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THT 107

Known as:THT 107; B 107; MIK III 31; Sp
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 107". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner
Date of online publication:2015-01


Main find spot:Sengim
Specific find spot:Sängimer Schlucht
Expedition code:T II S 54
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Passage:Nandā and Nandabalā
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Buddha legend
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x); 543 (4x); 444 (4x)


Manuscript:THT 107f.
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:10



lf100 6
a1tā¯ ¯u o ṅko rñ(·) sra ñci yeṃ ta ppre kau¯ ¯ś ye¯ ¯yä mā no nta to tka ra no pa rna pra ntsi ta¯ ¯r • cā kkä¯ ¯r sva sti¯ ¯k na ndi kā wa¯ ¯rt ṣo tru na e ne ṅka ce le ñi ye nta¯ ¯r • ke ntsa i ppre rne ma ṅkā la ṣṣa na ṣo tru na lko ye nta¯ ¯r || ṣa ḍa¯ ¯p ṣa
a2lywe ma lkwe rne || ā ji vi ke u pa ge ta ne ta mmeṃ yne ma ne śe¯ ¯m cau kkeṃ ne : pa kse ma ne o ṅko rñai lyā ka tā ka ā kti ke lau mā ṣma sa : pa lska to yna ṣo tru na śā sta rmpa ṣe rā ma te i sta¯ ¯k śa rsa : se tā śu waṃ o ṅko rñai snai o
a3lya po ai śa mñe su yi nmā s̝s̝aṃ : 1 || a kā lkä tsa ṅkā ne ma kte pi kca tā o ṅko rñai ñi¯ ¯ś śwā tsi ka llā lle ṣe¯ ¯ymä • ysa pa rsa ye¯ ¯yä ā śi rvā¯ ¯t we ṣṣi teṃ e pi ṅkte ne sā¯ ¯u o ṅko pa¯ ¯s pyau tka • spha rī ra ṣṣe ai se meṃ mu
a4tkā re ne ai se mu tkā ntse¯ ¯ś po ○ mā tsu wa nau mye ṣṣe bhā jaṃ ne i te śa ma • lkā lñe sa ā rtta lñe ta l[a] ṣṣe ñca tā ka e re ne ka rtstsa we re ne ka rtstsa śu ke ne ka rtstsa kre nta ṣo tru na sa ke
a5ke nu sa u pa ge ā ji vi ke e ○ ṣe rñā na e tsu wai ma sa we ñā me¯ ¯ś ṣe rśka na ñi¯ ¯ś o sta meṃ ltu ne sau wä rpau ca da kṣi ṇā ke • ñi ka¯ ¯s̝ tāṃ o ṅko rñai pi ntwā¯ ¯t pe te¯ ¯s • to¯ ¯yä we ñā re ne
a6¯ś sā o ṅko rño ta¯ ¯ñä śwā lya mā ○ ste • pi lyca lñe ne la lā lu lau ki to rṣā ke tā kaṃ rṣā keṃ ne śpā lmeṃ cwi we¯ ¯s tā o ṅko rñai pi ntwā¯ ¯t ai ske¯ ¯m • u pa ge ntse ma ñu kä rstā te ne ṣa¯ ¯ñä ytā ri
a7ma sa || te sa ka ccā mne || nā nda cā la o ṅko rñai na ndā ba la tā¯ ¯yä ṣe rśka po staṃ msā ne : mai ta¯ ¯r yo pa¯ ¯r wa rtto ne da kṣi ṇā keṃ ri ta si wro cceṃ rṣā keṃ : i ndre kā rpa rṣā ka ññe we ṣmyā ska te stā mño rcau lmo ṣlya kā re : śi
a8lā re ne o ṅka rñai wñā rne pu rwa¯ ¯r we sa nmeṃ pi nwā¯ ¯t rṣā ka : 1 || snai e pi ṅkte bra mñi kte kā rpa to tka maṃ tstsa śa a śrā mne pe ñi ya cce ya kne sa lya ma • ylai ñi kte rṣā ka ññe we ṣme mi sku we ñā me¯ ¯ś ṣe rśka na ñi ai
a9śce¯ ¯r ce pi nwā¯ ¯t e pe se ññi ssa śpā lmeṃ tā kaṃ cwi ai śce¯ ¯r • nā nda na ndā ba la we ñā re se ci sa śpā lmeṃ tā kaṃ cwi ai ske¯ ¯m • ylai ñi kte bra mñi kte¯ ¯ś ma¯ ¯nt ṣe rpsa me we ñā me¯ ¯ś ṣe rśka na sa¯ ¯m rṣā ke ñi ssa śpā
a10lmeṃ ste • cwi mnai ka la[¯] [¯s] : to¯ ¯yä ka kkā ccu wa bra mñi kteṃ¯ ¯ś mai ta re wi nā ṣṣa rne o ṅka rñai ṣa rne ne e ṅku wa we skeṃ ne¯ ¯ś || ṣa rmi rśkeṃ ne || rṣā ki ṣe rpa rme twe ke śpā lmeṃ rṣā ke ne¯ ¯s : we saṃ ne pa lsko ta ṅkwa ññe ñcai yne śpyā
b1mtsa¯ ¯r : pu rwa¯ ¯r ce pi nwā¯ ¯t mā nai ña kta pra ṅka sme : mai no kne ta rme ri tau a kā¯ ¯lk lau ka ññe : 1 || bra mñi kte we ñā me¯ ¯ś ṣe rśka na : se ñi sa śpā lmeṃ rṣā ke tā kaṃ cwi ai śce¯ ¯r e pe tu wa¯ ¯k ñi ai śce¯ ¯r to¯ ¯yä we ñā re • ci sa
b2kreṃ¯ ¯nt ka lā lya na tā ka¯ ¯m cwi ai ske¯ ¯m ci eṃ ṣke ta rka na¯ ¯m • snai e pi ṅkte śu ddha wā sa ṣṣi ña kti rṣā ka ññe we ṣyā mo¯ ¯s̝ mā lau ke stā na ño¯ ¯r lymā re • bra mñi kte to yna we ña • ṣe rśka na ce¯ ¯ymä rṣā ki ñi ssa śpā lmeṃ sta re •
b3tu meṃ to¯ ¯yä e ṣe rñā na o ṅko rñai ka mā nte śu ddha vā sa ṣṣe¯ ¯ś ka meṃ we ñā rme¯ ¯ś ma ha rṣi nta po sa kreṃ¯ ¯ś tā ka ce rma¯ ¯nt pu rwa¯ ¯t o ṅka rñai • mā tā ka ce¯ ¯r we si po kse¯ ¯s po sa śpā lmeṃ rṣā ke i ntsu ste cwi ka¯ ¯s̝ ma¯ ¯nt
b4klā ske¯ ¯m || ska mpau ma śśaṃ śkai ne || ○ teṃ e pi ṅkte bo dhi sa tve nai raṃ ñjaṃ ne : kā rpa nā ṣṣa lyyā sa wre nta po lai kā te : ña kti a rjuṃ stā¯ ¯m ne ma rne¯ ¯ś cau e ṅksa te : nai ra ñjaṃ nmeṃ lai¯ ¯ś wä ssā te
b5ka ṣā rwa ssi : 1 || cke ntse ma na rkai ○ sa nya gro¯ ¯t stā mño¯ ¯r a ti yai sa lya ma • śu ddha vā sa ṣṣi ña kti nā ndai na ndā ba lai¯ ¯ś we ñā re • sa¯ ¯m rṣā ke po sa śpā lmeṃ ste • co mtsa śpā lmeṃ da kṣi
b6ṇā keṃ mā ka lā lya na ne sce¯ ¯r ○ cwi¯ ¯m nai tāṃ o ṅko rñai ka la¯ ¯s • tu meṃ to¯ ¯yä ka kā ccu wa bo dhi sa tve¯ ¯ś mai ta re • ta ka rṣkñe sa wi nā ṣṣa rne wi e ṣe rñā na tā¯ ¯u o ṅka rñai e ṅku wa
b7bo dhi sa tve¯ ¯ś we skeṃ || ṣṭa kku ○ mai ne || pi lyca lñe ccu wro ccu rṣā ka pu rwa¯ ¯r we smeṃ : śa s̝ka¯ ¯s lykwa rwa ke klyu tku sai o ṅko rñai tā : ce pi ntwā tstsa ka rtstso mñe nta po yā to yeṃ¯ ¯ś : we si
b8ra no ri tau a kā¯ ¯lk ka ñi yo ytä¯ ¯r • 1 || wä rpā te a ṣa ñi ke bo dhi sa tve nā ndai na ndā ba lai meṃ o ṅko rñai pi nwā¯ ¯t • ma¯ ¯nt e ṅko rmeṃ we ñā me¯ ¯ś ṣe rśka na se no mi ye ṣṣe bhā jaṃ re ri nu sta rme e pe mā • to¯ ¯yä
b9we ñā re a ṣa ñi ka re ri nu sta rme : o ṅko rño e ṣe no mye ṣṣe bhā jaṃ mpa ta ñka¯ ¯s̝ e ka lymi tā kaṃ • tu meṃ a ṣa ñi ke bo dhi sa tve tā¯ ¯u o ṅka rñai e ne ppre ta ttā rmeṃ śu ke ne mā te tre ṅko¯ ¯s̝ pa lsko sa yke
b10po staṃ wä rpā te ā rsko rmeṃ pa lsko ne ya ma ṣṣa te se ñi po sa po sta nu pra tha gja ññe ne pi nwā¯ ¯t wa rpa lñe tā kaṃ • mā to¯ ¯t ñi¯ ¯ś pi ntwā¯ ¯t wa rpa lle ne sau ko¯ ¯s sa wā saṃ kle śa nma mā wi ka skau • tu meṃ :


a1u oṅkorñ(ai) srañciyeṃ tappre kauś yey no nta totka rano parna präntsitärcākkär svastik nandikāwart ṣotruna eneṅka celeñiyentärkentsa ipprerne maṅkāläṣṣana ṣotruna lkoyentärṣaḍap-ṣa-
a2-n3n4lywe-malkwerne ॥
1aājivike ; upage ; tane tammeṃ ; ynemane ; śem cau-k =ke{†ṃ}ne :
1bpäksemane ; oṅkorñai ; lyāka tāka ; āktike ; lau masa :
1cpalska toyna ; ṣotruna ; śāstärmpa ṣe ; rāmate ; ista-k śarsa :
1ase śuwaṃ ; oṅkorñai ; snai oa3n5lyapo ; aiśamñe ; su yinmāṣṣäṃ : 1 ॥
akālk{†ä} tsäṅkā-ne mäkte pi kca oṅkorñai ñiś śwātsi källālle ṣeymysaparsa yey āśirvāt weṣṣi teṃ epiṅktene u oṅko{rño} päs pyautkaspharīräṣṣe aisemeṃ mu-
a4-tkāre-ne aise mutkāntseś po tsuwa naumyeṣṣe bhājaṃne ite śamalkālñesa ārttalñe taläṣṣeñca tāka erene kartstsa werene kartstsa śukene kartstsa krenta ṣotrunasa ke-
a5-n6kenusa upage ājivike eṣerñāna etsuwai masa weñā-meś ṣerśkana ñiś ostameṃ ltu nesau wärpauca dakṣiṇākeñi ka tāṃ oṅkorñai pintwāt petestoy weñāre-ne-
a6-n7ś oṅkorño tañ śwālya stepilycalñene lalālu laukito rṣāke tākaṃ rṣākeṃne śpālmeṃ cwi wes oṅkorñai pintwāt aiskemupagentse mañu kärstāte-ne ṣañ ytāri
1anānda cāla ; oṅkorñai ; nandābala ; tāy ṣerśka ; postäṃ msā-ne :
1bmaitar yopar ; warttone ; dakṣiṇākeṃ ; ritasi ; wrocce{†ṃ} rṣākeṃ :
1cindre kārpa ; rṣākaññe ; weṣ myāskate ; stām ñor cau ; lmoṣ lyakāre :
1dśia8n10n11lāre-ne ; oṅkarñai ; wñār-ne purwar ; wesanmeṃ ; pinwāt rṣāka : 1 ॥
snai epiṅkte bram-ñikte kārpa totka maṃtstsaś{†ä} aśrāmne peñiyacce yaknesa lyamaylai-ñikte rṣākäññe weṣ memisku weñā-meś ṣerśkana ñi ai-
a9-n12n13ścer ce pin{t}wāt epe se ññissa śpālmeṃ tākaṃ cwi aiścernānda nandābala weñāre se cisa śpālmeṃ tākaṃ cwi aiskemylai-ñikte bram-ñikteś mant ṣerpsa-me weñā-meś ṣerśkana sam rṣāke ñissa śpā-
a10-n14n15lmeṃ stecwim nai kalas : toy kakkāccuwa bram-ñikte{†ṃ}ś maitare wināṣṣar-ne oṅkarñai ṣarnene eṅkuwa weskeṃ-neśṣarmirśkeṃne
1arṣāki ṣerpar-me ; twe ke śpālmeṃ ; rṣāke nes :
1bwesäṃne palsko ; täṅkwaññeñcai ; yneś pyāb1n16n17mtsar :
1cpurwar ce pinwāt ; nai ñakta ; praṅkäs-me :
1dmai no knetär-me ; ritau akālk ; laukaññe : 1 ॥
bram-ñikte weñā-meś ṣerśkana : se ñisa śpālmeṃ rṣāke tākaṃ cwi aiścer epe tuwak ñi aiścer toy weñārecisa
b2kreṃnt kälālyana tākam cwi aiskem ci eṃṣke tärkanamsnai epiṅkte śuddhawāsäṣṣi ñakti rṣākäññe weṣ yāmoṣ lauke stāna ñor lymārebram-ñikte toyna weñaṣerśkana ceym rṣāki ñissa śpālmeṃ stare
b3tumeṃ toy eṣerñāna oṅkorñai kamānte śuddhavāsäṣṣeś kameṃ weñār-meś maharṣinta posa kreṃś tākacer mant purwat oṅkarñai tākacer wesi pokses posa śpālmeṃ rṣāke intsu ste cwi ka mant
1ateṃ epiṅkte ; bodhisatve ; nairaṃñjaṃne :
1bkārpa nāṣṣa ; lyyāsa wrenta ; po laikāte :
1cñakti arjuṃ ; stām nemar-neś ; cau eṅksate :
1dnairañjaṃnmeṃ ; laiś wässāte ; b5 kaṣār wassi : 1 ॥
ckentse manarkaisa nyagrot stām ñor atiyaisa lyamaśuddhavāsäṣṣi ñakti nāndai nandābalaiś weñāresam rṣāke posa śpālmeṃ stecomtsa śpālmeṃ dakṣi-
b6-n22ṇākeṃ kälālyana nescer cwim nai tāṃ oṅkorñai kalastumeṃ toy kakāccuwa bodhisatveś maitaretakarṣkñesa wināṣṣar-ne wi eṣerñāna u oṅkarñai eṅkuwa
b7bodhisatveś weskeṃṣṭakkumaine
1apilycalñeccu ; wroccu rṣāka ; purwar wesmeṃ :
1bśaṣkäs lykwarwa ; keklyutkusai ; oṅkorñai :
1cce pintwātstsa ; kärtstsomñenta ; po yātoyeṃ-ś :
1dwesi b8n24n25 rano ; ritau akālk ; käñiyoytär • 1 ॥
wärpāte aṣañike bodhisatve nāndai nandābalaimeṃ oṅkorñai pinwātmant eṅkormeṃ weñā-meś ṣerśkana se nomiyeṣṣe bhājaṃ rerinu star-me epe toy
b9weñāre aṣañika rerinu star-me : oṅkorño eṣe nomyeṣṣe bhājaṃmpa tañ ka ekalymi tākaṃtumeṃ aṣañike bodhisatve u oṅkarñai eneppre tättārmeṃ śukene tetreṅkoṣ palskosa yke-
b10-n27postäṃ wärpāte ārskormeṃ palskone yamaṣṣate se ñi posa postanu präthagjaññene pinwāt warpalñe tākaṃ tot ñiś pintwāt warpalle nesau kossa wāsaṃ kleśanma wikäskautumeṃ :


a1They were taking care of the rice porridge. High up it went continually, but not even a little sprinkled outside. The signs Cakra, Svastika, and Nandyāvarta were appearing in it. On earth [and] in the sky the signs of good omen were constantly seen.
a1+In [the tune] ṣāḍava-fat-milk:
a2The Ājīvika Upaga who was going around there came to this place. He saw the cooking rice porridge. He was astonished [and] did not go away. He considered these signs, compared [them] with the teaching and suddenly he understood:
a2+"The one who eats this rice porridge will win incomparable wisdom."
a3A wish arose [in] him: "How at all could I get to eat this rice porridge?" He was going nearby and was saying a blessing. In the meantime the rice porridge became ready.
a3+Out of the crystal bowl they poured it
a4- the bowl held not a whole mutkāntse - [and] it stood completely in the jewel bowl.
a4+Bringing pleasure by its sight it is good in appearance, good in smell, good in taste provided with good omens.
a5The Ājīvika Upaga went to the sisters and said to them: "Little sisters, I am one who has left the house. As a recipient I am a worthy one. So, give only me this rice porridge as alms.
a5+These said to him:
a6"You shall not eat this rice porridge. There is a stranger, a sage who exerted himself in ascesis [and] (is) the best among the sages – to him we [will] give this rice porridge as alms." The desire of Upaga was destroyed
a6+and he went his way.
a7In [the tune] tesakaccām: Nānda lifted up the rice porridge, Nandābala, her sister, walked behind her. They set out [and] entered the forest to seek a worthy one, a great sage. Indra descended, changed [into] the guise of a sage [and] they saw him having sat down under a tree.
a7+They brought him the rice porridge
a8[and] said to him: "Accept the alms from us, o sage." Without interval the god Brahma descended a bit away [and] sat down in a hermitage in a magnificent manner. The god Indra having changed [into] the guise of a sage said to them:
a8+"Little sisters, are you giving those alms to me, or do you give it to somebody who is better than me?"
a9Nandā [and] Nandabalā said: "Who is better than you, to him we give it." Thus the god Indra guided them to the god Brahma [and] said to them:
a9+"Little sisters, this sage is better than me.
a10Then bring it to him!" Having rejoiced they set out to the god Brahma, venerated him [and] holding the rice porridge in hands they say to him, in [the tune] young novice: "Sages were indicated to us [and] you alone are the best sage.
a10+Make a loving thought manifest in us.
b1Accept these alms and do not reject us, god! But, will our long cherished wish be fulfilled nevertheless? God Brahma said to them: "Little sisters, who may be a better sage than me, do you give it to him, or do you give that precisely to me?" They said:
b1+"If we are able to bring (up) somebody better than you, we will give it to him
b2while we leave you [alone]." Without delay not far the Śuddhāvāsa-gods having donned the guise of sages sat down under the trees. God Brahma said to them: "Little sisters, those sages are better than me."
b3Thereupon the sisters took the rice porridge, came to the Śuddhāvāsa-gods [and] said to them: "O great sages, if you are better than all, then receive this rice porridge! If you are not, tell us who is the sage that is better than all,
b3+so that to him indeed we bring it."
b4In [the tune] skampaumaśśaṃśko: In the meantime the Bodhisattva descended into the river Nairañjanā. He bathed and washed all of his limbs [and] rags. The gods bended [down] an Arjuna-tree; this he took. He went out of the river Nairañjanā
b4+[and] donned the Kāṣāya-garment.
b5At the bank of the river he sat under the Nyagrodha-tree in the grass. The Śuddhāvāsa-gods said to Nandā [and] Nandabalā: "This sage is the best of all.
b5+You cannot bring (up) anyone better [and] worthier of gifts than him there;
b6him alone bring the rice porridge! Thereupon they set out to the Bodhisattva rejoicing. In piety they venerated him
b6+[and] having taken [up] the rice porridge they say to the Bodhisattva,
b7in [the tune] ṣṭakkumo: "O ascetic great sage, accept this sixteen time turned rice porridge from us. May through these alms all benefits be realised for you,
b7+and may our cherished wish be fulfilled!
b8The venerable Bodhisattva accepted the rice porridge from Nandā [and] Nandabalā [as] alms. Thus having taken [it] he said to them: "Little sisters, is this jewel bowl given up by you or not?"
b8+They said:
b9"Venerable one, it is left by us. The rice porridge, together with the jewel bowl, will be in precisely your possession!
b9+Thereupon the Bodhisattva accepted the rice porridge after having set [it] in front [of him] without having adhered to the thought in taste consecutively.
b10After having given up [eating] he thought: "This will be my last accepting of alms at all in the state of the unenlightened. I will not accept (any) alms as long as I do not drive off false conception and kleśas. Thereupon ...


a1Bring [it] to him over there! (Peyrot 2013b: 540)
a1They prepared the porridge. (Peyrot 2013b: 540)
a1Cakra, Svastika [und] Nandikāvarta-Zeichen kamen darin [scil. im Brei] zum Vorschein. (Schmidt 1974: 274)
a1Auf der Erde [und] im Luftraum wurden glückverheißende Zeichen gesehen. (Schmidt 1974: 234)
a1Den Brei ließen sie wallen; hoch in die Höhe ging er, jedoch auch nicht ein bisschen spritzte heraus. (Schmidt 1974: 131)
a2+Der Ājīvika Upaga, hin [und] her gehend, kam an den Ort, sah den kochenden Brei, wurde erstaunt und ging nicht fort. Er dachte [nach], verglich diese Zeichen mit dem Śāstra, [und] sogleich erkannte er: "Wer diesen Brei isst, der erlangt unübertreffliches Wissen." (Schmidt 1974: 182-3, 351)
a6A foreign sage who is trained in penance and best among the sages—to him we [will] give the porridge as alms. (Peyrot 2013b: 321)
a6Dem Upaga wurde sein Verlangen zerstört. (Schmidt 1974: 209)
a7Indra stieg herab [und] nahm das Aussehen eines Ṛṣis an [wtl. tauschte sich das Aussehen eines Ṛṣis ein]. (Schmidt 1974: 355)
a7+Sie brachten ihm den Brei [und sprachen zu ihm]: "Nimm von uns Almosen entgegen, o Ṛṣi!" (Schmidt 1974: 389)
a8+Little sisters, do you give those alms to me, or do you give it to somebody who is better than me? (Peyrot 2013b: 702)
a9Who is better than you, to him we give it. (Peyrot 2013b: 702)
a10+An uns mache liebende Gesinnung offenbar! Nimm dieses Almosen entgegen, weise uns doch, o Gott, nicht ab! (Schmidt 1974: 462)
b1Do you offer it to me, or [to him] who is better than me? (Peyrot 2013b: 325, 352, 360, 702)
b1I will not receive alms as long as I do not drive off false conception and kleśas. (Peyrot 2013b: 325, 352, 360, 702)
b1This will be my last receiving of alms of all in the state of the unenlightened. (Peyrot 2013b: 325, 352, 360, 702)
b1Nimm dieses Almosen entgegen, weise uns doch nicht ab, o Gott! [Dass] uns doch der lang gehegte Wunsch in Erfüllung gehe! (Schmidt 1974: 103)
b1+If we can find somebody better than you, we will give it to him while we leave you [alone]. (Peyrot 2013b: 344)
b3Darauf nahmen diese Schwestern den Brei, kamen zu den Śuddhāvāsa[-Göttern] [und] sprachen zu ihnen: (Schmidt 1974: 399)
b3+O great sages, if you are better than all, then receive this porridge! If you are not, tell us who is the sage that is better than all, so that to him indeed we bring it. (Peyrot 2013b: 319)
b4er wischte [sich] den Staub ab (Schmidt 1974: 326, 498, fn. 3)
b4Inzwischen stieg der Bodhisattva in die Nairañjanā herab, badete sich, wischte [sich] den Staub [im Toch. Plural] ab; alles wusch er sich ab. (Schmidt 1974: 414, 418)
b4Die Götter bogen ihm einen Arjuna-Baum zu; den ergriff er. (Schmidt 1974: 293, 395)
b4+Er [scil. der Bodhisattva] stieg aus der Nairañjanā heraus [und] zog sich das Kāṣāya-Gewand an. (Schmidt 1974: 407)
b5+You can/will not find anyone better and worthier of gifts than him there; bring him the porridge! (Peyrot 2013b: 341)
b6Bring that porridge to him over there! (Peyrot 2013b: 351)
b7+May through these alms all benefits be realised for you, and may our cherished wish be fulfilled! (Peyrot 2013b: 306)
b7+O du Askese übender großer Ṛṣi, nimm von uns diesen sechzehnfach verstärkten Brei entgegen! Durch dieses Almosen mögen die alle Heilsgüter zuteil werden! Möge auch uns der gehegte Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen! (Schmidt 1974: 135-6)
b8Der ehrwürdige Bodhisattva nahm von Nandā [und] Nandabalā den Brei als Almosen entgegen. (Schmidt 1974: 201)
b9Venerable one, it is left by us. The porridge, together with the jewel bowl, will be in precisely your possession! (Peyrot 2013b: 298)
b9+Darauf genoss der ehrwürdige Bodhisattva den Brei, [ihn] vor [sich] gesetzt habend, mit nicht am Genuss hängendem Geist nacheinander. (Schmidt 1974: 200)
b10Als er [scil. der Bodhisattva] [seine Mahlzeit] beendet hatte, dachte er bei sich: Dies soll mein allerletztes Almosengenießen im Pṛthagjana-Stande sein; solange werde ich nicht [mehr] Almosen genießen, bis ich die Vāsanā [falsche Vorstellung] [und] die Kleśas [Trübungen] beseitigt habe [wtl. wie ich nicht die V. [und] die K. entferne]. (Schmidt 1974: 344-5)


Linguistic commentary

n1Colloquial/Late oṅkorñ(ai) for Classical oṅkarñai.
n3Colloquial cau kkeṃne for Standard cau ykene and twice Colloquial/Late oṅkorñ(ai) for Classical oṅkarñai.
n5Colloquial/Late yinmāṣṣäṃ for Classical yänmāṣṣäṃ and Colloquial/Late oṅko{rño} for Classical oṅkarño.
n6Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai.
n7Colloquial/Late oṅko{rño} for Classical oṅkarño and Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai.
n8 wrocceṃ can either be a mistake as analysed by Sieg and Siegling 1953: 41 fn. 9 or it could theoretically be the oblique form of the substantivized version of orroce. It that case the translation would have to be altered to "a great one, a sage"; Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai; Colloquial ritasi for Standard ritatsi.
n10Colloquial pinwāt for Standard pintwāt and Colloquial/Late bram-nikte for Classical bram-ñäkte.
n12Colloquial pinwāt for Standard pintwāt, Colloquial/Late ylai-nikte for Classical ylai-ñäkte. , and Colloquial/Late bram-nikte for Classical bram-ñäkte.
n14Colloquial/Late bram-ñikteṃś for Classical bram-ñäkteś.
n16Colloquial praṅkäs-me for Standard praṅkäst-me and Colloquial/Late bram-nikte for Classical bram-ñäkte.
n18Colloquial/Late bram-nikte for Classical bram-ñäkte.
n19Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai.
n20laiś is a variant of laś/lac also attested in m-pkda507_8 a14, m-pkda507_39_43 b1, b2, b3, and m-pkda407_41 a2, a4, a11, b7.
n22Colloquial cwim for Standard cwimp and Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai.
n23Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai and Colloquial/Late kärtstsomñenta for Classical kärtsauñenta.
n24Colloquial/Late oṅkorñai for Classical oṅkarñai, Colloquial pinwāt for Standard pintwāt, and Colloquial/Late nomyeṣṣe for Classical naumyeṣṣe.
n26Colloquial/Late oṅkorño for Classical oṅkarño and Colloquial/Late nomyeṣṣe for Classical naumyeṣṣe.

Philological commentary

n2According to Pinault 2008: 120 ṣaḍap is a loan from Skt. ṣāḍava- 'confectionary'. In Sanskrit it is also the name of a Rāga.
n4The correction cauk ykene is based on Pinault 2008: 121f.
n9 wrocceṃ corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 41 fn. 10.
n11pintwāt corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 41 fn. 11.
n13pintwāt corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 42 fn. 1.
n15bram-ñikteś corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 42 fn. 2.
n17pintwāt and praṅkäst-me corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 42 fn. 5 and 6.
n21laiś is corrected to läś for läc by Sieg and Siegling 1953: 42 fn. 2 and to laś by Pinault 2008: 148. However, it seems to be a regular variant of laś/lac (see Linguistic commentary).
n25pintwāt corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 43 fn. 2.
n27pintwāt corrected according to Sieg and Siegling 1953: 43 fn. 6.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008L
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: THT 107; TITUS: THT 107


Sieg and Siegling 1925; Sieg and Siegling 1953: 41-43


Carling 2000: a1 (139), a3 (325), a5 (326), a6 (93), a7 (114, 327), a10 (208), b2 (327), b4 (250), b5 (118, 144, 327), b9 (355); Hackstein 1995: a2 (88), a6 (221), a7 (194f), a7 a8 (314), a8 (195), a9 a10 (279), a10 (279), b1 (233), b4 (68, 122, 171, 223), b4 b5 (264), b7 b8 (234), b8 (237); Krause 1952: a1 (28), a3 (204), a3 (28), a3 (54), a4 (94), a5 (45), a5 a6 (206), a6 (30), a7 (206), a7 a8 (206), a8 (204), a8 (35), a8 a9 (26), a8 a9 (31), a9 (204), a10 (204), a10 (23), b1 (204), b1 (204), b1 b2 (54), b2 (62), b3 (31), b4 (206), b7 (205), b7 (35), b8 (206), b8 (35), b8 (52), b8 b9 (205), b10 (30), b10 (53); Meunier 2013: a10 b1 (134); Peyrot 2013b: a1 (540), a1 (540), a3 (340, 363), a6 (321), a8 a9 (702), a9 (702), a10 (351), b1 (325, 352, 360, 702), b1 (325, 352, 360, 702), b1 (325, 352, 360, 702), b1 b2 (344), b3 b4 (319), b5 b6 (341), b6 (351), b7 b8 (306), b9 (298), b10 (301, 343); Pinault 2008: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 (156-158); Schmidt 1974: a1 (131, 234, 274), a1 (274), a1 (234), a1 (131), a2 a3 (182f, 351), a2 a3 (182-3, 351), a3 (209), a6 (209), a7 (355), a7 a8 (389), a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 (389), a10 b1 (462), b1 (103, 136 n.1), b1 (103), b3 (399), b4 (293, 326, 395, 414, 4), b4 (326, 498, fn. 3), b4 (414, 418), b4 (293, 395), b4 b5 (407), b7 b8 (135f), b7 b8 (135-6), b8 (201), b9 b10 (200), b10 (344f), b10 (344-5); Schmidt 2001a: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 (331-333); Sieg and Siegling 1925: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10; Sieg and Siegling 1983: a2 (255), a6 (255), a9 (256), b2 (256), b3 (256), b5 (256), b8 (257); Thomas 1952: a3 (47), b2 (28), b2 (42), b6 (39), b10 (39); Thomas 1954: a3 (759), a7 (714); Thomas 1957: a1 (12, 16, 45), a2 (12, 17), a2 a3 (45f, 106), a3 (16, 46, 106), a3 a4 a5 (162), a5 (17), a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 (106f), a6 a7 (17), b8 (278), b9 (253); Thomas 1958: b1 (306); Thomas 1958a: a6 (146), a8 a9 (139), a9 (139), a9 a10 (139), b1 (138), b1 b2 (138), b2 (139), b3 b4 (149), b5 (150), b5 b6 (139), b10 (149); Thomas 1969: a1 (255), a2 (258), a8 (237), a9 (238), b2 (238); Thomas 1970: b7 (278); Thomas 1970a: a3 (472); Thomas 1970b: a4 (282), b9 b10 (282); Thomas 1972: a7 (458), b4 (456); Thomas 1973: a9 (89), a10 b1 (90), b1 (90), b1 (90), b3 b4 (90), b5 b6 (91), b7 b8 (91), b10 (91); Thomas 1979b: a2 (15); Thomas 1983: a5 (44), a7 (40), b4 (29); Thomas 1988: a8 (253), b5 (251); Thomas 1991: b7 (21), b10 (18); Thomas 1997: a4 (108), b4 (85), b7 (110)


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