Work in progress

THT 1310

Known as:THT 1310; Prelim. No. 134
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz (translation). "THT 1310". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz (translation)


Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Text genre:Literary


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:7



a1/// nt· (–) a – – || – ·c· – – – (–) – ·t· t· pa – y· r· ta [ke] – – ///
a2/// – pi – – ·ā ynta sa śai ṣṣe s· ·i nu ste : ma nta – śo lne ·y· [se] – saṃ • [ru] ·sts· n· ///
a3/// ypa rwe yo laiṃ wa ṣa m[o] [ntai] mpa e ṣe tri ·ā lñe – to tka skwa ntse pe l··[i] ṣa ñä –
a4/// tai ke ktse ñi ntse pa ka na wai ptā¯ ¯r snai ke¯ ¯ś yo lai n· yā [m]o rnta [ma] ṣṣa mai –
a5/// [rā] ·i re 6 ka sko¯ ¯r we lñe 7 ke ta ra ka rtse ne e ntse e ra ñe 8 mā ///
a6/// – sau • pa ñi kte pe [lai] kne sā ṅ·e (–) – ta rmā ta rne • ka ṣṣi ///
a7/// – – – lau – (– – –) – – [l]· ·ā ///
b1/// – (–) ·w· ·t· (– – – –) – ///
b2/// – wā – – – ṅ·ā saṃ – (–) ·k· nä ṣye maṃ 10 ///
b3/// – ·k· l· – – ntse pre śśi yo • ya ltse pi ·[w]· [l]a sta mo¯ ¯yä snai [ñ]· ///
b4/// – ma ñu ltse ka ma rnta ti ke ñi kte pe ñyai – [tr]i ·ṃ ·o ·kr·¯ ¯[l] [ña] ///
b5/// mi ñcu ṣka nta mi ñcu ṣkā na mpa ka ntā nta la wa rpo ye • [10] 3 ///
b6/// [ka] pi laṃ • śri saṃ bhā ve wai – (–) – ra kṣi te lo hi tā (–) – hā ka ///
b7/// ·ä – (–) dha rmā hā ri kaṃ • pe rne [pa] ñ[y]ai sa ·o yaṃ ntā¯ ¯r ta ñcyeṃ pā ña ///


a1/// nt·a – – ॥ – ·c· – – – – – ·t· pa r·tä ke – – ///
a2/// – pi – – (up)āyntasa śaiṣṣe s(es)inu ste : mäntaśolne ·y· sesaṃru ·sts· ///
a3/// yparwe yolaiṃ waṣamontaimpa eṣe tri(w)ālñetotka skwantse pel(yk)i(ṃ) ṣañä
a4/// tai kektseñintse pakana waiptār snai keś yolain(a) yāmornta maṣṣamai
a5/// ·i re 6 käskor welñe 7 ketara kartsene entse eräñe 8 ///
a6/// – saupañikte pelaikne sāṅ·e – – tär mātärnekäṣṣi ///
a7/// – – – lau – – – – – – ·ā ///
b1/// – – ·w· ·t· – – – – – ///
b2/// – – – – ṅ·ā saṃ – – ·k· ṣye mäṃ 10 ///
b3/// – ·k· – – ntse preśśiyoyaltse pi(k)w(a)la stamoy snai ñ· ///
b4/// – ma ñultse ka ma rnta ti ke ñikte peñyaitri ·ṃ ·o ·kr·l ña ///
b5/// miñcuṣkanta miñcuṣkānampa kantānta la warpo ye • 10-3 ///
b6/// kapilaṃśrisaṃbhāve wai – – – rakṣite lohi – – ka ///
b7/// ·ä – – dharmā hārikaṃperne pañyai sa ·o yaṃntār tañcyeṃ ña ///


a1+... the world is satiated with lower beings...
a3+... first, the mingling with a bad friend (?) for the sake of a little happiness for himself...
a4... for the sake of the body, I have done separate evil deeds without number...
a5... 6 spreading rumors, 7 evoking envy against the good of someone, 8 ... not ...
a6... Buddha... the law... to (father) and mother, the teacher...
b3... the time of... ... may he remain for a thousand years without...
b4... 9000... ruler (?), god, glory....
b7... rank, glory... may they stop...


Online access

IDP: THT 1310; TITUS: THT 1310


Tamai 2007a: №1310



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Tamai 2007a

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007a. “A preliminary edition of unpublished texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” Thesaurus indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan collection. 2007.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”