Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 7I; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 7I; K 9
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 7I". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 08 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:496
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:archaic

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavibhaṅga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Manuscript:Karmavibhaṅga β
Preceding fragment:PK AS 7H
Following fragment:PK AS 7J
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.2 × 37 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


(continues from PK AS 7H)

lf30 9
a1ntra s(·)(·) m(·) na tai sā(·) r(·) (·)[tā] na : śa ky[o] l(·) [n](·) (–) [mo] rnta e ṅko rmeṃ tu ntse ṣa rmtsa toṃ : śa kwä nta rwaṃ¯ ¯ts spa rkā lñe ka l[pā] st[ra] pa rnā ñña na ntso 8 śa kno we ñ(·) ///
a2lmeṃ we ñe nta : ñä kteṃ tsña kte ka ṣṣi ntse po yśi nts(·) pa twi nā ṣlñe meṃ : cme la ne ka rtse e re ma ske tra ka rtse we śe ññai : e ṅka lle ma ske ta rne re ki ///
a3rtsi [y](·) ne krui yo paṃ we rtsya cpi ○ ya ma s̝s̝aṃ ya rke : lā re no s̝pa ma ske tra śā mna ntso śle kra ñä kte ntso : o ro [tse] cpī ma ske tra cä mpa [m]ñe ///
a4[c]ä [m](·)(·) (·)(·)e(·) (·)e(·) [k]o no lme mpa ka nma ○ stra ṣe sa 10 pū dñä kte mpa ka lpā s̝s̝aṃ ṣe śa mtsi bo dhi sā tve mpa : wro tsa na e kñi ññe nta yä nmā s̝s̝aṃ ne(·) (·)[e] ///
a5ta nma s (– –) sā rmeṃ ra me rtsa lpe tra : śa kpa rkā wnta toṃ ma ske ntra kuse pa twi nā s̝s̝aṃ 10-1 śa kpa rkā wä nta kṣ[ā] tre ai lñe sa yä nmā s̝s̝aṃ wno lme : cme la (·)e ///
a6ttre ta tā kau : snai pa lśa lñe ma ske tra ke ktse ñ[t](·)a (·)ai (– –) l(·) (·)o sa : po soṃ ṣa psu ma ske tra mā ce wsa ma ske trau s̝a pksa 10 2 o ro tse ma ske ta rne ///
b1cä mpa mñe cceṃ o ro cceṃ wno lme mpa ri tte tra e ṣe [ñ](·) (– –) (·)t(·) pū dñä kteṃ po yśiṃ mpa bo dhi sa tve mpa : ṣe sa śma lñe ka lpā s̝s̝aṃ wno lme sū c[e] [w]kr(·) ntyā mo ///
b2ññe ī k(·) s̝pa ka lpā s̝s̝anano nano : ka ma rttā ññe ṣṣe ī ke e ṅtsi ścs̝a pya ma stra yā mo¯ ¯r : ka krau pau s̝pa ma ske tra yā mo rcpī kṣā trai ṣṣe ñca ntse : o [ro] ///
b3[e](·) ñ(·) ññe nta [s̝pa] 10 4 i ña ○ kteṃ sū ta nma stra ne mce ksa ce wkre ntyā mo rsa : ra me rno s̝pa saṃ sā rmeṃ tsa lpe tra ye kte ske ye ntsa : toṃ pa ///
b4yä [r]p[o] ssu wno lm(·) : ka ṣṣi ntse pū ○ dñä kte ntse pa tstsa kuse ya ma s̝aṃ kṣā ttre 10 5 śa kpa rkā wä nta kula ntse ā yo rsa po yśi ntse pa tne : tu ñke [w]e ///
b5śce śca m(·) s̝pa lsko sa : ka rtse re ki ma ske tra wno lme sū ka rtse we śe ññai : pa lsko nta kā tka ṣṣe ñca we śe ñña ma ske ta rne s̝pa 10 6 cä ñca rya cpī ma ske ///
b6ṣ(·) (·)i ka tkau ñai mā ka (– –) [ma] ske ta rsu c[m]e la [n]e [w](·)o lme : ka tkau ña ṣṣa na plā taṃ re kau na su ṣe kṣe¯ ¯k klyau s̝aṃ : a mi śka ññe e rṣe ñcai re ki sū mā ne mce klyau s̝aṃ ///

(continues on PK AS 7J)


(continues from PK AS 7H)

8b(snai) (okonta) ; (mä)a1nträ ; s(ar)m(a)na ; taisā(k) r(a) (s)tāna :
8cśak yol(ai)n(a) ; (yā)mornta ; eṅkormeṃ ; tuntse ṣarmtsa toṃ :
8dśak wäntarwaṃts ; spärkālñe ; kälpāsträ ; pärnāññanantso 8
9aśak no weñ(a) ; (pärkāwnta) ; (pudñäkte) ; (śpā)a2lmeṃn1 weñenta :
9bñäkteṃts ñakte ; käṣṣintse ; poyśints(e) ; pat wināṣlñemeṃ :
9ccmelane kär;tse-ere ; mäsketrä ; kärtse-weśeññai :
9deṅkälle mäs;ketär-ne ; reki ; (klyauṣälñesa) (po)
10a(we)a3rtsiy(ai)ne ; krui yopäṃ ; wertsya cpi ; yamaṣṣäṃ yarke :
10blāre no ṣpä ; mäsketrä ; śāmnantso ; śle-k ra ñäktentso :
10corotse cpī ; mäsketrä ; cämpamñe ; ///
10d(wrocceṃ) a4n2 cäm(pam,ñ)e(cc)e(ṃ) k= o;nolmempa ; känmasträ ṣesa 10
11apūdñäktempa ; kälpāṣṣäṃ ; ṣe śamtsi ; bodhisātvempa :
11bwrotsana ek;ñiññenta ; yänmāṣṣäṃ ; ne(mc)e(k) (iñakteṃ) (:)
11c(cew) (yāmorsa) ; a5n3 tänmas(trä) ; (saṃ)sārmeṃ ; ramer tsälpeträ :
11dśak pärkāwnta ; toṃ ; mäskenträ ; kuse pat wināṣṣäṃ 10-1
12aśak pärkāwän;ta kṣātre ; ailñesa ; yänmāṣṣäṃ wnolme :
12bcmela(n)e (su) ; (mäsketrä) ; (śaiṣṣentse) ; (kṣā)a6ttre tatākau :
12csnai pälśalñe ; mäsketrä ; kektseñt(s)a ; (t)ai(sa) (pa)l(sk)osa :
12dpos= oṃṣap su ; mäsketrä ; cewsa ; mäsketr auṣäp ksa 10-2
13aorotse mäs;ketär-ne ; (cämpamñe) ; ///
13bb1 cämpamñecceṃ ; orocceṃ ; wnolmempa ; ritteträ eṣe
13cñ(äkteṃts) (ñak)t(e) ; pūdñäkteṃ ; poyśiṃmpa ; bodhisatvempa :
13dṣesa śmalñe ; kälpāṣṣäṃ ; wnolme ; cew kr(e)nt yāmo(rsa) (10-3)
14a(cakravartti-,lantu)b2ññe ; īk(e) ṣpä ; kälpāṣṣäṃ näno-näno :
14bkamarttāññeṣ;ṣe īke ; eṅtsiśc ṣäp ; yamasträ yāmor :
14ckakraupau ṣpä ; mäsketrä ; yāmor cpī ; kṣātr= aiṣṣeñcantse :
14doro(tsana) ; (śaiṣṣene) ; (yänmāṣṣäṃ) ; b3 e(k)ñ(i)ññenta ṣpä 10-4
15aiñakteṃ ; tänmasträ ; nemce= ksa ; cew krent yāmorsa :
15bramer no ṣpä ; saṃsārmeṃ ; tsälpeträ ; yekte skeyentsa :
15ctoṃ pä(rkāwnta) ; (śak) (śpālmeṃ) ; (yänmāṣṣäṃ) ; b4 yärpossu wnolm(e) :
15dkäṣṣintse pūd;ñäktentse ; patstsa kuse ; yamaṣäṃ kṣāttre 10-5
16aśak pärkāwän;ta kulantse ; āyorsa ; poyśintse patne :
16btu ñke we(ñau) ; (aurtsesa) ; (pklyauṣso) b5 śce;ścam(o)ṣ pälskosa :
16ckärtse-reki ; mäsketrä ; wnolme ; kärtse-weśeññai :
16dpälskonta kāt;käṣṣeñca ; weśeñña ; mäsketär-ne ṣpä 10-6
17acäñcarya cpī ; mäske(tär) ; (plāce) (po) ; (wertsyaisa) (klyau)b6ṣ(ts)in4
17bkatkauñai mā;ka (ertsi) ; mäsketär ; su cmelane w(n)olme :
17ckatkauñaṣṣa;na plātäṃ ; rekauna ; su ṣek-ṣek klyauṣäṃ :
17damiśkäññe ; erṣeñcai ; reki ; nemce= klyauṣäṃ (:) (10-7)
18a(ekñiññenta) ; (yänmā) (ṣṣäṃ) ;

(continues on PK AS 7J)


(continues from PK AS 7H)

a1The grains [lit. seeds] [and] the trees in that way also become (without fruits). [8b] Having held on to the ten bad deeds, for that reason [8c] one obtains the dissolution of the ten external things. [8d]
a1+But the (Buddha lord), the excellent speaker, has told ten (advantages), [9a] caused by the reverence for a stūpa of the omniscient, of the teacher, the lord among the gods. [9b]
a2He [= the pious one] becomes of good appearance in his rebirth [and] of good voice. [9c] (Everyone) is to be convinced by (hearing) his word. [9d]
a2+If he enters into an assembly, the assembly pays homage to him, [10a]
a3and he is dear to humans and to gods likewise. [10b] The power of this one [= the pious one] is great ..., [10c]
a3+he comes together with (great), p(owerful) beings for sure;
a4[10d] he succeeds in coming together with the buddhas [and] with the bodhisattvas; [11a] he obtains great possessions. Certainly indeed (among the gods [11b] through this deed) he is reborn,
a5from the saṃsāra he is soon redeemed. [11c] These [= the preceding points] are the ten advantages for the one who reveres a stūpa. [11d] A being [also] obtains ten advantages through the giving of a parasol.
a5+(This one) in [his] rebirth will (become) a parasol (for the world). [12b]
a6He becomes without torment with respect to the body [and] likewise with respect to the mind. [12c] This one becomes superior to all, nobody becomes superior to him. [12d] His (power) is great, ... [13a]
b1he establishes relationship with powerful, great beings. [13b] With the omniscients, the buddhas, the lo(rds among the go)ds [and] with the bodhisattvas, [13c] this being succeeds in coming together through this good deed. [13d]
b1+And he reaches the position of a (Cakravartin) king again and again, [14a]
b2and the deed is done in order to get the position of a ruler, [14b] and the deed is accumulated for the one who gives a parasol. [14c]
b2+And (one obtains gr)eat possessions (in the world).
b3[14d] This one is certainly reborn among the gods through that good deed, [15a] and soon he is redeemed from the saṃsāra with few efforts. [15b]
b3+These (ten excellent advanta)ges (obtains) the meritorious being, [15c] who makes [the offering of] a parasol on a stūpa of the Buddha lord, the teacher.
b4[15d] Ten advantages [come] through the giving of a bell in a stūpa of the omniscient. [16a] That I will now (tell in detail.)
b4+(Listen [pl.]) with a steady mind! [16b]
b5This being is of good speech, of good voice, [16c] and his voice makes the minds rejoice, [16d]
b5+his (talk) is charming to hear (by every assembly). [17a]
b6This being is able to (evoke) much joy in his rebirths. [17b] This one always indeed hears joyful talks [and] words, [17c] he certainly does not hear speech that evokes bad feelings. [17d]

(continues on PK AS 7J)


a1Wenn man an den zehn schlechten (Taten) festhält, erlangt man auf Grund davon das Schwinden dieser zehn äußeren Dinge. (Schmidt 1974: 216)
a3+If he enters a gathering, the gathering honours him and he is dear to humans and to gods likewise, his ability is great …, and he comes together with beings of great ability. (cf 41) (Peyrot 2013b: 688)
a4Mit (großen,) könnensreichen Wesen kommt dieser zusammen [d.h. bringt dieser sich zusammen]. Er erreicht es, mit dem Buddha und mit Bodhisattvas zusammenzukommen. (Schmidt 1974: 473)
a4+He succeeds in getting together with Buddhas [and] Bodhisattvas, [and] he obtains great possessions, certainly it is among gods that he is [re]born through this deed, [and] from the saṃsāra he is soon redeemed—these are the ten advantages (for him) who honours a stūpa. (cf 42) (Peyrot 2013b: 689)
b2Auch zum Ergreifen der Oberherrschaftswürde wird die Tat getan, und gehäuft ist die Tat jenes [Wesens], das einen Sonnenschirm schenkt. (Schmidt 1974: 229)
b3Unter den Göttern wird er bestimmt geboren durch jene gute Tat, und schnell wird er auch vom Saṃsāra erlöst mit wenigen Bemühungen. (Schmidt 1974: 116-7)
b6Reden [und] Worte der Freude hört er stets [und] ständig. (Schmidt 1974: 81)


Linguistic commentary

As is often the case in this manuscript, we have several attestations of o-mobile in colon- or pāda-final position. Note also the preservation of the cluster śc in the PPt śceścamoṣ (b5); this is consistent with the preservation of the same cluster in the allative affix -śc if there is no o-mobile. Interestingly, we find the two variants oṃṣap and auṣap of the same adverb in the same line (oṃṣap is the older one; see Peyrot 2008: 91-92). On the other hand, we have a hypercorrect form in patstsa (b4 for patsa, the perlative singular of pat). It may be morphologically motivated in order to reinforce the perlative affix and to avoid homophony with patsa ‘pollen’. But note that hypercorrect geminate tsts is also otherwise found for etymological ts in late texts.
Several times anusvāra is missing in oblique plural forms.
n1TB pat is the usual term for stūpa, but the corresponding Sanskrit text has the more general term caitya- ‘temple, shrine’. So pat here is used as a pars pro toto.

Parallel texts

Mahākarmavibhaṅga §§ 60-61, 63-65 (Lévi 1932: 79-88, 142-144)

Philological commentary

The meter is 4 x 15 (7/8 or 8/7).
n2The middle part of pāda 10d is badly damaged. The restoration by Sieg 1938: 41-42 followed by Schmidt 1974: 473 is not warranted by the manuscript since a reading [k]o is more probable than [s]o. In any case one has to assume sandhi across colon boundary in order to get a correct verse.
n3The second colon of pāda 11d has two syllables too few. In any case one needs a demonstrative pronoun to which the relative clause refers. One may then propose to add cwi and maybe a particle.
n4The whole pāda as attested seems to be metrically wrong: the second colon has nine syllables; therefore Sieg 1938: 44 restored spä in order to get the six missing syllables in the first colon, but at the expense of the rhythm, which should either be 4 + 3 or 3 + 4. The first problem can be solved by reading the verse form mäsketär. The second problem requires the restoration of a word to be constructed with katkauñai as direct object. Pace Sieg, it is impossible to analyze the form as a kind of bahuvrīhi.


The fragment PK AS 7H immediately precedes this one, PK AS 7J follows.



Lévi 1933: 93-95, 104-105; Sieg 1938: 40-44; Couvreur 1949: 76-79


Meunier 2013: a2 a3 (164), a3 (125-126, 140, 164); Peyrot 2013b: a3 a4 (688), a4 a5 (689); Schmidt 1974: a1 (216), a4 (473), b2 (229), b3 (116-7), b6 (81)


Couvreur 1949

Couvreur, Walter. 1949. “Zur tocharischen Etymologie I.” Indogermanische Forschungen 60: 33–37.

Lévi 1932

Lévi, Sylvain. 1932. Mahākarmavibhaṅga (La grande classification des actes) et Karmavibhaṅgopadeśa (Discussion sur le Mahā Karmavibhaṅga). Paris: Leroux.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg 1938

Sieg, Emil. 1938. “Die Kutschischen Karmavibhaṅga-Texte der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 65: 1–54.