Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 17B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 17B
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault (editor translation); Theresa Illés (translation); Michaël Peyrot (translation). "PK AS 17B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault (editor translation); Theresa Illés (translation); Michaël Peyrot (translation)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M 497.2
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:4343 (4x); 43434 (4x)


Manuscript:Supriyanāṭaka PK AS 17
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):11.7 × 48.2 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.2 cm


a1[ṣ]·¯ ¯k ysa pe ta kā ne p[a] [spā]· t· [se] a nai śai : [p]· [p]· kk· s· [ś]ā – – – [m]ñ· nta· tsa t· n· [s]· – || t· n· ñ· k· [d]· [m]· – [p]· – – – – ññ· – –
a2yeṃ s̝a rpse ma ne su ne treṃ śwe s̝s̝aṃ || pa ñca mne || ka lṣa mñe ṣṣe nau mye ñī sū ste [p]r[ā] kre ā rttau ñī : cwī mai yya ne klye – [n]e [a] – [lka] ntaṃ¯ ¯ts ta· [n]· –
a3: ce¯ ¯u ka kulā tsi mā ta ○ – [¯]m sti nā s[k]e [m]ta¯ ¯r a ra¯ ¯ñcä [ṣ]a¯ ¯ñä : la kle ṣṣa na lykwa rwa ne mā cä· [p]· – ·s· n[e] ssi : 1 || tu meṃ –
a4mi tre bo dhi sa tve ku su ○ me[ṃ] bo dhi sa tveṃ [o](·) (·)s(·) [y]· cce pi lko sa lkā ske ma ne we s̝s̝aṃ || me ña meṃ ne || [mā] no mā (–) ā rttau sū
a5ka ruṃ ñe mtsa śau śa lle po sa śpā lmeṃ : – – – – po yśiṃ ñ[ai] po sa rwā re pyu tka s̝s̝aṃ e kī ta tstse : la kaṃ wno lmeṃ¯ ¯ts la kle [nta] śa ñca ṣ[ṣ]e –
a6·e – ·e – – r[a] ·[e] – [e] [ś]· – – – – – – śye ta rccaṃ – [kka] na la [k]·· – [n]· – – – – – – – – wä nta rwa cä ñca ro na ce¯ ¯u pre ke mā –
b1– – – – – – – – – – – – [ñ]mts· e· [ṣ]k· – – – [ś](·)¯ ¯l [n]· – – – – – – ·s· ·ū [w]·· ka la m· [k]· – – – kus· c· [ka] –
b2a ce pa lsko c[eṃ] [tsa] ṣe¯ ¯k sū au lā re m[ā] – – – – || tu meṃ s[t]·· n· ke ka mo rmeṃ su ppri yeṃ ntse nau mi ye nta swā sa s̝s̝a lñe ṣṣe wä nta re tū –
b3rso rmeṃ śu ddha vā sa ṣṣi ña· [t]· [ā] ly[au] [c]e ·e s·eṃ pre ke we saṃ ṣa¯ ¯ñä wṣe ñai śya tsi te ka ā rsko rmeṃ we ntsi ṣe pre ntse – – [t]· a ka
b4śa ntse ā nte • tu lye lya ·o rmeṃ kā mā [va] [ca] rṣṣ[i] ña kti ai ka reṃ i pre¯ ¯r ta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ ā lyau [ce] ·e – w· sa ñra no [ñ]· [ke] pre ke
b5ste ṣñā¯ ¯r i ke nta śya tsi [a] rā me ta ne ña ke wä nta re tu meṃ cai ña kt· o mpe¯ ¯k ne ksa nte || tu meṃ su pri [ye] – – – rtsi yai sa wa wā ·[au]
b6ṣa¯ ¯ñä ma ske lye i ke ś[y]a t(·)i au ntsa te śe m[ṣ]a¯ ¯ñä o (–) – – ka kā [c](·)o s̝a pa plā n(·)a¯ ¯s̝ pa lsko sa e [n]eṃ y[ai] [p](·) [r]m[eṃ] [ṣa] ñä ś[a] [m]· – –


a1ṣ(e)k ysape takā-ne paspā(r)t(au) se anaiśai : kk· śā – – – mñ(e)nta(ṃ)ts{†ä} t·n·s· – ॥ t(a)n(e) ñ(a)k(e) d·m· – – – – ññ· – – (supri)-
a2-yeṃ ṣärpsemane sunetreṃś weṣṣäṃpañcamne
1akälṣamñeṣṣe naumye ñī ste prākre ārttau ñī :
1bcwī maiyyane klye(ma)ne a(kā)lkäntaṃts ta(r)n(ene) a3n1 :
1cceu ka kulātsi ta(rka)m stināskemtär arañc ṣañ :
1dläkleṣṣana lykwarwane ; cä(m)p(em) (wes) ·s· nessi : 1 ॥
tumeṃ – –
a4mitre bodhisatve kusumeṃ bodhisatveṃ o(nt)s(o)y(ä)cce pilkosa lkāskemane weṣṣäṃmeñameṃne
1a no mā(ka) ārttau ; a5 karuṃ ñemtsa śauśalle ; posa śpālmeṃ :
1b– – – (lāṃs) poyśiṃñai ; pos= arwāre pyutkäṣṣäṃ ; ekītatstse :
1clakaṃ wnolmeṃts läklenta ; śäñcaṣṣea6n2 ·e·e ; – – ra ·e (:)
1deś· – – – – – ; – śyetärccaṃkkana ; läk(lenta)n(tso) (1)
2a– – – – – – – ; wäntarwa cäñcarona ; ceu preke (:)
2bb1 – – – – – – – ; – – – – – (ā)ñmts(a) ; e(ṃ)ṣk(etse) – (:)
2cś(au)l – – – – – ; – – – ·s· ·ū w(ar)kṣäl{†ä} ; – – (:)
2dkus(e) b2 ṣ{†ä} ce palsko ; ceṃtsa ṣek aulāre ; – – – (2) ॥
tumeṃ st(āṅk)n(e) kekamormeṃ suppriyeṃntse naumiyenta swāsäṣṣälñeṣṣe wäntare (kä)-
b3-rsormeṃ śuddhavāsäṣṣi ña(k)t(i) ālyauce(ś) (w)es(k)eṃ preke wesäṃ ṣañ wṣeñaiś yatsi te ka ārskormeṃ wentsi ṣe prentse – – aka-
b4-śäntse āntetu lyelya(k)ormeṃ kāmāvacarṣṣi ñakti aikareṃ iprer tatākaṣ ālyauce(ś) (w)e(skeṃ) w(e)säñ rano ñ(a)ke preke
b5ste ṣñār ikentaś yatsi arā-me tane ñake wäntare tumeṃ cai ñakt(i) ompe-k neksantetumeṃ supriye (ṣañ) (we)rtsiyaisa wawā(rp)au
b6ṣañ mäskelye ikeś yat(s)i auntsate śem ṣañ o(stuwane) kakāc(c)oṣ{†ä} paplān(t)aṣ palskosa eneṃ yaip(o)rmeṃ ṣañ{†ä} ś{a→ā}m(na) – –


a1He had always been close to him, behaving with care.
a1+... Then now ... pointing to Supriya says to Sunetra:
a2|| in [the tune] pañcam || “This one [is] a jewel of patience for me, [and he is] strongly approved of by me:
a3in his power standing on top of the wishes, we will not let this one become weak, [but] we will let our own heart[s] be silent. We will not be able to be [his] enemy (?) [even] in the occasions of the sufferings."
a3+Thereupon the Bodhisattva ...-mitra, looking at the Bodhisattva Kusuma with an insatiable gaze, says:
a4|| in [the tune] meñameṃ ||
a4+“Though not much praised, this what is named compassion [karuṇā] has to be proclaimed as the most excellent of all.
a5It realises the ... (work) of the Omniscient more readily and more helpfully than anything.
a5+[If] he sees the sufferings of the beings, ...
a6... of the sufferings. 1. ... pleasant things, not at that time.
b1... with his own self, even unto (that). The life ..., the energy ... [2c]
b1+Who ... this thought, through this one this companion will not ..."
b2+Thereupon, having arrived in the palace, and learned (lit. understood) about the matter of letting rain jewels by Supriya, the Śuddhavāsa gods say to each other:
b3“Now it is time for us to go to our own dwelling.”
b3+Having just finished saying this, in an instant the surface of the air ... .
b4Having seen this, the Kāmāvacara gods, the sky being empty, [say:]
b4+“for us also it is time to go each to his own place.”
b5For them the matter is finished here and now. Thereupon these gods disappeared over there.
b5+Thereupon Supriya, surrounded by his company, began to go to the place where he ought to stay
b6[and] he came to his own re(sidence). Having entered inside with glad and joyful mind, he (greets?/is greeted by?) his relatives ...


a2+This is a jewel of patience for me, [and it is] strongly honoured by me: in its power standing on top of the wishes.29 We will not let it become weak, [but] we will let our own heart[s] be silent. We will not be able to be …30 in the occasions of the sorrows. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 660)


Philological commentary

n1The metre here always has the subcolon division 4+3; therefore, the last colon in 1d has to be restored to cämpem + monosyllabic (wes is the most likely) and to a monosyllabic word beginning with s and ending with a single consonant making a ligatura with the nasal of nessi. A possibilty would be sān 'enemy'.
n2The word separation śyetärccaṃ – kkana is very uncertain. Since the subcolon division is consistently 4+3, -kkana maybe the end of a tri-syllabic word that can be the plural of a substantive or of an adjective connected with läklenta.
n3The mentioning of the leaving of all the gods recalls the commonplace dramaturgical indication at the end of an act or scene.


Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.