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THT 108

Known as:THT 108; B 108
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz (translation). "THT 108". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 16 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Adrian Musitz (translation)


Main find spot:Sengim
Specific find spot:Sängimer Schlucht
Expedition code:T II S 42
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Passage:Conversion of the Kāśyapa brothers
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Buddha legend
Meter:554443 (4x); 4343 (1x), 56 (3x); 43434 (4x); 4335 (4x)


Manuscript:THT 107f.
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:10


lf100 – –
a1/// ka ṣṣi ntse e ne ppre ma¯ ¯nt śi mā re – – re ka llo ye – – – hā śra ma ṇa • /// /// pā¯ ¯t ka ll· – – – – –
a2/// – pā ṣṣo rññe pa ske [m]tta¯ ¯r • pa ñi kt[e] [ka] – [we] [ñā] [m]e¯ ¯ś ci sso kā śya pi a kla ṣlyeṃ pa plā ksa¯ ¯r ·l· – sso¯ ¯ś ai ko¯ ¯s̝ ka rso – – śce¯ ¯r krau pe ntse ta tā s· – – – [¯r] a mplā ka tte mā ri tte ta rme o
a3/// yā kā śya pe ṣa¯ ¯ñä ma ske lye ya ke ne e nte mai ta re a kla ṣlyeṃ po e ṣe krau pa ṣṣa re we ñā rme¯ ¯ś || ba hu pra hā rne || kau śmai ta¯ ¯m lya kā¯ ¯m mo koṃ pro ta¯ ¯r we¯ ¯s śle a kla ṣlyeṃ po wa te sa o sta
a4/// [c]· wä¯ ¯ś o sta meṃ lna ske¯ ¯m cau wa¯ ¯k ya kne e ṅka ske mtta¯ ¯r ma kcau pro ce¯ ¯r e [ṅ]· te : [ka] nte i kaṃ s[u] pi [ku]la ññe – ste cau pi lyca lñe ṣa¯ ¯ñä ri ntsa te ri na ske mtta¯ ¯r
a5– – – – (–) y·¯ ¯s ma kte ma ś·e – – [¯s] sa su śkaṃ po ñe¯ ¯s e mpreṃ o stmeṃ la ntsi ca mñce¯ ¯r mā wa¯ ¯t – – mpa [:] [1] || te ke klyau ṣo· m· – – wi – rka nte pi śā ka¯ ¯r e ṣe meṃ pi¯ ¯ś ka nte ja ṭi la ñi po kke ñi sa lymā
a6– w· ñ[ā] re ye¯ ¯s upā dhyā y· we si sai¯ ¯ymä wa ste ṣe yce rme • e śa ne klau sa ne ṣe yce rme ka rtstse yo lo lkā tsi klyau ssi sa • ka rtstse ka lā tsi ye sa nmeṃ ma ñu sa ṣe ye¯ ¯m • i nte ye¯ ¯s we si pa nta¯ ¯ñä
a7ma hā śra ma neṃ ka ṣṣiṃ a rtta sta¯ ¯r ṣa¯ ¯ñä wra¯ ¯t lau ta rka na ce¯ ¯r we¯ ¯s ce ā kti ke ne se¯ ¯mpa¯ ¯s wä tkau sta rme pa lsko ne • se ye si śa rāṃ ā rtta lñe tā kaṃ cau ye¯ ¯s te ri ne ri ttā tra cau ne [•] – [¯k]
a8we¯ ¯s ri tte mtta¯ ¯r • ce¯ ¯m ce ci sso upā dhyā yi ma [hā] [śra] – – – po staṃ we¯ ¯s yne mne • tu meṃ ce¯ ¯yä wi o mpro ta rcci kā śya [pi] ṣe sa – – ṣlyeṃ mpa mai ta re pa ñi kte ka ṣṣi ñi¯ ¯ś ke ka mo¯ ¯s̝ yi rṣā nte || pu ṣṇā va tiṃ ne || ma hā śra
a9ma ṇa – ṣe we rts·ai [c]e y[na] [s]e kme¯ ¯m ta¯ ¯ñä pai yne ṣṣai sai¯ ¯ymä yā mske mtta¯ ¯r o ski [ye] – – – p[lya] tstsa rme tsa lpa ṣṣa rme – – – – – – p[ā] ke¯ ¯ś pe lai kne o nwa ññe : 1 || pa ñi kte ka ṣṣi pi¯ ¯ś wa ka nma sa yai tu sai we śe
a10ññai sa ka – – – – – – [k]· [m]o ṣa mā ñi pā ṣṣa¯ ¯t pa pā ṣṣo rñe • te to¯ ¯t [w]e /// /// [n]e ksa te me • ka ṣā¯ ¯r wä [ssa] n[m]a ka¯ ¯s̝ ke ktse ñ[tsa] lya kā nte me • [k]reṃ –
b1i ry· – – – – – – – – pyau tka re • o sta meṃ la lñe wa saṃ npā¯ ¯t ṣa /// /// [kā] śya peṃ wi nā ṣṣa – – – sth· ne lymā ·e || [r]ṣa[¯] [¯p] [ṣa] lywe ma
b2lkwe rne || sā¯ ¯ñ[ä] u pā· n· – pa stye po yśi sa swe ja ṭi lñe sā ṅkpa¯ ¯s wā ya • – – – – cau yke meṃ ly· tka [ṣṣ]· – – – – – – kw· – – [•] rā ja rṣi ṣe¯ ¯yä ga ye ñe¯ ¯m o¯ ¯m ma ske ñca cwi ñe mtsa wa rtto klā wa • ga
b3yā śi rṣñe¯ ¯m ta ṅkwa ññe o mteṃ po yśi ne [sñ]·e [ya] [ma] ṣṣa te 1 || tu meṃ tre¯ ¯yä ś[ai] ṣṣ·¯ ¯s ka ṣṣi ce yna yä ltse tre¯ ¯yä ja ṭi l· ·ū r[va] [k]aṃ ṣa mā neṃ bha vā kkä rṣṣai yo ñi yai eṃ ṣke ka tka ssi a ñma ssu • ta rya o ro tstsa na pra
b4ti ha ri nta sa lkā te me¯ ¯ś • ra ddhi la ka ṣñe ṣṣe pra ti ha ri • pa lsko s̝a rpa lñe ṣṣe pra ti ha ri • e nä ṣñe ṣṣe pra ti ha ri • ra ddhi ce ykne sa la ka ṣṣa me || ya ti ka ṣṣe ne || a sā [nm]eṃ te [t]kā¯ ¯[k]s̝
b5·e [k]·[a] te ka lymiṃ la kā ṣyeṃ ce¯ ¯yä ko mpi rko meṃ i ppre rne ka¯ ¯s̝ lya kā rne • i ryā pa thä nta śwā [ra] yā mṣa te lya ma śa ma ma so rka ntai le¯ ¯k ya ma ṣṣa lyśa lyñe ṣṣe • ca rka ke ktse ñmeṃ swa ñcai¯ ¯ñä
b6– – ·ä s·o w[ra] nta ca(·) k· – – [m]eṃ pa rya ri nta pai yne meṃ • śwā ra ka lymiṃ po prau tka rne rmi ·eṃ ·o y[ś]i [nta] sa ca rka pra yo¯ ¯k [a] sāṃ ne ka¯ ¯s̝ lya kā rne • 1 || tu meṃ ñi kte ññi kte ce yna ja ṭi la pu rva kaṃ
b7/// ykne sā kke ka mo ṣe pi ra ddhi la ka ṣñe ste • ña ke pa lsko s̝a [rpa] lñe ñe ma ce [pra] ti ha [r]· – [l]k· – – ·e [t]ai se ye si ña ke pa lsko nta sta re • twe tai seṃ pa lska na¯ –
b8/// po ta sā te me śi rsā me tu ypa rwe ja ṭi lñi ṣa mā ñi wi smai klau tkā re we ñā re • tkā – ṛ ddhi ṣṣe yā ta lñe ā kti ke ṣe¯ ¯yä se au ṣa¯ ¯p ā [kti] ke ste mā lkā lye pa lsko po nta¯ ¯s ma kte lya
b9/// [pra] ti ha ri nta sa ce y[n]a ta ka rṣ·aṃ ke kl· [tk]o [rmeṃ] kuce [tu] pwā rntse ya rke ya ma ṣṣe ñcaṃ ṣe yeṃ tu y· rwe tu wa¯ ¯k ko tta rcce pe lai [k]·e [ā] ksi a ñma ssu ka kā me we ñā [m]e¯ ¯ś || su wā ññe¯ ¯u wā ta ta ne ||
b10/// m[ā] tu ñi śña ke a ksau mme • e[¯] [¯k] – – sa lpaṃ ru¯ ¯p – – pa lsko sa lpaṃ e ka ṣ·e • [te] /// /// ññe • 1 || k[wr]i – – – –


lf100 – –
a1/// käṣṣintse eneppre mant śimāre (weñā)re källoye – – – hāśramaṇa • /// /// pāt käll· – – – – –
a2/// (pa)pāṣṣorññe paskemttärpañikte kä(ṣṣi) weñā-meś cisso kāśyapi aklaṣlyeṃpa plāksarn1 ·l·ssoś aikoṣ kärso – – ścer kraupentse tatās· – – – r amplākätte rittetär-me o
a3/// yākāśyape ṣañ mäskelye yakene ente maitare aklaṣlyeṃ po eṣe kraupäṣṣare weñār-meśbahuprahārne
1akauś maitam lyakām ; mokoṃ protär wes ; śle aklaṣlyeṃ ; po watesa ; osta a4
1b /// c(e)wäś ; ostameṃ lnaskem ; cauwak yakne ; eṅkaskemttär ; mäkcau procer ; eṅ(sa)te :
1ckante ikäṃ su ; pikulaññeste ; caun2 pilycalñe ; ṣañ rintsate ; rinaskemttär ; a5 – – – – –
1dy(e)s mäkte maś·e ; – – s säsuśkaṃ ; poñes empreṃ ; ostmeṃ lantsi ; camñcer wat ; (wesä)mpa : 1 ॥
*te keklyauṣo(r)m(eṃ) – – wi(yā)r känte piśākar eṣemeṃ piś känte jaṭiläñi po kkeñisa lymā
a6n3 (re) w(e)ñāre yes upādhyāy(i) wesi saiym waste ṣeycer-meeśane klausane ṣeycer-me kartstse yolo lkātsi klyaussisakartstse kälātsi yesanmeṃ mañusa ṣeyeminte yes wesi pantañ
a7mahāśramaneṃ käṣṣiṃ arttastär ṣañ wrat lau tärkanacer wes ce āktike nesempäs wätkau star-me palskonese yesi śarāṃ ārttalñe tākaṃ cau yes terine rittāträ caune • – k
a8wes rittemttärcem cen4 cisso upādhyāyi mahāśra – – – postäṃ wes ynem-netumeṃ cey wi omprotärcci kāśyapi ṣesa (akla)ṣlyeṃmpa maitare pañikte käṣṣiñiś kekamoṣ yirṣāntepuṣṇāvatiṃne
1amahāśra a9 ma;ṇa (e)ṣe ; werts(y)ai{mpa} cey;nas ekmem
1btañ paiyneṣṣai saiym ; yāmskemttär oskiye (:)
1c(ostmeṃ) plyatstsar-me ; tsalpäṣṣar-me – –
1d– – – – pākeś ; pelaikne onwaññe : 1 ॥
*pañikte käṣṣi piś wakanmasa yaitusai weśe¬
a10ññaisa ka – – – – – – mo ṣamāñi pāṣṣat papāṣṣorñete tot we /// /// neksate-mekaṣār wässanma ka kektseñtsa lyakānte-mekreṃ(ta)
b1iry(apathänta) – – – – – pyautkareostameṃ lalñe wasaṃnpāt ṣa /// /// kāśyapeṃ wināṣṣa – – – sth· ne lymā(r)erṣap-ṣalywe-ma¬
1asāñ upā(y)n(e) ; (e)pastye ; poyśi saswe ; jaṭilñe ; sāṅk päs wāya
1b– – – – ; cau ykemeṃ ; ly· tkäṣṣ· – ; – – – – ; – kw· – – •
1crājarṣi ṣey ; gaye ñem ; om mäskeñca ; cwi ñemtsa ; wartto klāwa
1dga b3 yāśirṣ ñem ; täṅkwaññe ; omteṃ poyśi ; nes ñ·e ; yamaṣṣate 1 ॥
*tumeṃ trey śaiṣṣ(eṃ)s käṣṣi ceyna yältse trey jaṭil(ap)ūrvakaṃ ṣamāneṃ bhavākkärṣṣai yoñiyai eṃṣke katkässi añmassutarya orotstsana pra
b4tiharinta sälkāte-meśraddhi lakäṣñeṣṣe pratiharipalsko ṣärpalñeṣṣe pratiharienäṣñeṣṣe pratihariraddhi ceyknesa lakäṣṣa-meyatikaṣṣene
1aasānmeṃ tetkā-k ; b5 (n)ek(s)ate kälymiṃ ; läkāṣyeṃ cey ; kom pirkomeṃ ; ipprerne ka ; lyakār-ne
1biryāpathänta ; śwāra yāmṣate ; lyama śama ; mas= orkäntai ; lek yamaṣṣa ; lyśalyñeṣṣe
1ccarka kektseñmeṃ ; swañcaiñ b6 – – ·äs·o ; wranta ca·k· ; – – meṃ ; paryarinta ; paiynemeṃ
1dśwāra kälymiṃ po ; prautkar nermi(t)eṃ ; (p)oyśintasa ; carka prayok ; asāṃne ka ; lyakār-ne • 1 ॥
*tumeṃ ñikte ññikte ceyna jaṭilapurvakaṃ
b7/// yknesāk kekamoṣepi raddhi lakäṣñe steñake palsko ṣärpalñe ñemace pratihar(i)lk· – – ·e taise yesi ñake pälskonta staretwe taiseṃ pälskana(t)
b8/// po tasāte-me śirsā-me tu yparwe jaṭilñi ṣamāñi wismai klautkāre weñāretkā (ra) ṛddhiṣṣe yātalñe āktike ṣey se auṣap āktike ste lkālye palsko pontas mäkte lya
b9/// pratiharintasa ceyna takarṣ(k)aṃ kekl(yu)tkormeṃ kuce tu pwārntse yarke yamaṣṣeñcaṃ ṣeyeṃ tu y(pa)rwe tuwak kottarcce pelaik(n)e āksi añmassu kakā-me weñā-meśsuwāññe-uwātatane
1x /// ; tu ñiś ; ñake aksau-mme
1xek – – sal;päṃ rup – ; – palsko ; salpäṃ ekaṣ(ṣ)e
1dte /// /// ññe • 1 ॥
*kwri – – – –


a1Thus they came in front of the teacher. They said: "May we receive..., (Ma)hāśramaṇa.
a2... we practice moral behavior. The Buddha-lord, the teacher, said to them: Go, Kaśyapi, with the students! Ask for agreement... (?) ... of the group... it does not suit you... without permission...
a2+When they came to the place they had to be in, they gathered all the students.
a3They said to them: In the Bahuprahār-tune: We went up.
a3+We saw our older Brother with all the students, (having left) the house again.
a4... to (go to) him we leave the house. We take up the same manner that our brother took up. This pikᵤlaññe is one hundred and twenty.
a4+Which penance he has given up for himself, we give up.
a5How you... dear sons, tell the truth. Can you leave the house (with us) or not?
a5+Having heard that, five hundred braided (ascetics) together with two hundred and fifty... each all sat down on their knees.
a6They said: You were our teachers, our support and refuge. You were our eayes [and] ears. We were desirous (?) to get goodness from you by hearing and seeing good and evil.
a6+If you, our help[er]s, recognise Mahāśramaṇa as your teacher [and] break [lit. give up] your own vow, why should we be amazed?
a7[It] is decided in our mind:
a7+Whoever may be praised by you as refuge, to which doctrine you bind yourself, to that we bind ourselves too.
a8Thus, go, yon teachers, (to) this Mahāśramaṇa! We will go after. Then the two fraternal Kāśyapi went together with their disciples. Having come to the Buddha-lord, the teacher, they honored him. In the Puṣṇāvati-tune:
a8+Mahāśramaṇa, we have come together with the retinue of those.
a9We make the refuge of your feet our home. Make us leave our home! Liberate us! ... to the part... the immortal law...
a9+The Buddha-lord, the teacher, with his voice adorned by the five distinctions, (said) ...
a10... monkish ones, practice moral behavior! This... so much... ... disappeared for them. And they saw kaṣār-garments on their bodies.
a10+They created the good īryāpathas...
b1Leaving the house, ordination... (They?) honored the Kāsyapas. ... sat down on...
b1+In the Rṣap-ṣalywe-malkwer-tune.
b2The all-knowing lord, adept in skill and method, lead the braided saṅgha away. ... from the place... There was a Rājarṣi named Gaya who was there. After his name, the lovely Gayāṣirṣ forest was named.
b3There, the Buddha made...
b3+Then, the teacher of the three worlds, wishing to make those thousand and three braided monks cross the way to Bhavāgra, pulled out three great miracles to them:
b4The miracle of making seen magical power, the miracle of showing the thought and the miracle of teaching. In this way, he showed them magical power: In the Yatikaṣṣe-tune:
b4+He instantly disappeared from his throne.
b5They were looking watching the directions. And they saw him in the sky from the east. He made the four īryāpathas. He sat down, he stood up, he went back and forth, he made the lying-down-gesture.
b5+He sent forth rays from his body...
b6... waters ... miracles from his feet. The four directions all filled up with artificial Buddhas. He let out prayok (?). And they saw him on his throne (again.
b6+Then, god by god, these braided...
b7It is the making seen of the magical power of the Tathāgata. Now the miracle by the name "showing of the mind"... So are your (Pl.) thoughts now. You (Sg.) think this way:
b8He put all... for them, made them know. Thereupon, the braided monks became astonished. They said: The power of (your) magic really was wonderful! Nothing could be seen which is more wonderful.
b8+The thought of everyone, how...
b9[because of] that they were worshipers of the fire, given this/with respect to this/because of this he summoned them wishing to proclaim the Law of the family [and] spoke to them. In the suwāññe-ᵤwātatane-tune:
b10I will not teach that to you [pl.] now. The eye burns (because of?) the form... The mind of the eye burns.


a6+If you, our help[er]s, recognise Mahāśramaṇa as your teacher [and] break [lit. give up] your own vow, why should we be amazed? (cf 394) (Peyrot 2013b: 668)
a6+Wenn ihr, unser Beistand [im Toch. Plural] den Mahāśramaṇa als euren Lehrer anerkennt [und] euer eigenes Gelübde aufgebt, was sollten [wtl. sind] wir [da] verwundert sein? (Schmidt 1974: 394)
a7+Whoever may be praised by you as refuge, to which doctrine you bind yourself, to that we bind ourselves too. (Peyrot 2013b: 322)
a8+Darauf machten sich die zwei verbrüderten Kāśyapas zusammen mit [ihren] Schülern auf, [und] zum Buddha, dem Lehrer, gekommen, sprachen sie: "O Mahāśramaṇa! Zusammen (mit) dem Gefolge von diesen sind wir herbeigekommen. Wir nehmen Zuflucht zur Behausung deiner Füße. Lass uns (aus dem Hause) hinausgehen [d.h. lass uns Mönche werden], erlöse uns (von dem Leid, lass uns) den Gesetzes-Nektar zuteil (werden)!" (Schmidt 1974: 433, 468, 483, 508)
a10(Das Jaṭila-Gewand) ... verschwand ihnen, und nur Kaṣāyagewänder wurden an ihrem Körper gesehen. (Schmidt 1974: 234)
a10Ihr [herbei] gekommenen Mönche, übet Sittlichkeit! (Schmidt 1974: 405)
b1I will not teach that to you [pl.] now. (Peyrot 2013b: 656)
b2Der in Kunstfertigkeit [und] upāya geschickte Alleswissende, der Herr, führte die Flechtenträger-Gemeinde fort. (Schmidt 1974: 385)
b2+Es war ein Rājarṣi, Gaya [mit] Namen, sich dort aufhaltend. Nach dessen Namen ist der Hain Gayāśīrṣa [mit]Namen benannt worden. Dort pflegte der Buddha [seinen] Lieblingsaufenthalt zu nehmen. ODER (Thomas 1957): Mit dessen Namen hat er [scil. der Buddha] den Hain Gayāśīrṣa [mit]Namen benannt. Dort pflegte der Buddha [seinen] Lieblingsaufenthalt zu nehmen (Schmidt 1974: 52, 249, 429)
b5Die vier Körperbewegungen führte er vor: [wtl. machte er]: Er setzte sich, stellte sich [hin], ging hin und her [und] machte die Gebärde des Liegens. (Schmidt 1974: 345, fn. 4, 346)
b9Nachdem er [scil. der Buddha] diese [scil. die Flechtenträgermönche] durch die Wunder zu Gläubigen bekehrt hatte, rief er sie in dem Wunsch [wtl. wünschend], [ihnen] mit Rücksicht darauf, dass sie eben Feuerverehrer waren, das ebenderselben Familie angehörige Gesetz [d.h. das ihnen gemäße Gesetz] vorzutragen, [und] sprach zu ihnen: (Schmidt 1974: 379)



*The original manuscript is missing.

Linguistic commentary

n3klyaussisa for klyauṣtsisa.

Philological commentary

n1It is unclear why plāksar is in the singular.
n2cau seems to be used like mäkcau here.
n4It is unclear what the function of cem ce is. I assume cem is ceym.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008L
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: THT 108; TITUS: THT 108


Sieg and Siegling 1953: 43-46


Carling 2000: a1 (356), a5 a6 (215), a8 (234), a10 (219), b3 b4 (323), b6 (170); Hackstein 1995: a2 (59, 115, 174), a4 (223), a5 (259), a9 (345), a10 (174), b4 b5 (85); Hackstein 2012: b9 (124-125); Krause 1952: a3 (38), a5 (64), a9 (153), b6 (178), b9 (35); TEB II: a2 (45), a5 (46), a7 (46), a7 (46); Meunier 2013: a6 (145, 179), a8 (165), a9 (144), b6 (156), b9 (164); Peyrot 2013b: a6 a7 (668), a7 a8 (322), b1 (656), b10 (656); Schmidt 1974: a6 a7 (394), a8 a9 (482f), a8 a9 (433, 468, 483, 508), a9 (433, 468, 508), a10 (234, 405), a10 (234), a10 (405), b2 (385), b2 b3 (52 n.1), b2 b3 (52, 249, 429), b5 (345 n.4), b5 (345, fn. 4, 346), b9 (379); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a2 (257), a6 (258), a7 (258), a8 (258), a9 (259), b2 (260), b3 (260), b4 (260), b5 (287), b6 (261), b8 (262); Thomas 1952: a3 (27), b8 (33); Thomas 1954: a5 (723), a6 (755), a10 (762), b3 b4 (739), b9 (739); Thomas 1957: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 (108f), a2 (254), a3 (235), a3 a4 (219), a3 a4 a5 (182), a7 a8 (254), a8 a9 (213), b2 b3 (32, 163), b3 (198), b4 b5 (11), b5 (196), b8 (230), b9 (75); Thomas 1958a: b8 (145); Thomas 1967: b5 (264); Thomas 1967a: b2 (72), b2 b3 (74); Thomas 1967b: a3 (23), a6 (26), b8 (22); Thomas 1968: a5 (224); Thomas 1969b: a4 (55); Thomas 1972: a6 (451), a6 (458), b8 (459); Thomas 1979b: b7 (40), b7 (42), b10 (50); Thomas 1979d: a3 (151); Thomas 1981: a8 (490); Thomas 1983: a2 (18), b5 (14); Thomas 1988: b1 (253); Thomas 1997: a3 (104), a3 (115), a3 a4 (104), a5 a6 (104), b2 (81), b6 (109)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Hackstein 1995

Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Hackstein 2012

Hackstein, Olav. 2012. “The evolution of finite complementation in Tocharian.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13: 117–48.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2008

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