Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 7F; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 7F; K 6
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 7F". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 01 Dec. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:496
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavibhaṅga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:554443 (4x)


Manuscript:Karmavibhaṅga β
Preceding fragment:PK AS 7E
Following fragment:PK AS 7G
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.2 × 34.2 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


(continues from PK AS 7E)

lf30 6
a1(– – –) ka – – – – wa ra s̝a lñe sa ā klyi sa a ñma ntse ā yo rai tsi ṣe kcä ñca nme ri lñe cci no ma ske ntra 10 kā ttsi no ne [saṃ] ṣe mi ksa ///
a2tssa swe ñä (–) e ntse sa a ttsai ke śne wa wā la¯ ¯s̝ä mā cä ñca nme ā yo rai tsi o lypo tse śa te ñno : kuse su tne wno lme snau ki ne k(·) stne da [kṣi] ṇā keṃ ///
a3mā (–) lykwa rwa mā ra no ṣe [kṣ](·)¯ ¯k mā ○ ā yo rṣṣe kreṃ twā ṣmoṃ mpa ā klyi yā mu cme la ne 10-1 sū cpī yā mo rntse o ko sa wno lme e kñi ññe nta ///
a4ra s̝s̝a l(·)e n(·)e (·)e(·) kī tsñe sa no [e] ○ ntse lā re ma ske ta rne mā yo rai tsi cä ñca nne : te ṣa rmtsa wno lmi śa te ñma ske ntra e ntse ṣṣi no pra – – – ///
a5(– – – –) ṣle pa lsko wa ra s̝s̝a lle ā yo rne ṣe¯ ¯k ā kla s̝s̝a lle ā yo rmpa 10 2 kā ttsi no wno lme śā te ma ske tra cä ñca nne s̝pa ā yo rai tsi ///
a6(·)ta(·) o no lmeṃ da kṣi ṇā ke ntsā yo rntai s̝s̝aṃ na no na no ·e ·e – (–) su toṃ yä rpo nta yā mo rsa śā te e kñi ññe nta ma kā yä kne yä nmā ṣṣe ///
b1ñca s̝pa ma ske ta rsu nau ṣcme la ṣṣe ā klyi sa 10 3 k(·)(·) (·)s(·) (– – –) sn(·) tse ma ske tra e ntse ṣṣe s̝pa mā cä ñca nne ā yo rai tsi a lye ṅkaṃ ///
b2(– –) yo [rn]e (–) tta ṣṣe ñca tā ka nne : mā ke tra nta kca ai s̝s̝aṃ kuse ā yo rtū sa snai tse ma ske tra su mā yā mo rsa yä rpo ntaṃ tsa : mā ā [k]l(·)i yā mu m· ///
b3s(·) ntse sse [ma] [sk]e tra 10 4 kā [t]tsi ○ no wno lme ke ktse ntsa skwa ssu ma ske ta rtne mā pa lsko sa kuce ṣa rmtū ne tu we ñau : yā mu yä rpo nta [ṣe] ///
b4ra [sk]w(·) ssu mā no pa lsko sa : kuse no ○ sū wno lme pa lsko sa skwa ssu ma ske ta rtne ma kā yä kne mā no skwa s[su] ke ktse ñtsa : ya rpo a [yā] (–) ///
b5pa l[sk]o sa skwa ssu mā no ke ktse ntsa 10 5 i ntsu no wno lme ke ktse ntsa skwa ssu ma ske ta rtne tai sā kra no pa lsko sa sa kwä rpnā tra : yā mu yä rpo (–) ///
b6(– – –) l[p]au (·)o (–) [cm]e la meṃ : kuse no su wno lme mā [k]e ktse ñä ṣṣe sa kusa skwa ssu ma ra no kca sa kwä rpnā tra pa lsko ṣṣ[e] : pe rne ṅka lpa tte [mā] ///

(continues on PK AS 7G)


(continues from PK AS 7E)

10ca1n1n2 (ostne) (ṣe)k{†ä} (tänmaskentra) (:)
10dwaraṣälñesa ; āklyisa añmantse ; āyor aitsi ṣek cäñcan-me ; rilñecci no mäskenträ 10
11akāttsi no nesäṃ ; ṣemi ksa (wnolmi) ; /// ; (ekaññiññenta)a2ts säsweñ{†ä} (:)
11bentsesa attsaik ; eśne wawālaṣ ; cäñcan-me āyor aitsi ; olypotse śateñ no :
11ckuse su tne wnolme ; snaukine k(e)stne ; dakṣiṇākeṃ(ts) (āyornt=) (aiṣṣäṃ) ; ///
11d(mā) a3n3 mā(ka) lykwarwa ; rano ṣek-ṣ(e)k ; āyorṣṣe kreṃt wāṣmoṃmpa ; āklyi yāmu cmelane 10-1
12a cpī yāmorntse ; okosa wnolme ; ekñiññenta (makā-yäkne) ; (yänmāṣṣeñca) (mäsketra) (:)
12b(wa)a4raṣṣäl(ñ)en(ts)en4 ; (m)e(ṅ)kītsñesa no ; entse lāre mäsketär-ne ; m= āyor aitsi cäñcan-ne :
12cte ṣarmtsa wnolmi ; śateñ mäskenträ ; entseṣṣi no pra – – – ; ///
12d– – – a5 – – ; – (ai)ṣle palsko ; waräṣṣälle āyorne ṣek ; ākläṣṣälle āyormpa 10-2
13akāttsi no wnolme ; śāte mäsketrä ; cäñcan-ne ṣpä āyor aitsi ; ///
13b(kuse) (su) (tne) (wnolme) ; (kre)a6(n)tä(ṃ)n5 onolmeṃ ; dakṣiṇākents āyornt= aiṣṣäṃ ; nano-nano ·e ·e – (:)
13csu toṃ yärponta ; yāmorsa śāte ; ekñiññenta makā-yäkne ; yänmāṣṣe(ñca) (mäsketrä) (:)
13d/// ; ; (aiṣṣe)b1ñca ṣpä mäsketär su ; nauṣ cmelaṣṣe āklyisa 10-3
14ak(ātt)s(i) (no) (wnolme) ; sn(ai)tse mäsketrä ; entseṣṣe ṣpä cäñcan-ne ; āyor aitsi alyeṅkäṃ(ts) (:)
14b/// ; ; b2 (mā) (ā)yorne ; (ri)ttäṣṣeñca tākan-ne :
14c ket ra nta kca ; aiṣṣäṃ kuse āyor ; tūsa snaitse mäsketrä su ; yāmorsa yärpontaṃts{†ä} :
14d ākl(y)i yāmu ; /// ; ; (tū)b3s=n6 (e)ntsesse mäsketrä 10-4
15akāttsi no wnolme ; kektsentsa skwassu ; mäsketär tne palskosa ; kuce ṣarm tūne tu weñau :
15byāmu yärponta ; ṣe /// ; (kektsentsa) b4 ra ; skw(a)ssu no palskosa :
15ckuse no wnolme ; palskosa skwassu ; mäsketär tne makā-yäkne ; no skwassu kektseñtsa :
15dyarpo ayā(mtte) ; /// ; b5 palskosa ; skwassu no kektsentsa 10-5
16aintsu no wnolme ; kektsentsa skwassu ; mäsketär tne taisāk rano ; palskosa sak wärpnāträ :
16byāmu yärpo(nta) ; /// ; b6n7 – – ; (tsä)lpau(w)o (po) cmelameṃ :
16ckuse no su wnolme ; kektseñäṣṣe ; sakusa skwassu ma rano kca ; sak wärpnāträ pälskoṣṣe :
16dpern= eṅkälpatte ; ///

(continues on PK AS 7G)


(continues from PK AS 7E)

a1(These beings when they are reborn among humans, they are born always in a poor house.) [10c] Through exercise [and] education of themselves [lit. oneself] it always pleases them to give gifts, and they are generous. [10d]
a1+Why then are some (beings) ... masters of (possessions)? [11a]
a2Because of avarice for sure [their] eyes are covered, [and] it does not please them to give gifts even though [they are] very rich. [11b] This is the being who here in case of need [and] in case of famine (gives gifts to the) worthy ones, ... [11c]
a2+[but] neither many times, nor even always and always, [since] he has not been educated during the [previous] births with the good friend [who is] gift.
a3[11d] Such a being through the fruit of this deed (becomes an obtainer of) possessions (of every kind), [12a]
a3+but because of his lack of practice, avarice becomes dear to him
a4[and] it does not please him to give gifts. [12b] For this reason the beings are rich but characterized by avarice ... [12c]
a5... (Therefore) give (gifts constantly) [and] one should train the mind with respect to the gift [and] educate it with [the help of] the gift. [12d] But why is a being rich and it pleases him to give gifts? ... [13a]
a5+(The being which) gives gifts to the (goo)d beings and to the worthy ones again and again ... [13b] this one by doing deeds of merit [becomes] rich [and] he (becomes) an obtainer of possessions of every kind. [13c]
a6+And this one becomes a (do)nor through the education made in previous births.
b1[13d] (But) why is a (being) poor [and] marked by avarice? It does not please him to give gifts to others. [14a]
b1+... [if] there is (no) one who connects him to the gift. [14b]
b2The one who does not give any gift to anyone at all, because of that he becomes poor with respect to the non-doing of meritorious deeds. [14c]
b2+Not having been educated (in gift giving) ... because of that he becomes marked by avarice.
b3[14d] But why does a being become happy with respect to the body here, but not with respect to the mind? What is the reason for that, I will tell it: [15a]
b3+Who has done meritorious deeds ... he [is] happy with the (body) indeed but not with the mind. [15b]
b4But which is the being who becomes happy with the mind in many ways but not happy with the body? [15c]
b4+(An arhat who) has not done a meritorious deed ... (he is) happy with the mind but not with the body.
b5[15d] But which being here becomes happy with the body [and] likewise also enjoys happiness with the mind? [16a]
b5+(An arhat who) has done meritorious deeds ... being redeemed from (all) births. [16b]
b6But which is the being who [is] not happy with respect to bodily happiness [and] does not even enjoy any happiness of the mind? [16c] Who has not obtained a rank [i.e., an ordinary person]... (he does) not ...

(continues on PK AS 7G)


b3What the cause to this [is], I will tell. (cf 27–28) (Peyrot 2013b: 657)
b5Was für ein Wesen ist aber hier am Körper glücklich [und] empfindet ebenso auch im Geiste Glück? (Schmidt 1974: 199)
b6Welches Wesen ist aber nicht durch körperliches Glück glücklich [und] empfindet auch kein Geistiges Glück? (Schmidt 1974: 199)


Linguistic commentary

*Like in the other fragments of this manuscript, there is an archaic spelling in the case of eṅkälpatte (b6); further, the PPt mask. tsälpauwo (b6) shows o-mobile inside a colon, which is a rare position for the preservation of the final vowel.
n1The adjective rilñetstse (here in the is a calque of Skt. tyāgavant- ‘generous’, lit. ‘provided with renouncing’.
n3Apparently māka lykarwa and ṣek-ṣek are the equivalent of the two Sanskrit complementary notions punar ‘again, renewed’ and abhyastam ‘accumulated by repeated practice’. There is a difference between the repetition of the same gift (i.e., making a choice of alms) and renewed generosity by giving different gifts (i.e., being prepared to give anything).
n6The form entsesse is either a mistake for entseṣṣe (a4, b1) or a possessive adjective with a different suffix in -tstse which underwent dissimilation of the affricate.

Parallel texts

*Mahākarmavibhaṅga §§ 37, 39, 44-47 (Lévi 1932: 69, 71, 75-77, 135, 136, 139-141)

Philological commentary

*The meter is 4 x 25 (5/5/8/7).
n2The second colon of 10d āklyisa añmantse has one syllable too many; therefore, one should restore vowel sandhi āklyis= āñmantse.
n4The last word of the third colon of 12c may be restored as pra(krauñecci) ‘provided with firmness’, i.e., “firmly characterized by avarice”.
n5At the end of 13b the restoration (cm)e(lane) as per Sieg 1938: 26 is not supported by the manuscript. One may venture the guess to restore (ṣ)e(k-ṣ)e(k).
n7Note the sandhi sak wärpnāträ for sakw wärpnāträ.


*Fragment PK AS 7E immediately precedes this one, PK AS 7G follows.



Lévi 1933: 89-90, 102-103; Sieg 1938: 24-28; Couvreur 1949: 76


Meunier 2013: a3 (175); Peyrot 2013b: b3 (657); Schmidt 1974: b5 (199), b6 (199)


Couvreur 1949

Couvreur, Walter. 1949. “Zur tocharischen Etymologie I.” Indogermanische Forschungen 60: 33–37.

Lévi 1932

Lévi, Sylvain. 1932. Mahākarmavibhaṅga (La grande classification des actes) et Karmavibhaṅgopadeśa (Discussion sur le Mahā Karmavibhaṅga). Paris: Leroux.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg 1938

Sieg, Emil. 1938. “Die Kutschischen Karmavibhaṅga-Texte der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 65: 1–54.