Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 6D; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 6D; A 4
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 6D". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 05 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:DA 29
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānālaṅkāra
Passage:Cittavarga, 2.102c-107d
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:53436 (2x), 4545 (1x), 436 (1x)


Manuscript:Udānālaṅkāra PK AS 6 etc.
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.3 × 19.7 cm
Number of lines:7
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


lf60 7
a1la ñcu we : pū rpa¯ ¯t nano¯ ¯[k] ñi ya po yne n[e] sa lyñe (– – – –) ///
a2ya po¯ ¯y ai śi yā mtsi ma kte nau¯ ¯s̝ : na no mā ga tṣeṃ ypau (– –) ///
a3pya pyaiṃ stā na sā rmna ○ o ko nta e kṣa lyä ntsa km[e] nme (– – –) ///
a4ka re ce¯ ¯u 100 3 nano kśrā va sti ○ spe pū dñä kte je ta va(·) [ne] ma skī ta [r]a (– – – – – –)
a5(– – – – – –) re ñe¯ ¯m śrā va sti ne ○ brā hma ṇe ṣe yä [ks]a (·)e(·) pre ke : ///
a6we ñe ntaṃ¯ ¯ts we lyñe : kuce kca klyau ṣi tu¯ ¯k klye ñci tu(·) (·)e (–) [ki] (–) [ñ]i (–) ///
a7– [ma] s[k]«[e]» ta¯ ¯r [tu] meṃ su te pa ls(·)a (–) ya¯ ¯m ñi¯ ¯ś [g]au (– – – – –) ///
b1– lyñe : je ta v(·) [nn](·) śe¯ ¯m pū dñä k(·)[e] śca po yśy[a] [ks](·) (– – – – – –) ///
b2(–) ma i sta¯ ¯k pa¯ ¯st 100 5 vi pra tya nī ke we ñ(·) (– – –) [p](·)¯ ¯ñ (–) p(·) l· – (– – – – – – –)
b3(–) meṃ pū dñä kte ślo¯ ¯k wñā ○ ne¯ ¯ś mā kla ṅka lyñe [pr](·) (–) [n]ts(·) o la [ṅ](·) [ai] (– – – – – – – – – – –)
b4ce¯ ¯u pa lsko sa wa¯ ¯t ○ ai rṣai tsa ññe cce : mā ka [ykne] sa wa¯ ¯t [c]e (– – – – – – – – – – – –)
b5hma ṇe ta kā ne(·) śä rsā¯ ¯ñ ○ pa lsko gau ta mñe ta ka rṣka ññe (– –) ///
b6(– –) te no stmeṃ po yśi a kṣā ne¯ ¯s̝p pe lai kne : ma sa ṣe ske s (– – – – –) ///
b7(– –) kā rhā nte ślo ka nmaṃ [t]¯ (–) we ñā [w]o tpa t(·)i nta 100 [7] ///


102ca1n1 lañcuwe :
102dpūrpat näno-k ñi yapoyne ; nesalyñe (yāmtsi) – (100-2)
103a/// 12σ a2n2n3 yapoy ; aiśi yāmtsi mäkte nauṣ :
103bnano māgatṣeṃ ypau(nane) ; /// 13σ a3
103cpyapyaiṃ stāna sārmna okonta ; ekṣalyäntsa kmen-me – – –
103d/// 10σ a4n4n5 …kare ceu 100-3
104anäno-k śrāvasti spe pūdñäkte ; jetava(n)ne mäskītar{†ä} ; – – – – – –
104ba5n6(pipralīkasā)re ñem ; śrāvastine brāhmaṇe ; ṣeyä ksa (c)e(u) preke :
104c/// 13σ a6 weñentaṃts welyñe :
104dkuce kca klyauṣi tu-k klyeñci ; tu(nts)e (nā)ki (we)ñi (100-4)
105a/// 12σ a7n7mäsketär ; tumeṃ su te pals(k)a (:)
105byam ñiś gau(tamñe) (parktsi) – ; /// 11σ b1n8lyñe :
105cjetav(a)nn(e) śem pūdñäk(t)eśca ; poyśy aks(aṣṣeñcai) – – – –
105d/// 12σ b2 (śa)ma ista-k päst 100-5
106avipratyanīke weñ(ā-neś) ; (te) p(o)ñp(e)l(aikne) – ; – – – – – –
106bb3n9n10 (tu)meṃ pūdñäkte ślok wñā-neś ; klaṅkälyñe pr(akre)nts(a) ; olaṅ(k) ai(śalle) (tsa)
106c(kartse) (ākṣu) (kleśanmacce) b4n11 ceu ; palskosa wat airṣaitsäññecce :
106dmāka yknesa wat ce (krent) ; (reki) (keklyauṣormeṃ) (100-6)
107a(palska) (brā)b5hmaṇe takā =ne(ṃ) ; śärsā-ñ palsko gautamñe ; takarṣkäññe(mp=) (eṣe)
107b/// b6 ; (sälkā)te-n= ostmeṃ poyśi ; akṣā-ne ṣp pelaikne :
107cmasa ṣeske s(nai) (airṣaitsäññe) ; /// b7 (:)
107d(tā)k= ārhānte ślokanmaṃt(s) ; weñāw= otpat(t)inta 100-7


a1... [102c] Accept to make a stay again in my country! ...
a1+... in order to take care of the country, like before; [103a]
a2again in the lands of Magadha [103b] ...
a3flowers, trees, seeds, [and] fruits came to them [again] according to the seasons. [103c]
a3+... they (made) this ...
a4[103d] Again indeed the Buddha lord was staying near Śrāvastī in the Jetavana grove. [104a]
a5[The Buddha told a story to the assembly:] In Śrāvastī there was at that time a certain brahmin named Pipralīkasāra. [104b]
a5+... the speech of the speakers. [104c]
a6Whatever he heard that for sure he would doubt [and] he would (te)ll (bla)me about it. [104d] ...
a7... remains. Thereupon this one thought [as follows]: [105a]
a7+“I, I will go to (question) the Gau(tamid).” ... [105b]
b1He came to the Jetavana [grove] to the Buddha lord: “O Omniscient, O teach(er) ... [105c]
b1+(After having heard the brahmin, the Buddha lord) suddenly (arose from his seat).
b2[105d] The contradictor [= the brahmin] told him: “Tell (that)! (What is the) L(aw)? [106a] ...
b3Then the Buddha told him a stanza: [106b] “By someone whose fundament is contradiction, it is not easy to understand what has been well proclaimed, [= Uv 31.27a-b] by this spirit which is full of passions or largely full of anger.” [106c] [= Uv 31.27c-d]
b4After having heard this good saying, the brahmin (thought):
b5“For sure the Gautamid knew my inside thoughts with the help of his faith. [107a] ...
b5+The omniscient drew him out of the house
b6and revealed the Law to him. [107b] He [= the brahmin] went [away] alone without (anger). ... [107c]
b7(He becam)e an arhat. I have told the origins of the stanzas. [107d]


Parallel texts

Uv 31.27 (Bernhard 1965: 416)

Philological commentary

The metre is 21/21/18/13: a-b = 8/7/6 or 8/6/7 (mostly 5+3 + 4+3 + 6), c = 9/9 (4-5/4-5 or 7-7-4), d = 7/6 or 6/7.
n1The segmentation of the syllables before the end of the pāda remains uncertain. Based on the reading by Lévi, lañc has been interpreted as a verbal form followed by uwe ‘learned, smart’. Accordingly, lañc is registered by the handbooks as a subjunctive form of lä-n-t- with a 2. singular suffix pronoun lañ-c. But the connection with the following context, which contains a 2. plural imperative, is irrational. Therefore, one may conceive that the pāda ends with something like (śau)l añcuwe or (came)l añcuwe with añcuwe being an adjective matching the TA adverb āñc ‘below, inferior, down’. Be that as it may, it is relatively certain that this story illustrates the commentary of the stanza Uv 31.26, which is about the control of anger. Since in this story there is apparently a famine, no doubt caused by a drought, it can be attributed to the anger of nāgas (i.e., water spirits), who decided to abandon the country of Magadha. Most probably the Bodhisattva pacified them by telling this precise stanza causing them to come back.
n3At the end of the pāda 103a the colon aiśi yāmtsi mäkte nauṣ has seven syllables instead of the usual six. This does not mean, however, that this line is incorrect because the preceding colon could have six syllables.
n5One can see erased text below the present one from the beginning down to spe. The number 103 is still readable right in front of the schnurloch. Because of that one may assume that the scribe has corrected a previous incorrect line (either miscopied or a false redaction with respect to the meter).
n6In the commentary to the Udānavarga quoted by Rockhill 1883: 167, note 1 it is mentioned that the following stanza was told by the Buddha in order to convert the brahmin Pipralīkasāra. Later in line b2 he is referred to by the epithet Skt. vipratyanīka-, a reinforced variant of Skt. pratyanīka- ‘hostile, opposed, withstanding’. This epithet has been chosen because the Udānavarga stanza in question contains the form Skt. pratyanīkasāra- referring to a person resisting to the teaching of the Law. The story is based on the capacity of the Buddha to read minds and to know in advance the intention of his questioners.
n7In the second syllable of mäsketrä the vowel was originally written as ‹ī› as in the previous occurrence in a 4 and later corrected. The suggested restoration of the infinitive parktsi leaves us with one missing syllable. In any case, one may imagine that the original text had something like: “I will go in the presence of the Buddha and I will try to ask him questions in mind only.”
n10Skt. subhāṣitam (Uv 31.27b) is translated elsewhere by TB kartse weweñu, see, e.g., B 20 b 1 (= Uv 8.11a), but here it would not fit the meter. Therefore, kartse ākṣu seems possible.
n11The translator has used the conjunction wat twice in contrast to a single occurrence of Skt. in Uv 31.27d. Apart from metrical considerations, this repetition is probably used in order to ascertain the cohesion of the nominal clause.

Linguistic commentary

n2Due to metrical considerations, in the syntagma māgatṣeṃ ypaunane the adjective is masculine instead of feminine.
n4At the beginning of the line kare is certainly the end of a active preterite verb form followed by a demonstrative. Very tentatively one may restore a complete colon (lakle yai)kare ceu “they drove away this suffering”.
n8The allative pūdñäkteśca shows preservation of the final vowel , which is here written as -a as sometimes happens in the case of graphemes without fremdzeichen; such preservation in front of a colon boundary is not uncommon even in classical texts. All other allative forms in this text are written as showing simplification of the cluster common to classical texts. In addition, this in virāma position is written with non-fremdzeichen, which is actually also quite common for any final in virāma position in standard texts.
n9The Skt. compound pratyanīkasāra- ‘being hostile on principle’ has been literally translated by klaṅkälyñe-prakre ‘having doubt as fundament’; note that the second member is not the abstract prakrauñe ‘essence, substance’, which is used elsewhere to match Skt. sāra-, because of metrical requirements.



Lévi 1933: 76-77


Bernhard 1965

Bernhard, Franz. 1965. Udānavarga. Band I, Einleitung, Beschreibung der Handschriften, Textausgabe, Bibliographie. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Rockhill 1883

Rockhill, William Woodville. 1883. Udânavarga. A collection of verses from the Buddhist canon. Compiled by Dharmatrâta. Being the northern Buddhist version of Dhammapada. Translated from the Tibetan of the Bkah-hgyur. With notes and extracts from the commentary of Pradjnavârman. London: Trübner.