Work in progress

THT 359

Known as:THT 359; B 359; Bleistiftnummer 4995
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz (translation). "THT 359". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 15 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz (translation)


Main find spot:Kumtura
Specific find spot:6. Höhle
Expedition code:T III Qu 1
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Unidentified Jātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Manuscript:THT 359-360
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:5



lf2 100 60 1
a1– [ñi]¯ ¯ś wi nā skau[¯] [¯ś] – – [bo] dhi sā tveṃ¯ ¯s saṃ sā[¯] [¯r] a nai ///
a2lm[e] ne ka rūṃ ntsa no la reṃ ne rvāṃ ta rka naṃ ///
a3rne mā bo dhi sa tveṃ¯ ¯s śau¯ ¯l ri lñe ne to¯ ¯t ā ///
a4rya a saṃ khyai nta ka nte ka lpa nma ne ai na keṃ [sa]ṃ ///
a5ka t[k]au sai pre ścī yai ne kā śi ṣṣa na ypau na ne bā rā ṇa ///
b1mna sa • tā wno mā ka ta ṅwaṃ ññai bā rā ṇa si rī ne bra hma ///
b2lmeṃ ai śai ya ma ṣṣi ta¯ ¯r || kla mpä ryai ne || tā ///
b3vai śra va ṇe wa te ra¯ ¯mtä po ypau na ne wa ///
b4bo dhi sa tve : a klyya te po ṣa ña nma ga [ndha] ///
b5– – ·(·)s· sū pā ce¯ ¯r ta ·e – – – he pa¯ ¯stä srū ka • tu meṃ [b]r· ///


a1ñiś wināskauś – – bodhisātveṃs saṃsār anai ///
a2lmene karūṃntsa no lareṃ nervāṃ tärkanaṃ ///
a3rne bodhisatveṃs śaul rilñene tot ā ///
a4rya asaṃkhyainta kante kalpanmane ainakeṃ saṃ ///
a5kätkausai preścīyaine kāśiṣṣana ypaunane bārāṇa ///
b1mnasatāw no māka täṅwaṃññai bārāṇasi rīne brahma ///
b2lmeṃ aiśai yamaṣṣitärklampäryaine ///
b3vaiśravaṇe wate ramt po ypaunane wa ///
b4bodhisatve : aklyyate po ṣañanma gandha ///
b5– – ··s· pācer ·e – – – he päst srūkatumeṃ br· ///


a1... I worship you... ... the Saṃsāra... of the Bodhisattvas...
a2... he lets go the dear Nirvāṇa out of compassion...
a3... not... in the giving up of life of the Bodhisattvas... so many...
a4... in (three?) asaṃkhyeyas and a hundred kalpas, the common...
a5+... in passed time, in the countries of Kāśa, Benares...
b1In the much beloved city Benares, Brahma-...
b2... was taking care of (the excellent?)... In the Klämparyai-tune:
b2+... second, like Vaiśravaṇa... in all countries...
b4The bodhisattva... studied all skills (?) (of the) Gandharvas (?)...
b5... the father... died... Then...


Philological commentary

n1Maybe this is an error for sañanma "skills", which would make more sense than ṣañanma "selfs" (where we would expect ṣäñanma).

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Tamai 2011C1
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: THT 359; TITUS: THT 359


Sieg and Siegling 1953


Carling 2000: a4 (315), a5 (291-292), b1 (160), b4 (404); Sieg and Siegling 1983: b1 (253); Thomas 1958a: b1 (169); Thomas 1995: b1 (52)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Sieg and Siegling 1953

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.

Thomas 1958a

Thomas, Werner. 1958a. “Zum Ausdruck der Komparation beim tocharischen Adjektiv.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 75: 129–69.

Thomas 1995

Thomas, Werner. 1995. Zur tocharischen Syntax. Adverbiales A māk, B māka “viel”. Vol. 2. SbWGF, XXXIII. Stuttgart: Steiner.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”