Work in progress

THT 1122

Known as:THT 1122; KVāc 31?
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator). "THT 1122". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 19 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator)


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavācanā
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Vinaya


Manuscript:THT 1102-1125
Preceding fragment:THT 1121
Following fragment:THT 1123
Material: ink on wood tablet
Size (h × w):5.6 × 29 cm
Number of lines:5



(continues from THT 1121)

a1/// ·y· ne ka llā llo na ta rya nau mi ye nta¯ ¯ts mai yya ne
a2/// – rya nau mi ye nta ne mai yyā tse ta ka rs̝ka ññe ya ma
a3/// – [r]y· nau mi ye ntaṃ¯ ¯ts kre ntau na mā klyau ṣu tā ka¯ ¯t • ña ke
a4/// sa • pa ñä kte snai ya rmke śkre ntau na sa ke ke nu au ltso
a5/// – [cca] mo¯ ¯s̝p ce yä kne sa kre ntau na tse ste • ce po saṃ sā
b1/// po śa rsa • ce s̝pa po saṃ sā rṣṣ[i] o no lmi mā ai ksa nte
b2/// c· yä kne sa kre ntau na tse ste ce yä kne sa pru cca mo ste
b3/// – lki¯ ¯ñä ṣa rne pai yne • me leṃ klau tsa ne • ye tse ya
b4/// ro na cä ñca ro na wä nta rwa po ri ntse te ṣle meṃ
b5/// – lo ṣe¯ ¯yä ṣe me pi ślo ka ntse pe ne sa laṃ ṣa

(continues on THT 1123)


(continues from THT 1121)

a1n1n2 /// (maiy)y(a)ne källāllona tarya naumiyenta{ṃ}ts maiyyane
a2n3n4 /// (ta)rya naumiyentane maiyyātse takarṣkäññe yama¬
a3(ṣṣälle)n5n6n7 /// (ta)ry(a) naumiyentaṃts krentauna klyauṣu tākatñake
a4n8n9 /// °sapañäkte snai yarm keś krentaunasa kekenu aultso¬
a5(rsa)n10n11 /// (pru)ccamo ṣp ce yäknesa krentaunatse stece po saṃsā¬
b1(rṣṣi)n12n13 (onolmi) /// po śarsace ṣpä po saṃsārṣṣi onolmi aiksante
b2n14n15n16 /// c(e) yäknesa krentaunatse ste ce yäknesa pruccamo ste
b3n17n18 /// (pe)lkiñ ṣarne paiynemeleṃ klautsaneyetse ya¬
b4(sar)n19n20n21 /// (la)rona cäñcarona wäntarwa po rints{e→a}te ṣlemeṃ
b5n22n23n24 /// (wa)lo ṣey ṣemepi ślokantse pe{r}nesa laṃṣa¬

(continues on THT 1123)


(continues from THT 1121)

a1(Now I will proclaim to you what virtues) can be obtained (with the power of the three jewels). With the power of the three jewels
a2(the virtues of munificence ... can be obtained. Therefore one shall) create great belief in the three jewels.
a3... (If) you have never heard of the virtues of the three jewels, [then] (listen) now
a4with .... . The Buddha, [who is] equipped with virtues without measure [and] number, (is), briefly
a5[put], .... (virtuous(?)) and (sup)erior. In what way is he virtuous? All that (the) saṃsāra
b1(beings need for [their] release, [all] this) he knew. And all that the saṃsāra beings did not know,
b2([all] that he taught them) .... In this way he is virtuous. In what way is he superior?
b3(In numberless births(??)), for the sake (of a single dictum [subhāṣita]), hands [and] feet, nose [and] ears, skin [and] bl(ood),
b4...... (all) dear [and] enjoyable things, all he has given away [and] from a mountain he has
b5(cast himself. When he) was a king (named)...., (he) sacrificed himself for a single śloka ....

(continues on THT 1123)


Philological commentary

*The supplementation and commentaries follow Schmidt 1986: 31, 142.
n2At the beginning of this line about 18 akṣaras are missing.
n4At the beginning of this line about 16 akṣaras are missing.
n7At the beginning of this line about 12 akṣaras are missing.
n9At the beginning of this line about 17 akṣaras are missing.
n11At the beginning of this line about 15 akṣaras are missing.
n13At the beginning of this line about 17 akṣaras are missing.
n16At the beginning of this line about 17 akṣaras are missing.
n18At the beginning of this line about 13 akṣaras are missing.
n21At the beginning of this line about 17 akṣaras are missing.
n24At the beginning of this line about 17 akṣaras are missing.


*According to Schmidt 1986: iv-v this ms. comes either from Qizil or from Tumšuq.
*The right half of a leaf, consisting of 4 pieces, about 13 cm wide.
*The original ms. was 29 cm wide and 5.6 cm high, with the string hole 6.5 cm from the left margin. It was written by at least three hands: scribe 1, a beautiful, delicate script, from leaf 1 to 11 a1; scribe 2, distinguished by a number of orthographical idiosyncrasies/errors, from leaf 11 a1 to and including 19; scribe 3 from leaf 20 to end. The final leaves A and B THT 1123 and THT 1124 may have been written either by scribe 2 or a fourth hand. Cf. Schmidt 1986: v, 2, 6
*This leaf is in hand 3.

Linguistic commentary

n1naumiyentats for naumiyentaṃts.
n3maiyyātse for maiyyātstse.
n5klyauṣu for keklyauṣu.
n6klyauṣu sic! and to be corrected to keklyauṣu.
n8. The first word in this line cannot be supplemented to (palsko)sa.
n10krentaunatse for krentaunatstse.
n12aiksante is Pt.III of aik- ‘know’. ekasta (THT 204 b3), too, is clearly Pt.III, albeit listed as a Pt.I by mistake in TEB I: 242, § 436,2.
n14krentaunatse for krentaunatstse.
n15pruccamo ‘excellent’. An Obl.Sg.Fem. prucamñai is attested in THT 1108 b2.
n17paiyne for paine.
n19Mistaken rintsete for rintsate.
n20The supplementation to larona is prompted by PK AS 7J a4 lāre ṣek cäñcre. rintsete sic! for rintsate.
n22ṣey for ṣai; mistaken penesa for pernesa; laṃṣate for laṃṣāte.
n23penesa sic! and to be corrected to pernesa. laṃṣa to be corrected and supplemented to laṃṣā(te).


Online access

IDP: THT 1122


Tamai 2014: 389-390; Schmidt 1986: 31, 63-64


Schmidt 1986: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 (102-103); Tamai 2014: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 (389-390)



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Schmidt 1986

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1986. “Fragmente eines buddhistischen Ordinationsrituals in westtocharischer Sprache. Aus der Schule der Sarvāstivādins. Text, Übersetzung, Anmerkungen und Indizes.” Habilitation.

Tamai 2014

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2014. “The Tocharian Karmavācanā.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (ARIRIAB) at Soka University for the Academic Year 2013 17: 365–94.


Krause, Wolfgang, and Werner Thomas. 1960. Tocharisches Elementarbuch. Band I. Grammatik. Heidelberg: Winter.