Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 6H; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 6H
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 6H". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānālaṅkāra
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Manuscript:Udānālaṅkāra PK AS 6 etc.
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.2 × 18 cm
Number of lines:7
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// [sa] wa rñ(·) po ṣa¯ ¯ñ śa mnaṃ (–) ¯[s] ///
a2/// [rw](·) lyñe [ṣṣ]e pa lska lla ññe [po] [l](·) ///
a3/// [i] ś(·) lm(·) ṣṣe ○ pa lska lyñe no ṣa¯ ¯ñ kl[ai] na (–) – – ///
a4/// (–) kla ṣlyeṃ¯ ¯ts tai ○ kne sa ñi ma [ske] ma ne [ṣ](·) m[ā] [n]i [:] – ///
a5/// [st]a¯ ¯k ma kte ○ au spa vi [ta] [rka] nta tsa [o] ///
a6/// [p](·) nta· mi yä st[s]i śco kau ṣe nta [n](·) [ai] ś· mñe : a ///
a7/// ṣṣa wa pro skai c[e]ṃ meṃ lkā ṣṣe ñca : ma kte ke ·[i] ///
b1/// – [p]l(·) k(·) wa skā [t]e [mā] rña [kte] tsa [w](·)(·) [cc](·) ra(·) [k]r(·) ///
b2/// (·)ṣ[e] cä mp[au] ne pa¯ ¯st yau ka¯ ¯ñ [y](·) [ñcai] [mai] yyā tstsai ///
b3/// – śai ṣṣe ke tpa ○ sa swe [ka] [k](·)ai (–) w·e ke – ///
b4/// kl[ā] te śu ddho ○ da neṃ la nta m[e] [l]· ·ta(·) s[ā] [kt]e [k]e ///
b5/// [ra] [au] s(·)a – ○ [n]ā te 8 [ḍi] – – [ne] [we] ///
b6/// [l]· śu ddho da neṃ [l]·[e] – – – – ///
b7/// na klai na wa – ¯[r] [pha] ///


a1/// …sa warñ(ai) po ṣañ śamnaṃ(t)s ///
a2/// …rw(ā)lyñeṣṣe palskalläññe po ///
a3/// iś(e)lm(e)ṣṣe palskalyñe no ṣañ klaina(ṃts) – – ///
a4/// (a)klaṣlyeṃts taiknesa ñi mäskemane ṣ(a)māni : – ///
a5/// (i)sta-k mäkte auspa vitarkanta(ṃ)ts{†ä} o… ///
a6/// p(o)ntä(ṃ) miyästsiśco kauṣenta n(o) aiś(a)mñe : a… ///
a7/// …ṣṣawa proskai ceṃmeṃ lkāṣṣeñca : mäkte ke·i ///
b1/// – pl·k· waskāte mār-ñ{a→ä}kte tsa w(ro)cc(e) rä(s)kr(e) ///
b2/// ·ṣe cämpau-ne päst yaukañ y(ne)ñcai maiyyātstsai ///
b3/// – śaiṣṣe ket ṣpä saswe ka k(l)ai(na) w·e ke – ///
b4/// klāte śuddhodaneṃ lantame(ṃ) l(ān)tä(ṃt)s ākteke ///
b5/// ra aus(p)anāte 8 ḍi(ṇḍim) newe ///
b6/// …l· śuddhodaneṃ l·e – – – – ///
b7/// …na klaina war pha… ///


a1... of all companions beginning with ...
a2... the thinking concerning (urging/comfort?) completely ...
a3... but the thinking concerning desire (of?) the own women ...
a4... for me the monks [are] becoming ... in the manner of pupil. ...
a5... suddenly; exactly like ... of the speculations ...
a6... but the knowledge [is] the killer in order to hurt all ...
a7... I did ... seeing the fear [triggered] by these ones; as the ...
b1... trembled. The lord Māra indeed ... the big, violent []
b2... I am able ... with (?) ... provided with strength, going away ...
b3... and the world of which, the master precisely ... the women ...
b4... was led from the king (of kings) Śuddhodana, ... marvellous[ly] ...
b5... truely he did ... 8. The sound of the dr(um) ...
b6... (king) Śuddhodana ...
b7... the women ...


Philological commentary

The meter is unclear, but seems to consists (at least partly) of seven-syllable cola.
n1There are only two roots known ending in -rw: wārwā- "to urge oneself" and tsārwā- "to be comforted", so that one can either restore (wa)rw(ā)lyñeṣṣe "pertaining to urging" or (tsa)rw(ā)lyñeṣṣe "pertaining to comforting".
n2ṣṣawa is no doubt the end of a Pt IV form.
n3yaukañ can hardly be a verbal form of yaukkā- "to use"; maybe this hapax is a causal of a noun yauk* or an adverb modifying yneñca "going".
n4The reading after the number is difficult, but the first akṣara quite clearly seems to be ‹ḍi›; since newe "roaring" is used with respect to the sound of drums in other passages, one may restore a form ḍiṇḍim from Skt. ḍiṇḍima- "a kind of drum; clamour".