñña na la kṣā nta sā : ce yā mo rsa ka lo ymñä śtoṃ la kṣa nta po tā ko¯ ¯ī ms̝a ///
a3/// – kau na pe ñyai kauṃ cme lṣu po kau ñä kteṃ ṣe ṣṣi rku la kutso wñai sa : mai yyā pre ñcai vi kṣnu ///
a4/// lmaṃ tsyä mai sa we śe ññai sa ta rka «rwa» po ṣā rka tai : po yśi ññe ṣṣe su me rci ta rne sa ñä św· (–) –
a5/// mñe tai wā ṣmo ne e ṅsā ·[ai] (–) ·[e] ścme la : pra kkreṃ s̝a ñā¯ ¯ñm klyau tka tai saṃ sā [r]·· (– –) kle nta ka
a6/// ltsa ma stā rwā re : ta ṅwä – (– – –) [ta]¯ ¯rñ ra¯ ¯mt ta¯ ¯ṅw sasu wa ne ṣā rka te cka (–) – rtstse : 2 e mpe
a7/// [ta]¯ ¯ṅw ma rsā re sasu we rṣe (– – – – –) ṣṣā nte la reṃ s̝a ñśau¯ ¯l : o ṅko l·a (– – –) śne ṣle meṃ s̝a
a8/// ta¯ ¯ñ yu ka mā (– – – – – – –) w[a] ne : 3 saṃ sā ra ntse (– – – – – – –) po śā rsa ly[k]a
b1/// – rta te¯ ¯cä tn[e] [k]s[ā] – (– – – – – –) lñe ṣṣe we sa¯ ¯ñ (–) ·ts· – (– –) – la stā : o
b2/// p· lsko sa : 4 ñä kcya – (– – – –) [n]· skwa ntsi nta kca ca rkā cmā ka ruṃ pa [l]·· (– –) ṣa na we śe
b3/// kṣ·· śai ṣṣe se ñi wa se ni¯ ¯k (– – –) ñi¯ ¯ś wa ste ṅku : rī nä ṣṣi tra sa¯ ¯kw ña – (–) – lwā ñai śco nai
b4/// ṣe yyi śka ne mo kau śka se (– –) ·[l]y· [y]·¯ ¯c : sa yu sā ceṃ cā la te tu lya kā sta ka ·u· ts· nai tta cpa ls·o :
b5/// yne si¯ ¯ñä mā¯ ¯s̝p mau kā sta : ka ruṃ pa lsko te ykne sā lwā ññe ru pne tu kau ṣai¯ ¯c to¯ ¯t la l[a]ṃ ///
b6/// [ke] ktse ñwsā stā : pa pā sau sai ke ktse ntsa śe tka sta ceṃ cä kau rce śā rmai yta rtsa : ke ś[c]yeṃ [l]·· ///
b7/// la tkā nte¯ ¯c ā ñmā la ṣka sai¯ ¯m wa sta po ke la sta : 7 ke¯ ¯st te ki sa la kle – ///
b8/// – wsā sta mī sa la tka tsi snai ke ścme la : sti yai so ktne ka ru ntsa ma kte ma stā ///


a1/// : ñäś tsāṅkau eṅkälpatte pūdñäktäññe nuwalñe täñ prakreṃ māka win(āskau) ///
a2/// ·t· täññana lakṣāntasā : ce yāmorsa käloym ñäś toṃ lakṣanta po tākoīm ṣä ///
a3/// –
1akauna-peñyai ; kauṃ cmelṣu ; po kauñäkteṃ ; ṣeṣṣirku ; läkutsowñaisa :
1bmaiyyā preñcai ; vikṣnu /// 12σ
1ca4n1 /// (oṅko)lmaṃts ; yämaisa ; weśeññaisa ; tärkärwa ; po ṣārkatai :
1dpoyśiññeṣṣe ; sumer ci ; tärnesa ñäś ; w(ināskau) ; a5n2 ///
2a mñe ; tai wāṣmone ; eṅsā(t)ai ; (snai) (k)eś cmela :
2bprakkreṃ ṣäñ-āñm ; klyautkatai ; saṃsār(ṣṣana) ; (lä)klenta ; a6(ltsi) ///
2c11σ ; (warkṣä)ltsa ; mäst= ārwāre :
2dtäṅwä(ssonta) ; (mā)tarñ ramt ; täṅw säsuwane ; ṣārkate-c ; ka(ruṃ) (au)rtstse : 2
3aempea7(le) 15σ ///
3btäṅw märsāre ; säsuwerṣe ; – – – – ; (pa)ṣṣānte ; lareṃ ṣäñ śaul :
3coṅkol(m)a(ññai) ; (särwe)śne ; ṣlemeṃ ṣäa8n3(ñ-āñm) ;
3d/// täñ ; yukamā(ne) ; – – – – – – ; wane : 3
4asaṃsārantse ; – – – ; (aiśämñe) (ci) ; po śārsa ; lykä(śke) (trekte)
4bb1 /// (ṣā)rtate-c ; tne-k
4c– – – – – – – lñeṣṣe ; wesäñ (ṣärm)ts(a) ; (rintsatai) ; (tne-k) (ke)lästā :
4do b2 /// p(a)lskosa : 4
5añäkcya(na) (ramt) ; (skwänma)n(e) ; skwantsi nta kca ; carkā-c ; karuṃ pal(sko)
5b– – ṣana ; weśeb3n4(ññaiṃ) ;
5c/// kṣ·· ; śaiṣṣe se ; ñi wa senik ; (wärpau) (ste) ; ñiś wast= eṅku :
5drīnäṣṣiträ säkw ña(kcye) – – lwāñai śconai b4 ///
6a ; ṣeyyiśkane ; mokauśka ; se(nik)·ly·y·-c :
6bsayusā ceṃ cālate tu lyakāsta ka(r)u(ṃ)ts(a) naitta-c päls(k)o :
6cb5 /// (tai)ynesiñ ṣp maukāsta :
6dkaruṃ palsko te-yknesā lwāññe rupne tukau ṣai-c tot lalaṃ(ṣka)
7b/// b6 /// kektseñ wsāstā : papāsausai kektsentsa śetkasta ceṃ cäk= aurce śār maiytartsa :
7ckeścyeṃ l(wāsa) ; 14σ
7d/// b7 /// ; latkānte-c ; āñmālaṣka ; saim-wasta ; po kelasta : 7
8akest tekisa ; läkle(nta) ; 11σ
8b/// b8 /// – ; wsāsta mīsa ; latkatsi ; snai keś cmela :
8cstiyais= oktne ; karuntsa ; mäkte mästā ; ///


a1«I will not arise without having achieved the Buddha [worth]!» [c] [this] firm roaring of yours (I) honour much. [d]
a2... with your ... characteristics; [b] may I through this deed obtain all these characteristics; [c] may I become ... [d]
a3O sun glory, o sun of [re]birth, you have surpassed all suns with your light, [1a] o powerful Viṣṇu, ... [1b]
a4the ... of the elephants you have surpassed with [your] course, and with [your] voice all clouds: [1c]
a4+you, Sumeru of omniscience, I honour with the top of my head ... [1d]
a5..., to these two friends you have kept in countless [re]births; [2a]
a5+you have made yourself firm (in order to bear) ... the sorrows of the saṃsāra; [2b]
a6with (unremitting energy) you set out, (ready on the arhat road); [2c] your deep compassion has surpassed even love like loving mothers to [their] sons. [2d]
a6+In the terrible (wilds they ate the flesh of [their own] son, confused because of hunger): [3a]
a7they forgot [their] love to [their] son [and] ... (saved) their own dear life; [3b]
a7+in the (shape) of an elephant (you threw yourself) from a mountain (as food for [those] hungry) [3c] ...
a8(this test) ... your ... overcoming ... (love) to [their] (sons). [3d] [Your] (wisdom) (about the ...) of the saṃsāra made you understand everything, little (and big) [4a]
b1... your ... has compelled you to ... here; [4b] ... (you have given up for) our (sake) and you have endured [it] (here): [4c]
b1+the beings (?) ... with [your] mind. [4d]
b2The thought of compassion never let you feel happy (like) with divine (pleasures); [5a]
b2+... voices ... [5b]
b3«for this ... world (is) entrusted to me; me it has taken as [its] refuge» [5c]
b3+[but] it gave up divine happiness and ... detestable animal state ... [5d]
b4(When you were a lion), a she-monkey entrusted her two offspring to you; [6a] a vulture carried them off; you saw that and out of compassion your mind shocked; [6b]
b5([and] with the blood from your flanks you bought) [back] their (lives) and did not let off – [6c] thus your compassionate mind was hidden in animal appearance, o so tender one! [6d]
b5+(When you were a turtle), you gave [your] body away (to the merchants to be stripped), [7a]
b6[and] with your body skinned you let them cross over the wide river by your love: [7b] (you have seen) hungry (animals) (and put yourself [a whole] kalpa to damage in order to feed them); [7c
b6+they cut off your (flesh)
b7– o, pitying help and stay, you endured all! [7d] You have seen the sorrows through hunger and illness (of the people) ... [8a]
b7+you have given ([your] own body) away ... to let the flesh be stripped in countless rebirths; [8b]
b8as out of compassion you set out with calm in the eight ... [8c] ... (the heart [was] hit). [8d] (A woman) ... [9a]


a1I will not arise without having achieved the Buddha [worth]! (148, 151) (Peyrot 2013b: 658)


Linguistic commentary

For detailed linguistic comments, see Peyrot 2010a: 161-166.

Parallel texts

THT 239

Philological commentary

For detailed philological comments, see Peyrot 2010a (passim). Below, only corrections to the article are noted.
[a1] /// sā : mā ñäś tsāṅkau ¦ eṅkälpatte ¦ pūdñäktäññe nuwalñe täñ ¦ prakreṃ māka ¦ win· /// [a2] one pāda is completely lost in the lacuna /// ·t· täññana ¦ lakṣāntasā : ce yāmorsa ¦ käloym ñäś toṃ ¦ lakṣanta po tākoīm ṣä /// [a3] /// – kauna-peñyai kauṃ cmelṣu ¦ po kauñäkteṃ ṣeṣṣirku ¦ läkutsowñaisa : [1a] maiyyā-preñcai vikṣnu /// [a4] [1b] ///(oṅko)lmaṃts yämaisa ¦ weśeññaisa tärkärwa ¦ po ṣārkatai : [1c] poyśiññeṣṣe sumer ci ¦ tärnesa ñäś w(ināskau) ¦ [1d] [a5] /// mñe ¦ tai wāṣmone eṅsā(t)e ¦ (snai ke)ś cmela : [2a] prakkreṃ ṣäñ-āñm klyautkatai ¦ saṃsār(ṣṣana lä)klenta ¦ kä [a6] (ltsi) /// [2b] (arhānteṣṣai ytārine ¦ ekwalacce warkṣä)ltsa ¦ mäst= ārwāre : [2c] THT 239 a1 /// nteṣṣai ytārine ekwal(a)cc(e) w(ar)kṣä(l)ts(a) /// [8c] täṅwä(ssoñc ra mā)tarñ ramt ¦ täṅw säsuwane ṣārkate-c ¦ ka(ruṃ au)rtstse : 2 empe [a7] (le – karāśne ¦ seyi mīsa śawāre ¦ trikoṣ kessa :) /// [3a] THT 239 a2 /// karāśne seyi mīsa śawāre trikoṣ kess(a) : [9a] täṅw märsāre säsuwerṣe ¦ – – – – (pa)ṣṣānte ¦ lareṃ ṣäñ śaul : [3b] THT 239 a2 [continued] taṅw /// [9b] oṅkol(m)a – – – śne ¦ ṣlemeṃ ṣä [a8] (ñ-āñm ṣalātai ¦ keścyeṃts śwātsi :) [3c] THT 239 a3 /// ṣlemeṃ ṣañ āñm ṣalātai keścyeṃts śwāts(i) : [9c] /// täñ ¦ yukamā(ne) – – – – – – wane : 3 THT 239 a3 [continued] ce smā(ṃ) /// [9d] saṃsārantse – – – ¦ (aiśämñe ci) po śārsa ¦ lykä [b1] (śke trekte :) [4a] THT 239 a4 /// aiśamñe ci po śārsa lykaśke trekte [10a] /// (ṣā)rtate-c ¦ tnek sā – – [4b] – – – – – lñeṣṣe ¦ wesäñ (ṣärm)ts(a rintsatai ¦ tnek ke)lästā : [4c] THT 239 a5 /// ṣṣe wesäñ ṣarmtsa rintsatai tnek kelasta [10c] o [b2] /// p(a)lskosa : 4 ñäkcya(na ramt skwänma)n(e) ¦ skwantsi nta kca carkā-c mā ¦ karuṃ pal(sko) [5a] THT 239 a6 /// skwäntsi nta kca cärkā-c mā karuṃ pal(sk)o [11a] – – ṣana weśe(ññaiṃ) ¦ [5b] [b3] /// kṣ·· śaiṣṣe se ¦ ñi wa senik (wärpau ste) ¦ ñiś wast= eṅku : [5c] THT 239 a7 /// wa senik wärpau ste ñäś wa /// [11c] rīnäṣṣiträ säkw ña(kcye) ¦ – – lwāñai ¦ śconai [b4] /// [5d] /// ¦ ṣeyyiśkane mokauśka ¦ se(nik) – [ly]·[y]·-c : [6a] THT 239 b1 /// (ṣai)yiśkane mokowśka senik /// sayusā ceṃ cālate ¦ tu lyakāsta ka(r)u(ṃ)ts(a) ¦ naitta-c päls(k)o : [6b] [b5] /// (¦ śaul käryātai tai)ynesiñ ¦ mā ṣp maukāsta : [6c] THT 239 b2 /// śaul käryātai tainaisäñ mā ṣ mauk(ā)st(a) [12c] karuṃ palsko te-yknesā ¦ lwāññe rupne tukau ṣai-c ¦ tot lalaṃ(ṣka [b6] 6) /// (ne ¦ käryortantäṃts lātkatsi) ¦ kektseñ wsāstā : [7a] THT 239 b3 /// ne käryortantäṃts lātkatsi kektseñ wsā(sta :) [13a] papāsausai kektsentsa ¦ śetkasta ceṃ cäk= aurce ¦ śār maiytartsa : [7b] keścyeṃ l(wāsa lyakāsta ¦ kālpo ṣañ āñm myāyasta) /// [7c] THT 239 b4 /// lyakāsta kālpo ṣañ āñm myāsta /// [13c] [b7] /// latkānte-c ¦ āñmālaṣka saim-wasta ¦ po kelasta : 7 THT 239 b5 /// 13 kest tekisa läkle(nta ¦ śāmñe śaiṣṣe lyakāsta ¦) /// [8a] THT 239 b5 [continued] k(e)st tekisa alāṣmoṃ śāmñe (ś)aiṣṣ(e) lya(kāsta) /// [14a] [b8] /// – ¦ wsāsta mīsa latkatsi ¦ snai keś cmela : [8b] THT 239 b6 /// ṣ(a)ñ kektseñmeṃ : [14b] stiyais= oktne karuntsa ¦ mäkte mästā /// [8c] THT 239 b6 [continued] stiyais= okne karūnt(sa) mäkte ma /// [14c] THT 239 b7 /// aunw arañce 14 THT 239 b7 [continued] kliye ·e /// [15a]
n1tärnesa: 'with the top of my head', not 'with my skull'.
n2eṅsā(t)ai: this reading, instead of eṅsā(t)e, I owe to Ronald I. Kim (Poznań), p.c.
n3: in THT 239 a3, smā(ṃ) is 'test', not 'repetition', according to Ogihara 2011a.
n4lwāñai śconai: 'detestable animal state', not 'animal hatred' (Ogihara 2012a: 172).

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008A1
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: THT 3597; TITUS: THT 3597


Schmidt 1983a; Tamai 2007a: №3597; Peyrot 2010a


Peyrot 2013b: a1 (658)



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Ogihara 2011a

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2011a. “龟兹语 smāṃ 考释.” 西域文史 – Literature & History of the Western Regions 6: 49–60.

Ogihara 2012a

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2012a. “A fragment of the Bhikṣu-prātimokṣasūtra in Tocharian B.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13: 163–79.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Peyrot 2010a

Peyrot, Michaël. 2010a. “Notes on the Buddhastotra fragment THT3597 in Tocharian B.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 25: 143–69.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1983a

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1983a. “Vorläufige Bemerkungen zu den in der Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin neu gefundenen tocharischen Handschriftenfragmenten.” In XXI. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 24. bis 29. März 1980 in Berlin. Vorträge, edited by Fritz Steppat, 271–79. ZDMG Suppl. 5. Wiesbaden: Steiner.

Tamai 2007a

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007a. “A preliminary edition of unpublished texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” Thesaurus indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan collection. 2007.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”