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PS Bl 18.4

Known as:PS Bl 18.4; Pelliot Sanskrit numéro bleu 18.4; PS Bl 81; Pelliot Sanskrit numéro bleu 81
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "PS Bl 18.4". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-psbl184 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:DA
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Gloss


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:4+?


Images from gallica.bnf.fr by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a3x[p]ra tsā kai tso – [¯r]
a3ykwa snā tra
a3z[t]ri kā lñe ya [n]mā s̝a
a4x– [t]·
a4ysa¯ ¯[k] yā [so] wa· [pau] ca s̝a¯ ¯p
a4zyā –


a3xn1n2 pratsākai tso(ptä)r
a3yn3 kwasnāträ
a3zn4n5 trikālñe yanmāṣäṃ
a4yn7n8 sak yāso wa(r)pauca ṣäp
a4zn9 yā(so)


a3xpokes [his] chest
a3yhe laments
a3zhe obtains confusion
a4yan experience of happiness [and] passion


Linguistic commentary

n1The middle tso(ptä)r may have been used instead of the active because the subject beats their own chest. The akṣara tso is the last on PS bleu 18.4, the left-hand fragment. On PS bleu 81, the right-hand fragment, traces of apparently two different akṣaras can be discerned. The second can, with relative certainty, be read as r, and if this akṣara is lowered compared to the preceding akṣara, this, at once, makes the reading of a virāma likely as well as the restoration of the traces of the first akṣara as pta possible. If correct, these traces belong to the upper part, i.e. p, and part of the virāma stroke would be visible as well.
n4trikālñe yanmāṣäṃ: Although the akṣara mnā looks a little like a lowered mo, the reading seems certain. In particular, a reading mna is excluded. This is relevant since āpadyate means 'attains', i.e. TB yänmāṣṣäṃ, as well as 'enters', i.e. TB yänmaṣṣäṃ (it should be noted in addition that with yänmaṣṣäṃ 'enters', a locative would be expected rather than an oblique (accusative) as is found here). The akṣara ṣäṃ is lowered, but the reading appears to be safe. There are no ä-dots on the ya, which would have been regular; evidently, they were left out (as occurs more often; Peyrot 2014: 133).
n7sak etc.: the ä-dots that would have been regular in the agent noun wa(r)[pau]ca, i.e. wärpoṣ, have evidently been left out.

Philological commentary

n2The first element glosses Skt. uras tāḍ(a)yati 'beats the chest' (Hartmann 1991).
n3kwasnāträ glosses Skt. krandati 'roars, cries out' (Hartmann 1991). In the latter, the reading of the first syllable seems certain: no vocalism can be seen, even though the correct form would probably be kwäsnāträ (as attested in THT 88: b1). The dots were probably simply left out, as in other cases of wa for (Peyrot 2014: 133).
n5trikālñe yanmāṣäṃ glosses Skt. (sa)ṃmoham āpadyate 'gets in confusion' (Hartmann 1991). A faint trace can be seen under the akṣara ya, but this does not seem to belong to it.
n6– [t]· glosses Skt. [bha]vat[i] 'is, becomes' (Hartmann 1991). Since the gloss is illegible, its function cannot be determined. The normal translation of bhavati would be mäsketär, but it would be surprising to have this word glossed here.
n8sak etc. glosses Skt. sukha(saṃrā)gapratisaṃvedī 'experiencing happiness and passion' (Hartmann 1991; see also the following). The space between the akṣaras [so] and wa of the gloss on PS bleu 18.4 belongs right under the traces of Skt. [s](a)[ṃ] on PS bleu 81. No akṣara of the gloss is therefore lost between wa and ·[pau]. The au of ·[pau] is rather high, which is neatly explained by an original r between the au and the p.
n9As for the single left-over yāso in this line, it glosses Skt. sukhasaṃrā(gap)r(a)tisaṃ(ved)i(naḥ) 'experiencing happiness and passion' (gen.sg.; Hartmann 1991, see also the preceding). The restoration is unproblematic since the paper is completely effaced, even decomposed, after .



Peyrot 2015b: 116-118; Pinault 2007: 208


Hartmann and Wille 1997: 137


Hartmann 1991

Hartmann, Jens-Uwe. 1991. “Untersuchungen zum Dīrghāgama der Sarvāstivādins.” Habilitation, Göttingen.

Hartmann and Wille 1997

Hartmann, Jens-Uwe, and Klaus Wille. 1997. “Die nordturkestanischen Sanskrit-Handschriften der Sammlung Pelliot (Funde buddhistischer Sanskrit-Handschriften IV).” In Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Literatur. Zweite Folge. Gustav Roth zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet, edited by Heinz Bechert, Sven Bretfeld, and Petra Kieffer-Pülz, 131–82. Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfanfunden, Beiheft 8. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Peyrot 2014

Peyrot, Michaël. 2014. “Notes on Tocharian glosses and colophons in Sanskrit manuscripts I.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 15: 131–79.

Peyrot 2015b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2015b. “Notes on Tocharian glosses and colophons in Sanskrit manuscripts II.” Tocharian and indo-European Studies 16: 107–30.

Pinault 2007

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2007. “Concordance des manuscrits tokhariens du fonds Pelliot.” In Instrumenta Tocharica, edited by Melanie Malzahn, 163–219. Heidelberg: Winter.