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PK NS 53

Known as:PK NS 53
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Adam A. Catt (collaborator); Timothée Chamot-Rooke (collaborator); Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator); Athanaric Huard (collaborator); Bernhard Koller (collaborator); Véronique Kremmer (collaborator). "PK NS 53". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkns53 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Adam A. Catt (collaborator); Timothée Chamot-Rooke (collaborator); Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator); Athanaric Huard (collaborator); Bernhard Koller (collaborator); Véronique Kremmer (collaborator)


Expedition code:498.4
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Meditation on the Pratītyasamutpāda
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper


a1[wa] ·[pa] ll[e] – – – – [ll]· • ma sa¯ ¯k ma la [k]l· [w]· – ·y· – yo ko ma ksā¯ ¯u ykā ssaṃ [ñ]· ṣṣa [y]· ko • e rsnā
a2ṣṣa yo ko • sn[ai] [e] (–) ·[ṣa] yo ko • e ṅka lñe ma ksu • pi¯ ¯ś e ṅka lñe cci ā ntsi • ma ske [lle] ma ksu • ykā ssaṃ ñe ṣṣe
a3ma ske lle • e rsnā ssu ma ○ ske lle • snai e rsna ma ske lle • ca me¯ ¯l ma ksu • a ntse ntso ka llā lñe • ktsai tsa ññe
a4ma ksu • a ntse ntso pke ○ lñe • sru ka lñe ma ksū • a ntse ntso kau ta l[ñ]e • ·e – [w]o tra śa kwi lyyā sa sa pra
a5tī tya sa mu tpā¯ ¯t || kuse ṣo tri ceṃ śa kwi lyyā sa ntso • ka ṣṣī we s̝s̝aṃ mī ṣe [ra] [pā] ·[ñe] (– – – –) ·ā t·aṃ ·e (–) [s̝a] lle •
a6[mī] ṣe ne lāṃ sra mta yā mo rnta • śa ktā lye ra ai śa lle • a kwa mpe re ra ñe – – – – – – – – – – – –
b1tta lle ra ta ka lñe • pyā py[o] [ra] [wa] ·pa lñe • pyā py ai ri ta lñe ra [y]· – – – – – – – – – – – – –
b2pā kri ne sa lle ra ne sa lñe • o [k]o śe śśa [n]mu ra ca me¯ ¯l o ko ntse – – – – – – – – – – – – [l]ñ·
b3ra sru ka lñe • na no we ○ s̝s̝aṃ || te te [m]u ta ṅki ta rre kra [a] kn[ā] tsa ññe [•] – – mo ṣe pi ta ṅki ta rre
b4ka ntse trā ppa lle ra [yā] ○ mo rnta • ta trā ppa ṣ[e] pi kl[ā] [y]a lñe ra śa ktā lye • ka klā ya ṣe pi pī le
b5yā mu ra ñe me r·a – [p]e [ṭā] la ntse ko yñi ra ṣka syä llo¯ ¯ñ pī le nä tkau ra ta ka lñ[e] • ·ä tkau pī le ra ṣe¯ ¯k la kle
b6[w]a rpa lñe • – – – – lñe ra yo ko • pi le ·e sā· ·e – – lñe ra e ṅ[ka] lñe • pi le [ntse] pke lñe ra ne sa l[ñ]e •


a1(warpalñe) (mäksu) (•) (sak) wa(r)palle (lakle) (warpa)ll(e)ma sak ma lakl(e) w(arpal)y(e) (•) yoko mäksāu ykāssäṃñ(e)ṣṣa y(o)koersnā-
a2-ṣṣa yokosnai e(rsnāṣ)ṣa yokoeṅkalñe mäksupiś eṅkalñecci āntsimäskelle mäksuykāssäṃñeṣṣe
a3mäskelleersnāssu mäskellesnai ersna mäskellecamel mäksuantsentso källālñektsaitsäññe
a4mäksuantsentso pkelñesrukalñe mäksūantsentso kautalñe(s)e (klyo)woträ śak wi lyyāsasa pra-
a5-tītyasamutpātkuse ṣotri ceṃ śak wi lyyāsantsokäṣṣī weṣṣäṃ mīṣe rapā(l)ñe (ramt)(akn)āt(s)aṃ(ñ)e (lkā)ṣ(ṣ)älle
a6mīṣene lāṃs ramtä yāmorntaśäktālye ra aiśalleakwam pere ra ñe(m) (ersna) – – – – – – – – –
b1ttalle ra takälñepyāpyo ra wa(r)palñepyāpyai ritalñe ra y(oko) – – – – – – – – – – – –
b2pākri nesalle ra nesalñeoko śeśśanmu ra camel okontse (pkelñe) (ra) (ktsaitsäññe) (•) (okontse) (kauta)lñ(e)
b3ra srukalñenano weṣṣäṃtetemu täṅki tärrek ra aknātsaññe(tete)moṣepi täṅki tärre-
b4-käntse trāppalle ra yāmorntatatrāppaṣepi klāyalñe ra śäktālyekaklāyaṣepi pīle
b5yāmu ra ñem er(sn)a (•) peṭāläntse koyñi ra ṣkas yälloñ pīle nätkau ra takälñe(n)ätkau pīle ra ṣek lakle
b6warpalñe(sāṃtke) (rita)lñe ra yokopile(n)e sā(ṃtk)e (laupa)lñe ra eṅkalñepilentse pkelñe ra nesalñe


a1(What is sensation) [vedanā-]? Experiencing pleasure, experiencing suffering; experiencing neither pleasure nor suffering. What is thirst [tṛṣṇā-]?
a1+Thirst pertaining to sensuality; thirst pertaining to form; thirst pertaining to the formless.
a2What is attachment [upādāna-]? The five aggregates [skandha-] of attachment. What is existence [bhava-]?
a2+sensual existence; material existence; immaterial existence.
a3What is birth [jāti-]? Acquisition of the aggregates.
a3+What is old age? [jarā-]
a4Maturation of the aggregates. What is death [maraṇa-]? Splitting of the aggregates.
a4+This is called the pratītyasamutpāda- with twelve parts.
a5What is the mark [lakṣaṇa-] of these twelve parts? The teacher states: One (should) (see) ignorance (like) plowing a field.
a6The acts [are] like work in a field. Consciousness [is] like the seed. Name [and] (form) [nāma-rūpa-] [are] like sprout [and] stalk.
b1Contact [is] like ...-ing. Sensation [is] like the flower. Thirst is like desiring the flower.
b2Existence is like the (fruit) becoming visible. The birth is like the fruit being bound. Old age is like maturation of the fruit.
b2+Death is like the splitting of the fruit.
b3Again he states: Ignorance is like a man born completely blind.
b3+The acts are like the stumbling of a man born completely blind.
b4The seed is like the falling of the one who stumbled.
b4+Name and form is like a wound having been inflicted on the one who has fallen.
b5The six sense functions [are] like the openings of a boil. Contact is like the wound having been squeezed.
b5+The constant sensation of suffering is like the wound having been squeezed.
b6Thirst is like desiring a remedy. Attachment is like rubbing a [scil. unsuitable] remedy on a wound. Existence is like the festering [lit. maturation] of the wound.



Pinault 1988


Pinault 1988

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1988. “Le Pratītyasamutpāda en koutchéen.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 2: 96–165.