Work in progress

PK NS 28

Known as:PK NS 28; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 28; PK NS 23.1
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 28". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 07 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:12a-19b [shorter version]
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.3+8.1 × 12+10.8 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.2 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1ñi¯ ¯ś [ṣ]· (–) [t]ā ko[¯] [¯]ym po kre ntau na¯ ¯śä : e [k] /// rñ(·) : pri ya vā rgsa la rau ñe śau¯ ¯l ke ///
a2rñai [la] [kl]e ste [tu] ntse ṣa rmp[o] e ṅka lñe te ṣe¯ ¯[k] /// rgṣe nau mye ce pai yka lñe sa : śau ltsa [au] ṣ(·)[¯] [¯p] ///
a3(–) [s]ta(·) : ṣu kyä kne sa mau¯ ¯l śī [l]o /// kka rma ṣṣai ytā ri tā¯ ¯u pa ṣṣī ma¯ ¯r (–) ¯ś k[ā] ///
a4ri ta vā¯ ¯rgä [śp](·) lmeṃ pai ka lñe sa t(·) – – – /// l[s]ko sa ṣe¯ ¯k (–) wlā wau s̝pa a nai ///
a5– (·)e [ñre] ki pa lsko sa po wno lmeṃ ne : rṣā /// (·)w[ī] la re mpa : 10 4 pai ///
a6(·)[o] y[n]meṃ [:] [kuc]e sa ṣa ña¯ ¯ñ[m] [ka] rs(·)o /// [nt]au pa l[sk]o sa mā [ñ]i ///
b1[rma] [me](·) [kuse] t(·) t(·) mo¯ ¯s̝ [nr]ai [nta] /// [k](·)¯ ¯ym (–) ¯ś [ṣ](·) ///
b2(·)[s̝ta] [r]a te ṣe¯ ¯k ka rso¯ ¯ym : po cme la n[e] /// a lye¯ ¯k śai ṣṣe ne yā ///
b3rg[ṣ]e nau mye sa [ka] llo¯ ¯ym o ko ne – – /// ¯k [ñ]ī – ko¯ ¯yä yā mo rne (·)r(·) ///
b4(–) ·e [n]taṃ¯ ¯ts la reṃ e ñcī ma¯ ¯r ya /// yk[ū] ī me ṣe¯ ¯k ñī tā ko[¯] [¯]yä 10 7 (–) [m](·) ṇ[a] ///
b5(·)st(·) (–) [ñ](·) śä yo k[ai] kle śo : na no ca me¯ ¯l /// ki : ṣa mā ññe mpa e rai twe [ci] mpi¯ ¯m pa l(·) (·)o ///
b6[sa] [ly]ai – – k(·)e y[so] mo e ñcī ma¯ ¯r ā¯ ¯ñm kulo /// rne ne a ṣāṃ ai tsi : mā rga vā rgṣe kauṃ śpā ///


12a ; a1n1n2 ñiś ; ṣ(ek) tākoym ; po krentaunaś :
12bek(walatte-,tsirauñe) ; (nautässiś) ; (yolo) (śāmñen=) ; (āsa) (wa)rñ(ai) :
12cpriyavārgsa ; larauñe ; śaul ke(ktsenne) ; (ynauṣka) (ra) ; (cämpim) (muṣsi)
12d/// (wa)a2rñai ; lakle ste ; tuntse ṣarm po ; eṅkalñe ; te ṣek (karsoym) (:) (10-2)
13a(mahūr) (ram) (no) ; (śāsantse) ; (śilavā)rgṣe ; naumye ce ; paiykalñesa :
13bśaultsa auṣ(a)p ; /// ; ; (yke)a3n3(po)stä(ṃ) :
13cṣuk-yäknesa ; {m→ś}aul-śīlo ; (wätkau) (rano) ; (poyśinmeṃ) ; (mā) (ceu) (tarkoym) (:)
13d(śa)k-karmaṣṣai ; ytāri u ; paṣṣīmar (ñi)ś ; kā(rpäṣṣim) ; ///
14a(suca)a4n4rita;vārg śp(ā)lmeṃ ; paikalñesa ; t(ākoym) (ñiś) ; (tu-kne) (stamoym) (:)
14b(kektseñ) (reki) ; (pa)lskosa ; ṣek (wa)wlāwau ; ṣp{†ä} anai(śai) ; ///
14c ; a5(kekts)eñ reki ; palskosa ; po wnolmeṃne :
14drṣā(keṃts) (lānte) ; (śeśśarsoṣ) ; (yänmoym) (īke) ; (kekesoṣ) ; (c)wī larempa : 10-4
15apai(kalñesa) ; /// ; ; a6n5 (k)oynmeṃ :
15bkucesa ṣañ-añm ; kars(t)o(ymar) ; (alyekepi) ; (kaloym) (wat) ; (mīyäṣṣälyñe) (:)
15c(mamā)ntau palskosa ; ñi(ś) ///
15d ; (ṣä)b1n6rmame(ṃ) ; kuse t(e)t(e)moṣ ; nrainta(ne) ; (cai) (tsälpoyntär) (:) (10-5)
16a(karmavārgä) ; (paikāmai) ; (ṣarm) (okone) ; (imasu) ; (tā)k(o)ym (ñi)ś ṣ(ek)
16b/// ; ; (na)b2(k)ṣtär{†ä} ; te ṣek karsoym :
16cpo cmelane ; (po) (preśyaṃ) ; (yāmorntameṃ) ; (yolaina) ; (klautkoy-ñ) (palsko)
16d(eṃṣke) alyek ; śaiṣṣene ; yā(mors=) (olpo) ; (mā) (nesäṃ) ; (karsoṃ) (wnolmi) (10-6)
17a(śraddhavā)b3rgṣe ; naumyesa ; källoym oko ; ne(mcek) (ce) ; (po) (cmelane)
17b(perākäññe) ; (eṃṣketstse) ; (ṣe)k ñī (tā)koy ; yāmorne ; (k)r(ent) (yolaiṃ) (wat)
17c/// ; (aiśaumyeṃ)b4n7(ts) ; (kr)entaṃts lareṃ ; eñcīmar ; ya(se) (kwipe)
17d(śīlne) (ausu) ; (laukañe) ; (pelaiknene) ; ykū-īme ; ṣek ñī tākoy 10-7
18a(śra)m(a)ṇa(vārg) ; /// ; ; (ka)b5n8(r)st(oym) ñ(i)ś{†ä} ; yokai kleśo :
18bnano camel ; (spārtässi) ; (eṇkalñeṣṣe) ; (aisene) ; (karsoym) (nā)ki :
18cṣamāññempa ; eraitwe ; cimpim pal(sk)o ; /// ;
18d ; b6n9 sälyai(no) ; (prā)k(r)e ysomo ; eñcīmar ; {†āñm} {mā} {āk} kulo(ytär-ñ) (:) (10-8)
19a(paramārthä) ; (pelaikne) ; (trai) (śaiṣentso) ; (ta)rnene ; aṣāṃ aitsi :
19bmārgavārgṣe ; kauṃ śpā(lmeṃ) ; /// 11σ


a1May I always be (without negligance) for all the virtues, having un(resistable strength in order to destroy the evil in the human [nature] beginn)ing with (the head)! Through the Priyavarga (may I be able forever to suppress) the love towards the life [and] the body! (Whatever)
a2is the suffering starting with this one, the cause of it [is] entirely the attachment. (May I) always (know) this! (12.) Through the writing of this jewel (of the Śīlava)rga ([being] like the diadem of instruction), (may I observe) more as (my own life the rules of the good conduct all bit after bit.)
a3The conduct of life in seven ways, (although separated from the omniscient one, may I not abandon it!) May I observe this way consisting of (ten) actions [= karmapatha-], may I myself make [it] (descend onto others). ... 13.
a4Through the writing of this excellent (Suca)ritavarga (may I myself stay precisley to that), being restrained by (body, speech, and thou)ghts carefully ... (May I remain always without harm)
a5with body, speech [and] thoughts towards all beings! (May I reach the place of extinction that has been let known by the king of) Rṣis together with someone dear to him! 14. (Through the) writing (of the Vācavarga may an untrue speech never go out)
a6of (my) mouth, through which (I) will destroy myself (or I will cause harm to another. May I myself being (irritated) in my mind not (say any word which would not be approved of by the good people!)
b1Those who have been born (in) the hells because of (lying, may they be released! 15. I have written the Karmavarga, may) I (myself be) al(ways conscious of the cause and effect! The fruit of the act, even a small one, even a little one, does not dis-)
b2appear: May I always know that! In all births, (in all times may my spirit evolve away from the evil deeds! Until) the other world (there is nothing more important than the de)ed. (May the beings know [it]! 16.)
b3By the jewel of the (Śraddhāva)rga may I obtain for (sure this) fruit (in all the births:) May I (have trust thoroughly [and] always) in the (go)od (or bad) act.
b4May I seize the sha(me [and] modesty) [that is] (the one praised by the wise ones) [and that is] dear to the (g)ood ones. May I always have the consciousness (grown/dressed in moral behavior) [and] having arrived (at the Law for long.) 17. (Through the writing of this excellent) (Śra)m(a)ṇa(varga may I des)-
b5troy the torment [kleśa] of the thirst! Again (may I recognize the bl)ame (in the cauldron consisting in the clinging to let turn the birth[cycle]!) In connection with monkhood may I be able (to tame) the spirit [and] (to make it pure.)
b6May I seize firmly [and] completely the rules (pertaining to moral behavior); (may my) {zeal not} recede. (18. The Law as the supreme goal) [is] worthy of being taken on the (top of the three worlds). (Through the writing) of the (ex)cellent sun of the Mārgavarga ...


Parallel texts

PK AS 4A a1-4, IOL Toch 307


PK NS 23.1 is the right part, PK NS 28 is the left part of a leaf, and the latter contains part of the left margin and the string hole; there is a large gap between the fragments.

Philological commentary

n1The restoration of the line is partly supported by the parallel IOL Toch 307, where, unfortunaley, the passage is much damaged precisely in the second colon of pāda 12b. However, one can see traces of the fremdzeichen śa, which is the expected allative ending. The reading mñenāsa is quite certain, and this sequence cannot be understood without segmentation due to the metre. The best solution is to separate āsa (for āssa) being the perlative singular of āśce 'head'.
n2The correct restoration is the infinitive muṣsi, as it is written in the parallel text IOL Toch 307 a 2. Both the readings by Lévi 1933: 58 (mu[ṣṣ]i) and Thomas 1966a: 166 (mussi) are wrong.
n3maul is a mistake for śaul.
n4One has to read ṣp because of the metre.
n5The parallel version IOL Toch 307 has a slightly different wording: mamāntaṣ ṣpä palskosa.
n6Note the different word order in the parallel version.
n7The restoration of the PPt is not certain due to the contradiction between the two parallel texts IOL Toch 307 b 5 (ausu) and PK AS 4A a 1 (aukṣu).
n8Since one can clearly read st at the beginning of the line, one has to restore karstoym, which is, however, at variance with karsoym in both parallel texts IOL Toch 307 b 6 and PK AS 4A a 2. Actually, both verbs make acceptable sense, but one should note that karsoym is effectivley attested in the next pāda.
n9The reading āñm is certain, but it does not make sense as subject of the verb, and it is metrically incorrect, unless one admits that the negation followed the verb. The parellel version PK AS 4A a 3 has mā āk; therefore, we reckon with an error of the copyist (as with maul instead of śaul).


Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Thomas 1966a

Thomas, Werner. 1966a. “Tocharische Udānastotras der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 80: 163–81.