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Known as:PK AS 12C; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 12C
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner; Adrian Musitz (translation). "PK AS 12C". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkas12c (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner; Adrian Musitz (translation)


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:archaic

Text contents

Title of the work:Mahābhiniṣkramaṇa
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:M12; M14


Material: ink on paper


Images from gallica.bnf.fr by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1– ¯ī – ste mi si lla ññe sā || a· wa n· || kā lm· tā k· ·tu e – tk· – – ·r· – – – a – ·l· – – ·sk· – – –
a2– – – l· ·e – ·a m· d·a rntse to tte ññe e ka tkā tte se mā sru ka lñe yä nmā lle 1 || wa lo we s̝s̝aṃ • ta kuce ca kkra vā rt·i ///
a3/// dta rntse to tte ññe yä nmā skeṃ • a si te we s̝s̝aṃ • ta kuce ca kra vā rtti ññe ta ne pa kuta¯ ¯r
a4/// ne wä tkā ltsa ññe • bra hma ṇe we s̝s̝aṃ • nau s̝a ññeṃ rṣā keṃ¯ ¯ts po ñä śa sta
a5/// sśa sta rnmā a lai kne sa ma ske ntra • la kṣa na nta ntsa e pi ṅt· – –
a6/// vā rt·i n·ā nt· • ta ryā ka ·ī la kṣā ṇä nta tai k·e sā ka • ·e ///
b1/// – n· yä nm· sk· • p· lk· tu w· || pr· ś· nta hā· n· || ta ka ra n· –
b2/// sta ryā pa lle nta ṣṣe pi la kutse wñai ścme ñä ntse ma k·ā ntā sau tā –
b3/// kṣā nä ntā ntsa o ko yä nmaṃ • a si te we s̝s̝aṃ • pa klyau s̝a || pa ñcä mne || –
b4/// po o sta meṃ ltu we s̝a ma ntā kcā nau ṣśa rsā re spe lke sso ñcrā ne smā ne cai –
b5/// lyī pra ka rsau te ma nte mpreṃ tsā ka llaṃ klā wi śai ṣṣe ne 1 || po ñcā kte ke ma
b6ntä¯ ¯r – lo w· s̝s̝aṃ • ñe mklā w· ssu • o ro cce wa ki tsa ñ·e ne stmo s̝a wñā sta tu we • pa ñä kta ñ·e – ·i


a1(ko)ī (snai) stemi silläññesāa(r)wan(e)
1a lm(au) tāk· ·tu ; e(kä)tk(ātte) ; – ·r·
1b– – a·l· ; – – ·sk· – ; – – a2
1c(piś) (cme)l(aṣṣ)e(ntsä) ; (s)am(u)d(t)ärntse ; totteññe
1dekätkātte se ; srukalñe ; yänmālle 1
walo weṣṣäṃta kuce cakkravārt(t)i(ññe) ///
a3/// (samu)dtärntse totteññe yänmāskeṃasite weṣṣäṃta kuce cakravārttiññe täne päkutär
a4/// (śaiṣṣe)ne wätkāltsäññebrahmaṇe weṣṣäṃnauṣäññeṃ rṣākeṃts poñä śastä-
a5-(rnma) ///
1a(pklyauṣä)s śastärnmā ; alaiknesa ; mäskenträ
1blakṣanäntantsä ; epiṅt(e) – – a6 – – –
1c– – – – – ; – (cakkra)vārt(t)in(t)ānt(sä)
1dtäryāka (w)ī ; lakṣāṇänta ; taik(n)esākä
·e ·– ///
b1/// – yänm(ā)sk(eṃ)p(ā)lk(a) tuw(e)pr(a)ś(a)ntahā(r)n(e)
1atäka ran(o) – ; b2 – – – – – –
1b– – – – ; – – – – ; (a)stäryā
1cpällentäṣṣepi ; läkutsewñaiśc ; meñäntse
1dmäk(t)ān tāsau ; – b3 – – – – –
– – (la)kṣānäntāntsä oko yänmaṃasite weṣṣäṃpäklyauṣäpañcämne
1ab4 – – – – – – ; po ostämeṃ ; ltuweṣä
1bmantā kcā nauṣ ; śärsāre ; spelkessoñc ; nesmāne
1ccaib5 – – ; – – – ; – – – – ; (snai) lyīprä
1dkärsau te mänt ; empreṃtsā ; källaṃ klāwi ; śaiṣṣene 1
poñc ākteke mä(ske)-
b6-ntär (wa)lo w(e)ṣṣäṃñem-klāw(i)ssuorocce wakitsäñ(ñ)ene stmoṣä wñāsta tuwepäñäktäñ(ñ)e (klāw)i


a1... may... without support (?) through despondency. In the arwa*-tune: Why did he sit (?), not crossing....
a2This one, not crossing (over to) the other shore of the ocean of beings of five births, will not reach death. The king says: That Cakravartinhood...
a3... reach (pl.) the other shore of the ocean... Asita says: That he trusts Cakravartinhood...
a4... decisiveness in the world. The brahmin says:
a4+Tell of the śāstras of ancient sages...
a5Hear! (pl.) The śāstras are different.
a5+Amidst the signs...
a6... of Cakravartin-kings... The thiry two signs are this way.
b1... they reach... Look, you! In the praśantahār*-tune:
b1+Certainly also...
b2... pure... towards the light of the full moon, which (?) I will put...
b3... will obtain the fruit of signs... Asita says: Listen! In the pañcam*-tune:
b4... the wandering monks... did not now previously... being zealous.
b4+They... completely...
b5Knowing this truly, he will achieve fame in the world.
b5+They all are astonished.
b6The king says: Famous one, you have said "(they) remain in great distinction" (?). The fame of Buddhahood...


a3… he will obtain the fruit of the lakṣaṇas. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.; cf 280) (Peyrot 2013b: 673)
a5Thus having understood it for truth he will obtain fame in the world. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.; cf 280) (Peyrot 2013b: 300)


Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.