Work in progress
PK NS 10
Known as: | PK NS 10 |
Cite this page as: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner. "PK NS 10". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Feb. 2025). |
Edition |
Editor: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner |
Date of online publication: | 2014-07-29 |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Duldur-akur |
Expedition code: | 881e 3 |
Collection: | Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris) |
Language and Script |
Language: | Skt.; TB |
Linguistic stage: | late |
Text contents |
Title of the work: | Karmavācanā |
Passage: | Pravāraṇā |
Text genre: | Non-literary |
Text subgenre: | Vinaya |
Object |
Material: |
on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Size (h × w): | 5.8 × 18.4 cm |
Number of lines: | 4 |
Interline spacing: | 1.6 on the recto; 1.2 on the verso cm |
a1 | /// [pr]· v· «ra» ṇā pā ñ[c]a da śi ka ma mā pya dya dha rma va sya |
a2 | /// [so] haṃ dha rma va rmo bhi kṣu – – – ntaṃ saṃ ghaṃ tṛ bhi sthā nai pra vā ra yā |
a3 | /// [a] va va da tu māṃ saṃ [gha] [a] – [u] [ś]ā sa tu māṃ saṃ gha a nu kaṃ |
a4 | /// – pa ttiṃ ya thā dha rmaṃ pra ti ka [ri] [ṣ]y· m· e vaṃ d·i ra pi t[ṛ] ra pi : || |
b1 | /// (– – –) ṇā pā ñca da śi ka sa ce tsaṃ gha sya prā pta kā laṃ kṣa ma te a nu jā nī yā tsaṃ gha ya : saṃ gha sa |
b2 | /// (–) [k]· ntse pra va ri¯ ¯t ya ma ṣle || ja ya te dā naṃ dha rma dā naṃ ca sa rvaṃ : ja ya te ra tiṃ dha rma ra tiṃ śca sa |
b3 | /// (–) ya te su khaṃ sa rva tṛ ṣṇā ni ro [dha] : re ki we ṣle pa lsko lsa e rṣa lle ña ke sa ṅkaṃ tse pra |
b4 | /// [t]· rma va rme ṣa mā ne tse pra va ri¯ ¯t ste śa śpi śa ṣṣe wa te tri sa we ṣle • te sa |
a1 | n1 /// pr(a)v(ā)raṇā pāñcadaśika mamāpy adya dharmavasya |
a2 | n2 /// so 'haṃ dharmavarmo bhikṣu(r) (bhada)ntaṃ saṃghaṃ tṛbhi sthānai pravārayā¬ |
a3 | (mi) /// avavadatu māṃ saṃgha a(n)uśāsatu māṃ saṃgha anukaṃ¬ |
a4 | (pāṃ)n3 /// (ā)pattiṃ yathādharmaṃ pratikariṣy(ā)m(i) evaṃ d(v)ir api tṛr api : ॥ |
b1 | n4 /// (pravāra)ṇā pāñcadaśika sacet saṃghasya prāptakālaṃ kṣamate anujānīyāt saṃgha ya : saṃgha sa° |
b2 | /// (saṃ)k(a)ntse pravarit yamaṣle ॥ jayate dānaṃ dharmadānaṃ ca sarvaṃ : jayate ratiṃ dharmaratiṃś ca sa° |
b3 | /// (ja)yate sukhaṃ sarvatṛṣṇānirodha : reki weṣle palskolsa erṣalle ñake saṅkaṃtse pra¬ |
b4 | (varit)n5 (yamaṣle) /// t(a)rmavarme ṣamānetse pravarit ste śa{ś→k}piśaṣṣe wate tri{te}sa weṣle • tesa |
a1 | Sanskrit |
a2 | Sanskrit |
a3 | Sanskrit |
a4 | Sanskrit |
b1 | Sanskrit |
b2 | The Pravāranā should be done by the community. Sanskrit |
b3 | Sanskrit. The speech should be said [and] it should be evoked by the mind. Now the Pra(vāranā should be done) by the community ... |
b4 | (This) is the Pravāranā belonging to fifteen (days) should be said by the monk Dharmavarman a second time [and] a third time. Thereby ... |
Linguistic commentary
* | The Tocharian part of this fragment exhibits certain flaws. One would expect tarmavarmeṃ instead of tarmavarme. Furthermore, ṣamānentse would be expected instead of ṣamānetse in a classical text. These featrues indicate late provenance of the text. |
Philological commentary
* | Side a was taken as the verso by Couvreur 1957a: 315-316 as corresponding to the Sanskrit text edited by Härtel 1956: 122 (§84) and side b as corresponding to text Härtel 1956: 122 (§83). However, it is more likely that the Tocharian B part follows the Sanskrit part. |
n1 | In the word pravāraṇā the akṣara 〈ra〉 has been added as a correction somewhat below the line. |
n2 | The form tṛbhi is a hypercorrect form for tribhi. |
n3 | The form tṛr is a hypercorrect form for trir. |
n4 | The sequence saṃgha ya is partly corrupt. The complete correct sentence would be anujānīyāt saṃgho yat, cf. Härtel 1956: 122 (§83). For the end of the line one may restore saṃgha sa(magraḥ) 'the complete community', cf. Härtel 1956: 122 (§83). |
n5 | The adjective śaśpiśaṣṣe should be for śak-piśaṣṣe attested in m-pkns100 a4, also in a Pravāraṇā context, cf. Bernhard 1958: 100. |
* | This fragment is the right part of a leaf. There is no trace of a string hole, possible indicating that there never was one. It exhibits two different ductus of script. On the recto side the script is large and coarse without regular spacing between the lines. By contrast, the script on the verso side is small and minute. However, the seize of the akṣaras is significantly bigger in line b3 and b4. It is thus not excluded that these lines have been written by a different hand. |
Couvreur 1957a: 315-316; Ogihara 2009: 156-157, 463-464
Bernhard 1958
Bernhard, Franz. 1958. “Die Nominalkomposition im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.
Couvreur 1957a
Couvreur, Walter. 1957a. “Review of: Karmavācanā. Formulare für den Gebrauch im buddhistischen Gemeindeleben aus ostturkestanischen Sanskrit-Handschriften.” Indo-Iranian Journal 1: 315–17.
Härtel 1956
Härtel, Herbert. 1956. Karmavācanā. Formulare für den Gebrauch im buddhistischen Gemeindeleben aus ostturkestanischen Sanskrit-Handschriften. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden, III. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Ogihara 2009
Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2009. “Researches about Vinaya-texts in Tocharian A and B [Recherches sur le Vinaya en tokharien A et B].” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.