Work in progress

THT 1312

Known as:THT 1312; Prelim. No. 136
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz (translation transcription transliteration). "THT 1312". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz (translation transcription transliteration)


Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Text genre:Literary


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:7



a1/// – – (–) – – ka – || – – – k· nts· (– –) – – ///
a2/// ·o kśa ne ñi e śne ṣṣi ta – ·tā ṣṣe pa du – a kā lka [ṣṣi] ///
a3/// yyai tu po [s]taṃ tā s̝s̝a ṣṣ· p· kw· rka – – – ·e – – ///
a4/// ·e ·e n·a sn· ai l·e ·ra lū no lā n·a – ·ai – (–) – ///
a5/// tsū wai yä tsi 1 || a rwa ke ne ne || ma kte ra mtśau mo ta pr[e] ś· ///
a6/// – wa tno ma tre wä se lye lyk[o] ·m· || sva ra no wä lo a mā cä ntse ·o [y]· ///
a7/// k·o ys̝a rmnta – nta meṃ ñyā – || ·o n· m· ka pi le ntsa || – ·eṃ – ///
b1/// ·ra ṣ· kro kśa kre ntwe re sa – tkra kka sā¯ ¯u e śai na ka rka no – || ta – ///
b2/// – kte ra m[t]·o hī ṇiṃ ṣa ·i – ·i kmū trai e śai wä tno hra meṃ mpa ṣe [sa] – ///
b3/// mcu ṣke tā¯ ¯u lya ka wī n· [sa] l[w]a [t]ai || na – vi la pne || tu – ///
b4/// k· ·ts· tā y·e – rm·a – ·o s·ā – ·ñu ta – – – ///
b5/// y·ā – kne || a ñc· ly· m· – ñmu [a] ṣca po pa – – ta ///
b6/// – kle ·tseṃ ścai tsi • pau – – [da] re ke wna ṣṣī re rī no¯ ¯[s̝] – – ///
b7/// – – ·e – ·o – ·e ///


a1/// – – – – – – ॥ – – – nts· – – – – ///
a2/// ·o kśä ne ñi eśneṣṣi ·tā ṣṣe padu(m) akālkäṣṣi ///
a3/// yyai tu postäṃ ṣṣä ṣṣ· kw· rkä – – – ·e – – ///
a4/// ·e ·e n·a sn(ai) ail(ñ)e ·rä no lān(ts)a·ai – – – ///
a5/// tsūwai yätsi 1 ॥ arwa kenene
Xxmäkte ramt śaumo täpre ś· /// a6 /// – wat no matre-wäse lyelyko(r)m(eṃ)
svarano wälo amācäntse ·o · ·///
a7/// k·o yṣärmntäntä meṃ ñyā(ssa)·o m(ā)ka pilentsa
Xx·eṃ – /// b1 /// ·rä ṣ· krokśä krent weresatkra kka u eśainä kärkä no
ta – ///
b2/// (meñä)kte ramt (r)ohīṇiṃ ṣa ·i·i kmūtrai eśai wät no hrämeṃmpa ṣesa – ///
b3/// mcuṣke u lyaka wīn(a) salwatainavilapnetu – ///
b4/// ·ts· y·erm·a·o s·ā·ñu ta – – – ///
b5/// y·ākneañc(a)ly(i) ñmu a ṣca po – – ///
b6/// – kle ·tseṃ ścai tsipau – – da rekewnaṣṣī rerīnoṣ – – ///
b7/// – – ·e·o·e ///


a2... of my eyes... the lotus of... the... of wish...
a2+... thereafter...
a4+... without giving gift... to go towards...
a5... in the Arwa-tune: Just like a tall person (?)...
a6... or having seen the sharp-poisoned... King Svarano (?) (said?) to (his) minister...:
a7... with the desire to... ... by many wounds...
b1... through good smell, the bee (is attracted?). ... it (raises ?) its eyes
b1+... like the moon (together with) Rohiṇi... water lily... or together with hrämeṃ...
b3.. the prince saw her and passion was ignited. In the Na(la?)-Vilāpa-tune:
b5The añjali-gesture...
b6... of words... left behind...



Tamai 2007a: №1312

Online access

IDP: THT 1312; TITUS: THT 1312



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Tamai 2007a

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007a. “A preliminary edition of unpublished texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” Thesaurus indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan collection. 2007.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”