Work in progress

PK AS 16.3

Known as:PK AS 16.3; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 16.3
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 16.3". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 13 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Unknown
Expedition code:M 496.2
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Aggañña-Sutta
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:4343 (4x); 543 (4x); 665 (4x)


Preceding fragment:PK AS 16.2
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):11.2-13 × 47-50 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.2 cm


(continues from PK AS 16.2)

lf10 6
a1o m[p]a ls[k]o ññe nta e rsa nte • kā – (– –) [rū] pa dhā tu ṣṣa na kle [śa] [n]ma [po] yai ka re sa ly[ai] sa ra no ni ro¯ ¯t ne rvā ṇä ṣṣai rī nts[e] ka meṃ [i]
a2[s]pe k[cai] || (– – – – – – –) (·)(·)e (– –) sa(·) (·)[eṃ¯] [¯ts] kre ntau na sa o [ntso] ytte : ka rū nä ṣṣe tro ṅkau rcce pi¯ ¯ś cme la ṣṣeṃ ce c[cū] ko s̝a : tu meṃ
a3pa lsko [wa] (– – –) – – ○ na [w](·) nta rwa¯ ¯ś : kuta meṃ tā [k]o¯ ¯yä e mpa rkre yṣū [wa](·) [ka] ñe po [w]no lmeṃ¯ ¯[t]s (–) [||] [tu] [meṃ] ma¯ ¯nt cai ksa
a4e mpa rkre śa [ś]ā yo rmeṃ ni ○ k[ṣ]ā ttä rnta mu hū rttä nta śa [r]sā re • ho¯ ¯r vyā ka raṃ [s]aṃ [va] tsa ra jñāṃ [t]sa wa(·) (·)ai [śa] [s] (–) rma śā nmya re
a5ma¯ ¯nt cai ksa ve da nma śā nmya re o r(·)(·) [sts](·) [cä] mpa mñe cci ña kti a [n]u m[o] d(·) ta ya ma ṣṣa re me • tu meṃ s[ai] (–) o(·) (·)[ai] (– –) – ka lpā re cai
a6[w]a te sa kwa ṣai¯ ¯ś pa¯ ¯stä ka meṃ [o] stū wa y[ä] rpa rwa tsai kā nte o mte¯ ¯k pa pā ṣṣo rñe pa ṣṣā nte (·)(·)aṃ (–) [ṃ] ña na śa sta rma sa [ri] [t]a ya ma
b1y(·)[ṃ] || se kṣa tri ye nmeṃ o mpo sta[ṃ] (–) hma ñe ca me¯ ¯l klā wa i spe ka¯ ¯p || a rā ḍeṃ ne || kuse nau¯ (– –) (·)[ā] nte cau maṃ [t]ya kne brā h[m]aṃ ñe : e
b2ṣe tri wā re ka ttā kaṃ ñai we rtsyai mpa : [s]ke (–) nmeṃ ce naṃ¯ ¯ts ṣñī ke ts[ū] wa ai śa mñe : cai [tn]e ta kā re a m[o] (– – – – –) ¯m [:] [1] || o tto¯ ¯yä ma
b3hā saṃ ma teṃ lāṃ tstsa sa ○ ly(·)[ṃ] pā kri ta kā re • kṣa tri (–) (·)[r](·) hma ṇi • vai śyi • tū [n]o kuce ykne sa || ya¯ ¯l [y]l[aṃ] śke [n]e || snai ke¯ ¯ś e
b4mpa rkre tne [wno] (– –) (·)[ā] ○ re o¯ ¯t ai rpa cce śau l[n]e : [ñ]a kt(·) kau ca ṣyeṃ ṣke śā [mna] mpa sa¯ ¯k yā mtsi ke[ṃ] (·)(·)a [ko](·) [pye] ntra : śmoṃ ña
b5[kre] n[t]au na[ṃ] [t¯] (– – – – – –) – (– – – – –) ñ[e] : ñe mra po staṃ (·)e cai ma nta ke klyau ṣo¯ ¯s̝ ṣ[e]ṃ ma kte srū ka lñe : 1 || eṃ [ṣ]ke to¯ ¯t ṣe ylai
b6ñä [kt](·) [a] sā· ne la mo¯ ¯yä sa nai [l](·) (– –) (·)w[e] ma hā saṃ ma ti (–) nte (–) [pi] ya cä ññe lye wī ta¯ ¯r c[au] mpa ṣe sa wa ṣa mñe e ṅka ṣṣi ta¯ ¯r [tu]


(continues from PK AS 16.2)

a1ompalskoññenta ersantekā(madhātu-)rūpadhātuṣṣana kleśanma po yaikare salyaisa rano nirot-nervāṇäṣṣai rīntse kameṃ
a2spek cai ॥ – – – – – (॥)
1a(cämpamñ)e (bodhi)sa(tv)eṃts ; krentaunasa ontsoytte :
1bkarūnäṣṣe troṅk aurcce ; piś cmelaṣṣeṃ ceccūkoṣ{†ä} :
1ctumeṃ a3 palsko wa(rwānte) ; (po) (klyomña)na w(ä)ntarwaś :
1dkutameṃ tākoy emparkre ; yṣūwa(r)kañe po wnolmeṃts (:) (1) ॥
*tumeṃ mant cai ksa
a4emparkre śaśāyormeṃ nikṣāttärnta muhūrttänta śärsārehor vyākaraṃ saṃvatsarajñāṃtsa wa(rñ)ai śas(ta)rma śānmyare
a5mant cai ksa vedanma śānmyare or(ot)sts(e) cämpamñecci ñakti anumod(i)t{†ä} yamaṣṣare-metumeṃ sai(m) o(sk)ai (lamatsi) kälpāre cai
a6watesa kwaṣaiś päst kameṃ ostūwa yärparwa tsaikānte omte-k papāṣṣorñe paṣṣānte (gr)aṃ(tha)ṃñana śastarma sarit{†ä} yama¬
b1{ṣ}y(e)ṃse kṣatriyenmeṃ ompostäṃ (brā)hmañe camel klāwa ispek ṣäparāḍeṃne
1akuse nau(ṣ) (weñ)ānte ; cau maṃt yakne brāhmaṃñe :
1beb2ṣe triwāre ; kattākäṃñai wertsyaimpa :
1cske(ye)nmeṃ cenaṃts ; ṣñīke tsūwa aiśamñe :
1dcai tne takāre amo(kämpa) (palsko) (mai)m : 1 ॥
*ot toy ma¬
b3hāsaṃmateṃ lāṃtstsa säly(ai)ṃ pākri takārekṣatri (•) (b)r(ā)hmaṇivaiśyi no kuce yknesayal-ylaṃśkene
1asnai keś eb4mparkre tne ; wno(lmi) (klautk)āre ot ; airpäcce śaulne :
1bñakt(i) kaucaṣy eṃṣke ; śāmnampa sak yāmtsi ; keṃ(ts)a ko(r)pyenträ :
1cśmoṃña b5 krentaunaṃt(s) (po) ; – – – – – – ; – (yṣūwarka)ñe :
1dñem ra postaṃ(ñ)e cai ; manta keklyauṣoṣ ṣeṃ ; mäkte srūkalñe : 1 ॥
*eṃṣke tot ṣe ylai¬
b6ñäkt(e) asā(ṃ)ne lamoy sanai l(āntso) (yet)we mahāsaṃmati (lā)nte (e)piyacäññe lyewītär caumpa ṣesa waṣamñe eṅkaṣṣitär tu¬


(continues from PK AS 16.2)

a1they evoked the meditations ..., they made disappear all the passions of the world of desire and of the world of form;
a1+[and] also according to the right rule they went away to the city of cessation and of Nirvāṇa. – Besides these ones [also did the following]:
a2|| in [the metre] (...) || "The Bodhisattvas [have] an unquenchable (abilit)y concerning virtues, [they have] hidden the [beings of the] five births in the vast hole of compassion.
a2+Thereupon, they sti(mulate) the thought towards (all nob)le undertakings.
a3From where would, in large scale, the prosperity for all beings come from?" 1
a3+Thereupon, some of this kind having lived a long time, understood the constellations [and] the [astrological] moments;
a4they established the Śāstras, beginning with the science of the year, grammar, [and] horoscope;
a5some of this kind established the Vedas. The gods equipped with a great power gave them approbation. Thereupon, these came to (reside) in an house as [their] refuge:
a6they returned again to their village, they constructed houses [and] enclosures. Right there they observed [pious] observation,
a6+they recited the canonical Śāstras. ||
b1This race following the Kṣatriyas was called the Brahmanic [race]. – Besides, also: || in [the metre] A. || “Those that were at first ca(lled) thus [i.e. Brahmins], of this kind is the Brahmanic state [i.e. they define the Brahmanic state]. They intermingled with the society of householders.
b2From the efforts of those surely emerges [lit. adheres] the knowledge: (together with a)rt there were (the thinking) [and] (the reflec)tion.” 1 ||
b2+Now these rules were proclaimed under the king Mahāsaṃmata:
b3[There are] Kṣatriyas, Brahmins, [and] Vaiśyas. – But this in which way? || in [the metre] Y. ||
b3+"Without number, greatly, here the bein(gs turn)ed towards a life of tranquillity.
b4The gods from on high descended to earth into the company of men, in order to achieve well-being, the establishment of (all) virtues, ... (prosperi)ty.
b5These ones [= the gods] had not heard the ultimate name, namely death." 1
b5+Meanwhile, the god king [Indra] established himself on the throne,
b6he sent the first queen [being an] ornament to the king Mahāsaṃmata as [token of] remembrance; together he [Indra] made friendship with him. There(upon) ...


a5+Zum zweiten Mal kamen sie in das Dorf zurück, bildeten [sich] Behausungen [und] ... [und] übten ebendort Sittlichkeit. (Schmidt 1974: 405, 440)



*A complete leaf. PK AS 16.2 and PK AS 16.3 are two successive leaves.


Edition translation and commentary

Pinault 1989a: 149-220; Couvreur 1955: 113-114


Meunier 2013: a5 (158), a6 b1 (157); Peyrot 2013a: b5 b6 (251); Schmidt 1974: a5 a6 (405, 440)


Couvreur 1955

Couvreur, Walter. 1955. “Nieuwe Koetsjische fragmenten van de Bibliothèque Nationale te Parijs.” In Handelingen van het Eenentwintigste Vlaams Filologencongres, 110–16.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013a

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013a. “Review of: The Tocharian Verbal System.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 213–59.

Pinault 1989a

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1989a. “Une version koutchéenne de l’Aggañña-sutta.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 3: 149–220.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.