THT 11
Known as: | THT 11; B 11 |
Cite this page as: | Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 11". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 23 Jan. 2025). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Hannes A. Fellner |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Expedition code: | T III Š 69.36 |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Udānālaṅkāra |
Passage: | Book 3 (Tṛṣṇāvarga), strophes 85c-95. |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Doctrine |
Verse/Prose: | verse |
Meter: | 43434 (4x) |
Object | |
Manuscript: | Udānālaṅkāra A |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 8 |
lf | 40 9 |
a1 | [ś]ta rca yo kye sa msā rṣ[ṣ]a /// /// ·k·[e] [nt]· /// /// [sn]· [80] [5] /// |
a2 | ścme la ne : wā li ra¯ ¯mt ta tā kau sa s· /// /// : tū sa wno l·i /// |
a3 | meṃ pau cciṃ pyā mtsa¯ ¯t 80 6 tu meṃ we ña [te] – – – – – – ·m· ṣ· [mā] n·¯ ¯ts mrau ska lñe [r]ts[i] /// /// ·[e] ntra tne kw· [l]· /// |
a4 | ñcai lau te mā ka tko yta rme : lau te ka tko¯ ¯s̝ meṃ se [nt]ra nrai nta ne cai wa wā ya¯ ¯s̝ yā mo – ·ts· – – – [k]· ṣa rmma ka lñe tsa w· ·t[ā] – [r]a /// |
a5 | ya¯ ¯r ykū sa ta ne so pi ttsa śkwa ryai y[o] ktsi ri ta lñe tsai : pa styai ko rmeṃ po ykne sa pa stkl· tk[o] tra [la] kl[e] se na no na no : [c]e ś·o¯ ¯k /// |
a6 | nā ki pka rsa¯ ¯s 80 8 na nwa lye ko ślo kw[e] [ña] ma kte wi tskaṃ¯ ¯ts mā mī la¯ ¯r ka lpau wa ntso : ka rstau [ra] no stā mtā kaṃ na no wte ntse ta nma – /// |
a7 | staṃ wṣī lñe nta sa mā sa lko s̝aṃ¯ ¯ts : spo rto tra la kle nta ṣṣe cā kka rwro tse wno lme ntso na no na [n]o – – – – ra no pre re su prā kre ṣa ña ñ[mtsa] /// |
a8 | mai yyā meṃ ka tu [tsa] ṅk[u] cau kne yai pu : tai kne sa ra no ta ne e ne nmeṃ sā¯ ¯u tsa nkau sa śkwa rya tā [kaṃ] : – – – tsi¯ ¯śä e tsu wai ā śaṃ [wno] lmeṃ [c]e /// |
b1 | ka nma yo ·ai kle [śmeṃ] tse ṅke ntra wno lme tsmā ka : te tk[o] rsa ka ka ṣṣi nta ka rā re toṃ ślo ka nma – – – nne : śtwe¯ ¯r ma [r]kwa ci so ylñ[e] [ṣṣi] [p]· /// |
b2 | kau ṣ[e] ñca yo ky[e] kle¯ ¯ś o ntso ytñe tne ta nma s̝s̝aṃ kre ntaṃ¯ ¯ts wno lmeṃ¯ ¯ts 90-1 ṣa rmo ko ne tse re ntra – ·[n]· ·[n]· [lm]· yā sa s̝s̝aṃ kā tka sta rme : o /// |
b3 | pwā ra ne : saṃ sā rṣṣe stā¯ ¯m lau ka ññe yo ky[e] kle śmā ta rkna nne klai ksa tsi nta : wa ryo kai ṣṣe wi ts[kaṃ] [w]ai w[ä] s̝s̝aṃ ne nano¯ ¯k ñwe cce klu tka s̝s̝a – e /// |
b4 | ka ṣṣi nta śā strai śe ñca¯ ¯ñ : kwri wa rtā [kaṃ] yo lme ne wi nā ññe ntra o¯ ¯mp lwā sa la ks̝aṃ wa rñai : ma¯ ¯nt [k]e[¯] [¯t] tā kaṃ yo kai ṣṣe [wa] [r]p· l·· /// |
b5 | nma ṣṣi lwā sa cwi mai mpa lsko ne s[kwa] ññe ntra mā a rse nne 90 3 yo kye kle śo mi ·ä s̝[s̝]aṃ – – – o lmeṃ saṃ sā rne nu ska s̝[s̝]a n·e /// |
b6 | lymi ntsa śau lre rī no¯ ¯s̝ : sa mu dta [rne] ko – – – – – ·[ai] yo kai sa e¯ ¯śä lmo ṣra mno : [k]e ·e /// /// ññ[e] ca mpaṃ pā /// |
b7 | hā ka ññe ya ma s̝aṃ pi śyä kne sa : ke /// /// ma stra klau ntse /// |
b8 | [t]e ka llaṃ pa lsko ne [yä] – ·ai /// /// r·e snā ·au /// /// nne a nts[e] /// |
lf | 40-9 |
85d | a1 ; śtarca yokye ; samsārṣṣa /// /// ·k·ent(e) /// /// sn· 80-5 |
86a | /// ; (pi)a2ś cmelane : |
86b | wāli ramt ta;tākausa ; s· /// /// : |
86d | tūsa wnol(m)i ; /// 9σ a3n1 °meṃ ; paucciṃ pyāmtsat 80-6 |
87a | tumeṃ weña ; te – – – ; – – – ·m· ; ṣ(a)mān(eṃ)ts ; mrauskalñ= ertsi |
87b | /// /// ·enträ tne kw·l· /// |
87c | 7σ ; 3σ a4n2 °ñcai ; laute mā ; kätkoytär-me : |
87d | laute kätkoṣ ; meṃsenträ ; nraintane cai ; wawāyaṣ ; yāmo(rntan)ts(o) (80-7) |
88a | (yo)k(o) ṣarm ; makalñetsa ; w(aip)tā(ya)r{†ä} 8σ |
88b | /// (waiptā)a5yarn3 ykū;sa tane ; sopittsa śkwar;yai yoktsi ; ritalñetsai : |
88c | päst yaikormeṃ ; po-yknesa ; päst kl(au)tkoträ ; lakle se ; nano nano : |
88d | ce ś(l)ok /// 12σ a6n4 ; nāki pkarsas 80-8 |
89a | nanw= alyeko ; ślok weña ; mäkte witskaṃts ; mā mīlar ; kälpauwantso : |
89b | kärstau rano ; stām tākaṃ ; nano wtentse ; tänma(strä) ; /// 4σ |
89c | 9σ a7n5n6 stäṃ wṣīl;ñentasa ; mā sälkoṣäṃts : |
89d | sportoträ läk;lentaṣṣe ; cākkär wrotse ; wnolmentso ; nano nano (80-9) |
90a | (mäkte) rano ; prere su ; prākre ṣañ-añm;tsa 6σ |
90b | /// 4σ a8n7n8 ; maiyyāmeṃ ka;tu tsäṅku ; caukne yaipu : |
90c | taiknesa ra;no tane ; enenmeṃ sāu ; tsänkausa ; śkwarya tākaṃ : |
90d | (yoko) (kau)tsiś ; etsuwai ; āśäṃ wnolmeṃ ; ce /// 6σ |
91a | 5σ b1n9 kanma ; yo(k)ai kleśmeṃ ; tseṅkenträ ; wnolmets māka : |
91b | tetkorsa ka ; käṣṣinta ; karāre toṃ ; ślokanma ; – – – nne : |
91c | śtwer märkwaci ; soylñeṣṣi ; p· 11σ /// |
91d | 1σ b2n10 kauṣeñca ; yokye kleś ; ontsoytñe tne ; tanmäṣṣäṃ ; krentaṃts wnolmeṃts 90-1 |
92a | ṣarm okone ; tserenträ ; (su) (t)n(e) (w)n(o)lm(eṃ) ; yāsäṣṣäṃ ; kātkästär-me : |
92b | o /// 14σ b3n11 pwārane : |
92c | saṃsārṣṣe stām ; laukaññe ; yokye kleś mā ; tärknan-ne ; klaiksatsi nta : |
92d | war yokaiṣṣe ; witskaṃ ; waiwäṣṣäṃ-ne ; näno-k ñwecce ; klutkäṣṣä(ṃ-n)e |
93a | /// 11σ b4n12 ; käṣṣinta ; śāstr aiśeñcañ : |
93b | kwri war tākaṃ ; yolmene ; wināññenträ ; omp lwāsa ; lakṣäṃ warñai : |
93c | mant ket tākaṃ ; yokaiṣṣe ; war p(a)l(skone) ; 7σ /// |
93d | (kleśa)b5nmaṣṣin13 ; lwāsa cwi ; maim pälskone ; skwaññenträ ; mā arsen-ne 90-3 |
94a | yokye kleśo ; mi(y)äṣṣäṃ ; – – 2σ (wn)olmeṃ ; saṃsārne ; nuskaṣṣän(-m)e (:) |
94b | 11σ /// ; (kä)b6lymintsan14 ; śaul rerīnoṣ : |
94c | samudtärne ; ko – – ; – – – ·ai ; yokaisa ; eś lmoṣ ram no : |
95a | ke ·e /// /// ññe campäṃ pā /// b7n15 hākäññe ; yamaṣäṃ ; piś yäknesa : |
* | ke /// /// (ya)masträ klauntse /// |
b8 | te kallaṃ palskone yä – ·ai /// /// r·e snā·au /// /// nne antse /// |
a1 | [85c] ... [85d] ... |
a1 | The fourth is the thirst for the Saṃsāra ... |
a1+ | ... in the five forms of existence. |
a2 | [86b] |
a2 | (The thirst for Saṃsāra?), just as if having become a creeper ... |
a2+ | Thereby the beings ... renounce (the thirst?)! |
a3 | [86d] [87b] ... |
a3 | Then he spoke (in the assembly two verses), to evoke the world weariness of the monks. “(By whichever [thirst] bound gods and men) are standing here desiring ... |
a3+ | ... the [right] moment must not be passed by you. |
a4 | [87d] |
a4 | Those that have passed the [right] moment are sorrowful, they have been led into hell by [their] deeds. (The thirst) [is] the cause, the running one, the one (clinging to) everything ... the one having gone astray, the one having a net. |
a5 | If the liana, the one longing to drink, one has removed in every way, the suffering will turn away again and again. |
a5+ | This strophe ... recognize as a fault (of the thirst)! |
a6 | [88d] |
a6 | Again he spoke another strophe: “Just as, if the roots have not obtained damage, a tree, even if it has been cut down, will be born again, (so [will] the thirst) (If the roots of the thirst) have not been pulled out with its remains, the beings’ big wheel of suffering will turn on and on. |
a7 | [98d] |
a7 | (Just like) the arrow, too, the one (made) firm by [him]self, (should kill even himself) ... if he, having arisen with power, entered even into him, in this way here also (the thirst) will lead, if it has arisen like liana from within, the beings towards (death). |
a8 | [90d] |
a8 | This (third strophe he proclaimed to them. |
b1 | [91b] |
b1 | In this way) many faults arise in the beings from the affliction of thirst. Only to [their] disappearance the teachers have gathered such strophes in (this Udā)na. Four-legged are (thoughts) of saturation ... |
b2 | [91d] |
b2 | The all-killing affliction of thirst here generates the insatiability of the good beings. [91d] In cause and effect it deceives (here) the beings, excites them and gladdens them. |
b2+ | (Insatiability) ... the Saṃsāra-tree (burns?) long in the fires. |
b3 | [92d] ... |
b3 | The affliction that is thirst does not let it wither. The water of thirst moistens (its) roots, makes him new again ... |
b3+ | ... the teachers, the ones knowing the śāstra: |
b4 | [93b] |
b4 | “If there is water in the pond, it will please the animals there, the fish, etc. Just like this one, (in) whose (mind) is the water of thirst ... the animals (of affliction) are happy in his mind and thinking, |
b5 | [93d] |
b5 | they do not abandon him. The affliction that is thirst harms the beings in the Saṃsāra and depresses them ... |
b5+ | ... having given [up] the life everywhere. |
b6 | [94c][94d] ... |
b6 | However many (animals) [there are] in the ocean, ... because of thirst (they are) like blinded. Whose ... able (to protect them)? |
b7 | ... deception he makes in fivefold ways ... he does (for) the gain ... |
b8 | if he obtains this in spirit ... |
a3 | ... von dem (Durst?) macht Abkehr! (Schmidt 1974: 341) |
a3+ | (Überwindet dieses Verlangen, durch welches gebunden, Götter [und] Menschen) hier verlangend (stehen); der [rechte] Augenblick darf von euch nicht übergangen werden [oder: darf an euch nicht vorübergehen]. Die den [rechten] Augenblick übergangen haben, sind betrübt; in die Höllen [sind] sie (von) [ihren] Taten geführt. (Schmidt 1974: 264) |
a4 | Der [rechte] Augenblick darf von euch nicht übergangen werden. Die den [rechten] Augenblick übergangen haben, sind betrübt, in die Höllen [sind] sie (von) ]ihren] Taten geführt. (Schmidt 1974: 156-7) |
a5 | Wenn man die Liane, die nach Trinken Verlangen habende, in jeder Beziehung beseitigt hat, wendet sich dieses Leiden wieder [und] wieder ab. (Schmidt 1974: 273) |
a6+ | Again he spoke another strophe: «[Just] as when the roots have not got damage a tree rises a second time if it is cut off … (so, if the roots of thirst) are not torn out with the consequences, the great wheel of sorrow of the beings turns again and again.» (cf : ii, 18) (Peyrot 2013b: 716) |
a7 | (Wenn die Wurzeln des Durstes) mit den Konsequenzen nicht herausgerissen wurden, dreht sich das große Leidensrad der Wesen wieder [und] wieder. (Schmidt 1974: 280) |
b1 | (Derartig) entstehen [wtl. erheben sich] viele Fehler der Wesen aus der Trübung Durst. (Schmidt 1974: 283) |
b2 | In Ursache [und] Wirkung täuscht (sie [scil. die Trübung Durst] hier) die Wesen, regt [sie] auf [und] macht ihnen Freude. (Schmidt 1974: 441, 506) |
b2 | Die alles tötende Trübung Durst erzeugt hier die Unersättlichkeit der Wesen. (Schmidt 1974: 421) |
b4+ | If there is water in a pond, the animals there, the fishes, and so on, rejoice themselves. Likewise, in whose mind is the water of thirst … the kleśa animals feel happy in his thought and mind and do not leave him alone. (cf : ii, 19) (Peyrot 2013b: 680) |
b4+ | Wenn Wasser im Teich ist, finden dort Gefallen die Tiere, Fische, usw. So [auch] (in) wessen (Geist) das Wasser des Durstes ist ..., die (Trübungs)tiere fühlen sich in dessen Denken [und] Fühlen wohl, sie verlassen ihn nicht. (Schmidt 1974: 144, 145) |
b7 | ... macht er des Gewinnes (wegen) ... (Schmidt 1974: 424) |
Parallel texts
Uv 3.14-3.17 |
Philological commentary
Contains strophes 85c-95 of the Tṛṣṇāvarga (III). The metre is 4x18 syllables in a 7/7/4 rhythm. | |
n1 | Additions according to Sieg and Siegling 1949: II, 17 fn. 8 and 11. |
n2 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 157. |
n3 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 34 fn. 10. |
n4 | Addition at the end of the line according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 158. |
n5 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 34 fn. 12. |
n6 | Additions according to Sieg and Siegling 1949: II, 18 fn. 10 and 14. |
n7 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 34 fn. 15. |
n8 | Additions according to Sieg and Siegling 1949: II, 18 fn. 17. |
n9 | According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 159 the reading tetkorsa should be corrected to nenkorsa in the transcription. |
n10 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 35 fn. 1. |
n11 | In the current reading the first colon of pāda 92d lacks one syllable. |
n12 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 159. |
n13 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 159. |
n14 | Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 159. |
n15 | Emendations according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 35 fn. 4 and Sieg and Siegling 1983: 159. |
The original manuscript is missing, but was a larger fragment of leaf 49, pieced together from various smaller fragments and containing about 3/4 of the complete length of the leaf, with large gaps partly caused by fire. |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1949: I, 19-20; Sieg and Siegling 1983: 34-35 notes 156-160
Carling 2000: a2 (244), a4 (143), a8 (351), b3 (138), b4 (134), b6 (106); Hackstein 1995: a7 (219), b5 (181); Krause 1952: a4 (206), a4 (32); Meunier 2013: a2 a3 (172), b4 (171); Peyrot 2013b: a6 a7 (716), b4 b5 (680); Schmidt 1974: a3 (341), a3 a4 (264f), a3 a4 (264), a4 (156f), a4 (156-7), a5 (273), a7 (280), b1 (283), b2 (421, 441, 506), b2 (441, 506), b2 (421), b4 (144), b4 b5 (145), b4 b5 (144, 145), b7 (424); Sieg and Siegling 1949: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (II, 17-19); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a3 (157), a4 (157), a6 (158); Thomas 1952: b4 (38); Thomas 1954: a5 (759), a8 (753), b3 (730); Thomas 1957: a4 (266); Thomas 1958: a4 (294); Thomas 1969a: a4 (299); Thomas 1979b: a3 (32), a8 (16), b2 (32); Thomas 1983: a4 (28), a8 (45); Thomas 1986: a5 (142), a6 (122), a7 (142), b3 (124); Thomas 1987: a4 (189); Thomas 1988: b6 (258); Thomas 1989: a4 (32), a7 (12); Thomas 1995: b1 (57); Thomas 1997: b2 (85)
Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.
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Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.
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